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DA Rolled Into Marines Codex


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Land Raider Crusader and champion were other BT only units before they got stolen and they've gotten nothing new since they were made part of SM codex. If DA become part of the SM codex they most likely won't get new Chapter specific units aside from maybe updated primaris named characters. Nobody absorbed into the codex gets new unique Chapter specific stuff.

Playing devil's advocate that would mean no new stuff for anyone who was outside of the marines codex in 8th bar Grey Knights.

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Land Raider Crusader and champion were other BT only units before they got stolen and they've gotten nothing new since they were made part of SM codex. If DA become part of the SM codex they most likely won't get new Chapter specific units aside from maybe updated primaris named characters. Nobody absorbed into the codex gets new unique Chapter specific stuff.


Meh. The Emperor's Champion wasn't BT unique and then it was, the Crusader was BT unique and then it wasn't. Strength 6 power weapons were DA unique and then they weren't. Mass teleporting Terminators was DA unique and then it wasn't. Rules change, units come and go. I acknowledge that for some these things are important. I sympathize, but personally don't care. I think the community that grows around a faction is healthiest when the growth is not spurred by game results or what GW deigns to release, but by an attachment to the core of what that faction represents or is. I find posts/conversations of someone's personal lore/army fluff, or painting a units with their captain's heraldry, or kitbash, or conversion to be the foundation a player base.

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Land Raider Crusader and champion were other BT only units before they got stolen and they've gotten nothing new since they were made part of SM codex. If DA become part of the SM codex they most likely won't get new Chapter specific units aside from maybe updated primaris named characters. Nobody absorbed into the codex gets new unique Chapter specific stuff.


Had a full list made somewhere but that not exactly true; BT Unique units we had at one point (characters aside)

EChampion (depending on opanion)

Crusader Squad

Crusader Bike Squad (Codex Armaggaeddon)

Durandal Dreadnought (White Dwarf Supplement)

Neophyte Ancient 


Our Assault Squads and Biker Squads were unique in that we could take power weapons. And while this did make the squad our Veteran Squads did not have Veteran Sargeants. Like there is likely a few more easy options you could mention or expand on, but we had 4-6 unique units + 3-5 unique characters. 

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Land Raider Crusader and champion were other BT only units before they got stolen and they've gotten nothing new since they were made part of SM codex. If DA become part of the SM codex they most likely won't get new Chapter specific units aside from maybe updated primaris named characters. Nobody absorbed into the codex gets new unique Chapter specific stuff.

Had a full list made somewhere but that not exactly true; BT Unique units we had at one point (characters aside)

EChampion (depending on opanion)

Crusader Squad

Crusader Bike Squad (Codex Armaggaeddon)

Durandal Dreadnought (White Dwarf Supplement)

Neophyte Ancient


Our Assault Squads and Biker Squads were unique in that we could take power weapons. And while this did make the squad our Veteran Squads did not have Veteran Sargeants. Like there is likely a few more easy options you could mention or expand on, but we had 4-6 unique units + 3-5 unique characters.

Neophyte ancient? Not familiar with this one. What's it from?

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While I get that 3rd edition is the natural reference for this.  I believe that we are in a far different place now than we were then.  Keep in mind that first there was Rogue Trader ,then 2nd edition.  Back then there were really only 4 distinct space marine chapters.  Vanilla, Wolves, Blood Angels, and Dark Angels.  even then the distinction between them was not huge.


There really was only one type of bikes that all shared.  one type of TDA that all shared.  one type of dreadnought that all shared, etc.....  It was just additional skills layed over the same equipment.  It was fairly easy to just do supplements on top of a main Marine book


Now thou, 6 additional editions later.  There are MANY distinct chapters with destinct equipment.  I doubt that all will now get Black and Deathwing Knights, Talonmasters, and Darkshrouds.


I do think this that this is a way to hold off on getting seperate DA, BA, SW, etc... for awhile.  But that's ok.  I think we will get them within a year.  I believe it is a way for them to buy time so that other races like Eldar, Orc's, Tau, can get some long needed attention, inbetween.

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Land Raider Crusader and champion were other BT only units before they got stolen and they've gotten nothing new since they were made part of SM codex. If DA become part of the SM codex they most likely won't get new Chapter specific units aside from maybe updated primaris named characters. Nobody absorbed into the codex gets new unique Chapter specific stuff.


