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are suppressors now obsolete?


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the firestrike turret is 90 points which is just 6 points more then a supressor squad. granted the supressors are more mobile but the firestrike is likely more long range and because it comes with a free techmarine that means it boosts cover of a building by -1 which is a huge huge deal making heavy cover now a -3 to hit, might as well ask some armies like eldar and admech to be shooting at broad sides of barns with those kinds of reductions. basically i guess im asking. that is 6 points and mobility that much of a loss when you consider how much better the firestrike could be this edition.


in addition to the above suppressors are stuck with their autocannons, which isnt a bad thing but its nice to have the option for twin icarus lascannons for a stricktly anti air weapon


apologies the units are now MORE then a firestrike costing 33pts a model which is kind of a lot 9pts more for only really getting mobiltiy doesnt seem very good

Edited by aura_enchanted
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From my limited experience with playing 9th, units with a greater degree of mobility and sufficient firepower to clear and grab objectives (and/or score secondaries) are key. Therefore, I wouldn't call Suppressors obsolete as they can play a key role in lists where the other units don't offer the same degree of mobility and firepower that the Suppressors do.

Edited by Dosjetka
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