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Guard getting started guide for 40k 9th edition for newbies

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Firstly, welcome to the B&C! 

I closed my channel some time ago about the time the COPPA stuff was kicking off in Youtube land. 
I don't bother with 40K or warhammer stuff on Youtube very much these days.

However, I started watching you video, it seemed rather long.  
One Channel I used to really enjoy was Templars crusade 01, if I remember correctly. One thin he was doing that seemed to work was short 3 to 5 minute videos. very to the point.
That said I would look at the information you want to put into your video and divide it down into several smaller videos. Maybe 3 minutes isn't the sweet spot for the algorithm these days and I am sure your trying to find and hit that. You have to remember peoples attention span as well. 
This sin't to say don't do long videos but you may well benefit from doing both and can always edit along video down into several if you are inclined. 
You have to also see how dry the information is or might be and try not to overload a video with too much of that. Noobs will be excited about aspects of a thing, try to also hit on those kinds of points to maintain their attention. I don't mean click bate content but high points people are excited about. 
Make the videos you would have wanted to see and would have enjoyed watching. 
I for one don't like long battle reports or content that revolves more around the group of people playing that the game they are playing. 
Being easily approachable in material and easily watchable should gain you return viewers. 
I'm subbed to loads and loads of channels I don't even watch any more. Lack of time and lack of patience and interest.
Not trying to tell you your business, just some things to think about. 
This is actually a list of things I wish I had known back in about 09' or 10' when I launched my channel. 
Oh, and unfortunately you have to ask or remind people to like share and subscribe. I didn't do that for a long time and noticed a direct improvement after I started putting that in my intro and outro plates.  

Really hope this was helpful. 
I think once 9th rolls out in a month you'll find aspects related to AM you want to talk about, we all will. And once the codex drops you can review each data sheet. An Ork player on Youtube that's done that for content. But he's and ITC player so I don't really watch his content any more. Not having any interest in that.

Just a few ideas, you've probably already been thinking about that. 

Best of luck.

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