Meh. The Emperor's Champion wasn't BT unique and then it was, the Crusader was BT unique and then it wasn't. Strength 6 power weapons were DA unique and then they weren't. Mass teleporting Terminators was DA unique and then it wasn't. Rules change, units come and go. I acknowledge that for some these things are important. I sympathize, but personally don't care. I think the community that grows around a faction is healthiest when the growth is not spurred by game results or what GW deigns to release, but by an attachment to the core of what that faction represents or is. I find posts/conversations of someone's personal lore/army fluff, or painting a units with their captain's heraldry, or kitbash, or conversion to be the foundation a player base.


Those and more were unique to them, units they got as a standalone codex. After being folded into the codex they've gotten nothing new. And so will likely all those folded into it now, just Primaris upgrade sprues. Having a separate codex was likely the last chance to be different and have soul, have our own units while other chapters had theirs. Maybe I'll get proven wrong, but I'm 99% sure I won't be. But enough of doomposting, this conversation won't go anywhere.

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While I get that 3rd edition is the natural reference for this.  I believe that we are in a far different place now than we were then.  Keep in mind that first there was Rogue Trader ,then 2nd edition.  Back then there were really only 4 distinct space marine chapters.  Vanilla, Wolves, Blood Angels, and Dark Angels.  even then the distinction between them was not huge.


There really was only one type of bikes that all shared.  one type of TDA that all shared.  one type of dreadnought that all shared, etc.....  It was just additional skills layed over the same equipment.  It was fairly easy to just do supplements on top of a main Marine book


Now thou, 6 additional editions later.  There are MANY distinct chapters with destinct equipment.  I doubt that all will now get Black and Deathwing Knights, Talonmasters, and Darkshrouds.


I do think this that this is a way to hold off on getting seperate DA, BA, SW, etc... for awhile.  But that's ok.  I think we will get them within a year.  I believe it is a way for them to buy time so that other races like Eldar, Orc's, Tau, can get some long needed attention, inbetween.

This has been a long-standing philosophical debate - just how different should the various Chapters be (from the norm, as represented by Codex: Space Marines)?


The 3rd edition rules started the trend of making Chapters truly divergent from the norm, though this practice was truly escalated in later editions. Even though the Index Astartes articles gave a lot of less popular Chapters distinctive rules, GW started reining things in for most Chapters after 3rd edition.


Many players really like "their" Chapter to be vastly divergent from the norm in terms of rules and units. Other players are satisfied with "their" Chapter being little more than a variation on a theme, with the distinctiveness portrayed in terms of the Chapter's background and personality. Everyone falls somewhere between those two extremes.


The interesting thing about codex supplements is that they allow for some level of variation, anywhere on that spectrum, really. There are ways to say that Chapter C cannot use units X, Y, and Z from the codex; or that they additionally have units M, N, and O. Some Chapters can be written as very distinctive from the norm, while others can be very close to the norm. The codex supplement construct doesn't inherently remove anyone's distinctiveness, though it certainly allows distinctiveness to be reduced by whatever degree GW feels is appropriate.


As an exercise, Dark Angels players should compare their current codex to that of the current Codex: Space Marines and remove everything that is duplicated. How much is left? What small bit could be included in the new Codex: Space Marines to give players a basic feel for the Chapter (without all of the distinctive goodies)? How much is left to form the backbone of a possible codex supplement, and how might things have to be phrased in order to support the transition? Is it possible for the Dark Angels to remain every bit as distinctive under the codex supplement construct as is supported by the codex construct?


My personal theory on the timing of the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, and Space Wolves codex supplements is that they should come shortly after Codex: Space Marines, most likely before the other codex supplements for that book. The current codex supplements for Codex: Space Marines (Imperial Fists, Salamanders, etc.) suffice for now and will carry those Chapters into 9th edition well enough, but the Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, and Space Wolves will need their codex supplements as early as possible in order for them to work with the new codex. With the codex supplement change being so significant and affecting the flagship faction, I expect that these will be among the first books released for the edition, alongside Codex: Necrons. The only things that might delay them are if GW plans on creating new units for them (not likely, except for special characters) or if there are other factions that are impacted in an even more meaningful way (we've seen some of the previewed models, but are those units ready for a codex?).


