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DA Rolled Into Marines Codex


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I think it's a bit cheeky, especially after delaying rules like doctrines and locking them behind a paywall in PA. The SW one isn't really that old at this point.

Other than that part, I think it's bad for how they present things. They've been pushing the smurfs to a completely annoying degree, and that's probably not going to get better.

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The change affects everyone (except the Grey Knights, who can't be consolidated in this way).


There was a recent discussion about this concept here (I've linked to where I provided my thoughts).


There are advantages and disadvantages with being rolled into a single codex (I've long been an advocate of being rolled, though). The key advantages are:

  • Any change that affects [codex:] Space Marines automatically affects everyone - there's no more hoping/waiting for a FAQ for the other Chapters to get the nifty new units.
  • Much more flexibility - players of the other Chapters have access to all of the goodies.
  • Players that collect multiple Space Marine armies are that aren't sure which set of rules they'd like to use can experiment with the watered down rules in Codex: Space Marines (presumably there will be such rules for the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, and Space Wolves) to see if one of those Chapters appeals to them, then purchase the appropriate codex supplement when/if they commit to one.
The key disadvantages are:
  • You'll need multiple sets of rules to play the main Chapters, the codex and the codex supplement. This is an issue of both cost (you would need to purchase at least 3 digital codex supplements or 4 printed codex supplements to overcome the cost) and, for print versions, weight/space (you will need to carry both the codex and the codex supplement for the rules you are using).
  • Codex: Space Marines either gets bigger (and potentially more expensive) in order to cover the additional Chapters, or other stuff (lore) will be removed in order to preserve the space/weight/cost.
As long as the Chapter-specific units appear in the codex supplements, players shouldn't lose anything in terms of diversity. In principle, nothing needs to be lost - everything that is peculiar to the Dark Angels will simply appear in the codex supplement, preserving the Dark Angels/Unforgiven as we know them. GW could always decide to get rid of some units, but that's a decision they can make regardless, so it's not a factor here.


If you were to remove all of the pages in Codex: Dark Angels that basically duplicate material that is in Codex: Space Marines, you are left with a starting point for what a codex supplement might look like. There are sure to be some changes/additions, but I don't foresee much disappearing strictly as a result of this change.


Overall, I'm a fan of this change for all of the affected Chapters (though the Space Wolves and Deathwatch will be interesting).

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Questions about whether we can take Centurions, Thunderfire etc al. now arise.


I'm on the fence I think, I like the idea of it being easier with updates and new units etc but I'm worried we'll lose some of our individuality. I can't see any DA rules being in codex marines so hopefully the forthcoming supplements appear sharpish.

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Although I understand the reason behind this decision (why sell 1 book when you can sell 2) I have a very mixed feeling about it. It raises a whole lot of questions. How do I play my army when there is Codex SM and no Supplement: DA? From the fluff point of view, what happens to Deathwing and Ravenwing? Are they really now just a standart "Codex-compliant" companies? Also, are Deathwing and Ravenwing remain in the game?
I looked through one of the current supplements to C:SM - the Raven Guard one. DA Supplement should be way better than this...

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Although I understand the reason behind this decision (why sell 1 book when you can sell 2) I have a very mixed feeling about it. It raises a whole lot of questions. How do I play my army when there is Codex SM and no Supplement: DA? From the fluff point of view, what happens to Deathwing and Ravenwing? Are they really now just a standart "Codex-compliant" companies? Also, are Deathwing and Ravenwing remain in the game?

I looked through one of the current supplements to C:SM - the Raven Guard one. DA Supplement should be way better than this...

This is the issue with all 3 first founding chapters that had their own codex. So much to put into a supplement, they have to be bigger than the current ones.

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I started with codex Angels of Death and in 3rd edition we were supplement to codex SM

I have no problems with this cause i have two different chapters (DA and CF) so i always buy the SM codex too

I do tend to buy both. I have a BA firce too so this will probably even out if the supplements are cheaper than the old codexes.

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this could spell the death of company veterans, this makes me wonder if the future is not we have sternguard and vanguard like normal codex marines, as much as i wanted jump pack veterans this isnt how i wanted them at all.


picking up the thudnerfire and centurions is alright but does this just turn our termites and raven bikers into normal bikers? do they lose all their unique combinations. this jsut seems really awful from my point of view that now we may wind up sharing our nice stuff with them.


also does this mean we will get masters of the forge and chief librarians? this seems to me like a major issue that cant be ignored that would be an affront to our armies lore where we have big zeke and the master of the rock ya know.. hard wired into the rock itself.


also lul at the totally not a predator. that thing looks awful




the commander at the top looks like hes trying to tell you that your authority isnt recognized in fort kickass.. except this isnt fort kickass

Edited by aura_enchanted
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picking up the thudnerfire and centurions is alright but does this just turn our termites and raven bikers into normal bikers? do they lose all their unique combinations. this jsut seems really awful from my point of view that now we may wind up sharing our nice stuff with them.


also does this mean we will get masters of the forge and chief librarians? this seems to me like a major issue that cant be ignored that would be an affront to our armies lore where we have big zeke and the master of the rock ya know.. hard wired into the rock itself.


We don't know what units are going to get cut from the new codex, but as for keywords, expect the Dark Angel supplement to have a list of units that get DEATHWING and a list that get RAVENWING and a list that get INNER CIRCLE. The latter part is huge for successor chapters, but the Dark Angels proper will be restricted by their special characters. Whether one is allowed to hand wave Master of the Forge going to the next-in-line who is still active; who knows?


It seems like the core codex will have all the Chapter Tactics and let people build lists that are all Space Marines, but also if one wants to have multiple detachments from other chapters. If one wants to really delve into a single gene-line then the supplement is going to be needed.


So basically no new fluffy DA units ever like with Black Templars?


We have no way of knowing at this time. The Black Templars only had one actually special full unit (Crusader Squds) and it was ripe for abuse in many editions because of the way it mixed stat lines. It's an example of a unit that either works at a true skirmish level or needs a further level of abstraction. However, that's not to say GW won't kick it to the curb and instead used the extra development time after PA to fine tune exactly what they want out of the unit, design some Primaris BT special characters, and prep a full BT supplement.


I wasn't expecting any new Dark Angel full unit releases until the Primaris line had been out for a good 5-8 years, so it's not like this is putting a nail in any dreams I had in that regard.


picking up the thudnerfire and centurions is alright but does this just turn our termites and raven bikers into normal bikers? do they lose all their unique combinations. this jsut seems really awful from my point of view that now we may wind up sharing our nice stuff with them.


also does this mean we will get masters of the forge and chief librarians? this seems to me like a major issue that cant be ignored that would be an affront to our armies lore where we have big zeke and the master of the rock ya know.. hard wired into the rock itself.


We don't know what units are going to get cut from the new codex, but as for keywords, expect the Dark Angel supplement to have a list of units that get DEATHWING and a list that get RAVENWING and a list that get INNER CIRCLE. The latter part is huge for successor chapters, but the Dark Angels proper will be restricted by their special characters. Whether one is allowed to hand wave Master of the Forge going to the next-in-line who is still active; who knows?


It seems like the core codex will have all the Chapter Tactics and let people build lists that are all Space Marines, but also if one wants to have multiple detachments from other chapters (where the 

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Land Raider Crusader and champion were other BT only units before they got stolen and they've gotten nothing new since they were made part of SM codex. If DA become part of the SM codex they most likely won't get new Chapter specific units aside from maybe updated primaris named characters. Nobody absorbed into the codex gets new unique Chapter specific stuff. Edited by SinnerBeta
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