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Ideas for objective markers


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So, with objetives now being 40mm in base and capturable from the edges, not the center, I find that this could lead to making some cool custom markers. You no longer need to stand ON them, so you can go crazy with design.


Who here could offer some suggestions or ideas on custom markets with a narrative twist?


Personally I have some light posts, communications equipment, weapon cases, barrels, and a ton of banners with which to try this, as we as plenty of Dark Angels iconography in the form of statues and the like.

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With the interactive nature of some of the objectives, tomb plates like you'd find on the Realm of Battle tiles would make a nice place to raise any banners.

Makeshift headstones with a helmet stuck on a Bolt Rifle could work as well, but as soon as you do any power siphoning there, it becomes kinda weird...


Overall though, I always love pieces of equipment like ammo crates or computers and there's very few of those around save for what's actually in objective marker boxes.

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Those all sound like great ideas.


Would you make yours flat, short, or tall? The games I’ve played recently have featured flags on bases and I’ve found it difficult to maneuver around them. I’ve been thinking of making some that are flat, maybe just an icon on top of the base, something I can drive a Rhino on top of.


Also, some way to distinguish which player claimed the objective. I’ve found it tough remembering that in missions that allow you to claim an objective and move away to the next.

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Well, one I idea could be to make a flat objectives of grey color, and then a second marker of two colors one on each side. If one side captures it, place the color, and if it gets takjen away, flip it.


But, for this ones I am planning on making some markers that are not flat, but decorated. Nothing TOO big or tall, so one can maneuver around them.

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I've never been a big fan of poker chips for objective markers, so this is what I did for some themed objective markers.

For my sisters of battle I built the "Virtues of the Imperium".

The idea was they were supposed to represent the propaganda view of the Imperium as opposed to the reality of the Imperium.

They are supposed to look like bronze statues on stone pedestal.

The base is made from a walgreens or CVS prescription bottle cap.

It is the one where one side is the child proof side, and you flip it over for the non-child proof side.

The top is the same size as the bottom edge of a 25 mm base and the bottom is same as the bottom edge of a 40 mm base.

For stability I put it on a 60 mm flat disk because the base is very light weight, and the models were some OOP metal models I had.

These were a bit easier on the wallet when characters were only $15 each, now that we are at $35 a model I completely understand if you think this idea is insane.


For my Ravenwing I decided to build equipment cashes using the battle field accessories set. HERE

You can see 2 of them in the bottom corners of this picture.

Real easy paint job and messy free hand Roman Numerals looks like they were tagged with spray paint.

The "tagging" also means you don't need to put dice next to them


Would you make yours flat, short, or tall?

Well as you can see I like my objectives to have some significance, like my guys are actually defending something. Yes they take up more space in my case than a short stack of quarters. Yes units have to run around them. And yes they are even tall enough that they block LOS so some small models can hide behind them. But it doesn't interfere with the game in my opinion because they are part of the battle field, like scatter terrain or other small bits of junk your units weave around while crossing the board. Cutter on the board is a good thing.

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This is my six objectives.

One Fallen, Deathwing Banner, Dark Angels Banner

Beacon, Ammo Depot, Power source

Brother, I absolutely love that idea! Would it be alright if I steal it? ;p
You’re welcome!

Definitely stealing some of those ideas. Just uhhh.... One quibble:


Using a Stasis Bomb as a power source is just asking for trouble :lol:

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This is my six objectives.

One Fallen, Deathwing Banner, Dark Angels Banner

Beacon, Ammo Depot, Power source

Brother, I absolutely love that idea! Would it be alright if I steal it? ;p
You’re welcome!
Definitely stealing some of those ideas. Just uhhh.... One quibble:


Using a Stasis Bomb as a power source is just asking for trouble :lol:


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Im planning on making the markers as carrying a number of things, reflecting the number of the marker itself.


So far I'm planning on:


Marker 1: One Dark Angels Banner, stuck on the ground

Marker 2: Two small statues

Marker 3: Three Ammo Crates

Marker 4: Four promethium barrels, stacked

Marker 5:

Marker 6: Six swords, stuck into the ground in a ceremonial circle


Im drawing a blank on objective 5. Not sure what to do with that one.

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