Ultimately, while GW could water these absorbed Chapters down through their shift to codex supplements, I don't foresee that happening this time around. I think that these Chapters will remain fairly close to their current incarnations. There are bound to be small changes (losses?) here and there, but the core distinctiveness will likely remain. We'll see things start to get watered down starting in 10th edition, hopefully after GW gets the Primaris range rounded out and we're not left with capability gaps.




A fair response to all of the above:

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Edited by Brother Tyler
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As an exercise, Dark Angels players should compare their current codex to that of the current Codex: Space Marines and remove everything that is duplicated. How much is left? What small bit could be included in the new Codex: Space Marines to give players a basic feel for the Chapter (without all of the distinctive goodies)? How much is left to form the backbone of a possible codex supplement, and how might things have to be phrased in order to support the transition? Is it possible for the Dark Angels to remain every bit as distinctive under the codex supplement construct as is supported by the codex construct?

Had just done so. Dark Angels have (both in codex and Ritual of the Damned) 28 units unique to them.

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You can't look at just the units, though. Look at the lore, the warlord traits, etc.


Moreover, after identifying the unique units, identify where those might replace similar units in the main codex and how GW would either rule those other units out or include them. Also, what changes might be imposed? For example, could the Dark Angels get their green bikers back? And what units in Codex: Space Marines might not be allowed for the Dark Angels.


Looking at unique units is only a start, barely scratching the surface of building the theoretical backbone.

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Land Raider Crusader and champion were other BT only units before they got stolen and they've gotten nothing new since they were made part of SM codex. If DA become part of the SM codex they most likely won't get new Chapter specific units aside from maybe updated primaris named characters. Nobody absorbed into the codex gets new unique Chapter specific stuff.

Had a full list made somewhere but that not exactly true; BT Unique units we had at one point (characters aside)

EChampion (depending on opanion)

Crusader Squad

Crusader Bike Squad (Codex Armaggaeddon)

Durandal Dreadnought (White Dwarf Supplement)

Neophyte Ancient


Our Assault Squads and Biker Squads were unique in that we could take power weapons. And while this did make the squad our Veteran Squads did not have Veteran Sargeants. Like there is likely a few more easy options you could mention or expand on, but we had 4-6 unique units + 3-5 unique characters.

Neophyte ancient? Not familiar with this one. What's it from?



Helbrecht's Command Squad could have 5 Neophytes and one of those could carry the Company Banner

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Land Raider Crusader and champion were other BT only units before they got stolen and they've gotten nothing new since they were made part of SM codex. If DA become part of the SM codex they most likely won't get new Chapter specific units aside from maybe updated primaris named characters. Nobody absorbed into the codex gets new unique Chapter specific stuff.

Had a full list made somewhere but that not exactly true; BT Unique units we had at one point (characters aside)

EChampion (depending on opanion)

Crusader Squad

Crusader Bike Squad (Codex Armaggaeddon)

Durandal Dreadnought (White Dwarf Supplement)

Neophyte Ancient


Our Assault Squads and Biker Squads were unique in that we could take power weapons. And while this did make the squad our Veteran Squads did not have Veteran Sargeants. Like there is likely a few more easy options you could mention or expand on, but we had 4-6 unique units + 3-5 unique characters.

Neophyte ancient? Not familiar with this one. What's it from?

Helbrecht's Command Squad could have 5 Neophytes and one of those could carry the Company Banner
Oh wow. I hadn't heard of this. That's a bit different from the norm. Wouldn't helbrecht's command squad be made up of sword brethren though and, therefore not subject to training neophytes? Edited by JimVandy85
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I just hope we get custom doctrines for our succesors. It's a neutral change for me

This is one I want to know.



I too want to see the Successors finally get some love. Some Warlord Traits, Relics and maybe variant Chapter Traits?


As a 20+ year collector of a DA successor, I am ok with this if it means bringing DA successors in line with other SM successor rules.


At the very least Dark Angel affiliated chapters will now have access to the successor chapter tactic rules and the chapter command stratagems (Chapter Master, Master of Sanctity, etc). If the new DA supplement is like the others then there will at least be a Special Wargear page from which successors can take relics without paying CP along with the C:SM relics. Here's the sticky wicket: I don't think the "Angels of [X]" are different enough to warrant their own sub-subfactions with bespoke options like the weirdness that happens with the sons of Dorn or how Flesh Tears exemplify a specific variant of the Sanguinius chapters.

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