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A few months ago I tried my hands at OSL for the first time on a kitbashed Primaris Emperors champion I made out of the Dark Imperium Box. Then I kitbashed a couple more to make a kill team and tried to improve my OSL on them.


Then Indominatus happens and my mad brain thinks its a good idea an entire army should be painted this way.


This is my decent into madness.





My first attempts at OSL. I realised I could go back and punch up the colours a bit and go brighter even on the ambient light so I revisited some of these minis.


I wanted to maintain the effect of being lit by moonlight and all other sources of light were from fire or other sources local to the model.




I pumped up the colours on the flamer, which I think really helped. So I revisited the Emperors Champion and the Ancient.




Not a great photo but best I can do right now.




Now the Indominatus Stuff begins.


This guy has a whopping 3 sources of light and it nearly broke me. He still needs a touch up here or there, the sword needs some serious love. This is also my first attempt at NMM. I honestly don't know how you guys get such smooth paint, I've tried flow improver, I've tried glaze and matt mediums and obviously just water and it just seems to drag and break up the paint. 




Honestly as soon as I saw the two chaplains in this box I knew exactly how I wanted them to look.

Next up.



The airbrush spray is mostly just a guide at this point. its probably going to get painted over significantly, I have never been able to use pre-shading effectively


I've had some primer issues with my Captain, I don't really know why he specifically has has this white halo on the primer as he was done at the exact same time as the previous two minis. It doesn't appear to have effected the smoothness of the primer so I am going to carry on and give him his base colour to see what happens. He may need to be stripped which will be a nightmare.



Apologies this will be a slow burn project as I have two other armies in the works that I consider higher priority so update will be slow.

Edited by jester_prince
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This guy has proven to be a real challenge, as only my second attempt at NMM (the first being the Judicar), its complicated more by having some really complex shapes with the added challenge of being OSL. Photos always make my paint jobs look worse then they are but I am for the most part, quite proud of this despite the difficulties. I can't see any way of doing OSL in this fashion without NMM.


Hopefully this succeeds in the effect I am aiming for and fits in with the previous Templars.


Though any advice on how to improve is always welcome.







Holy smokes buddy don't be hard on yourself these guys are insane! I love your guy with the skull and cleaver he is absolutely horrifying!


Wow thanks. He's so far the model I am happiest with, he captures the idea behind the army quite nicley.



These are amazing!


Glad you are painting up Indomitus in proper Black Templar colors


Crusading space marines come in other colours? So far as I am concerned, it could be no other way.



That Chaplain is especially nice

Thanks, I am really proud of him.



I've just started work on the captain. I think its surprisingly quick to knock out a model using this style of hard lighting. After all, your really only detailing 1/3rd of the model in most cases. The rest of the model is just a nearly black suggestion of colour that hardly needs more then a basic highlight. I am sure someone far better then me might go in and do the whole model in super crazy detail even in the shadows, but I've found this working at my base level just fine. I also like that it draws your gaze to the bits you do want people to focus on.

Time to add osl from the power weapons in a contrasting color! Can you pull it off?


That was the plan, though I have never been a huge fan of the ultra glowy power swords, so whatever I want it to be at-least half way subtle. I really like the energy crackle that GW painted their indominatus minis with but it may not be enough to make the lighting interesting.



Good call. Green or blue lightning, not to compete with the orange sources but compliment. Some white lightning with translucent color over top could do but osl is not my forte!

Possibly a halo aura on that capt?


It's hardly my forte either haha. I was tempted to do the halo but I suspect that might be too many sources of light and I'd lose the effect.


I did however get somewhere with the power sword, its not quite right but I think its heading in the right direction.


I am having a hard time of it tonight, the weather is muggy as hell and the paint is getting gloopy even on the wet pallet and I can't seem to get it right, especially the gold trim. I shall call it quits and have another bash at it when its less hot.








Edited by jester_prince

Well subtle went out the window with the shield... I am not sure so I will take a fresh look at it tomorrow. What do you guys/gals/genderless skitarii think? Keep it or take another bash at it? I think the rest of the model is all but complete.


Edit: I need to learn to take decent photos, the colours are all blown out.







Edited by jester_prince

Okay so I attempted to take some better photos. Have at it. 









The Gangs all here.





Any all advice, about painting or photography is welcome. I think I shall take a break from OSL for a while so this might be the last update for a while. I need to assemble more of the Indominatus box first anyway before I can add any more to their army.

Edited by jester_prince

These, while being a great example of a case study in source lighting, have a fantastic John Blanche Grim Dark aesthetic.

Well Done. 


Thats a real compliment, thanks. I have always loved the John Blanche Black Templar and Sister of battle artwork and they definitely played a massive inspiration to this army (is a handful of guys an army yet?). My intent is to perhaps get some sisters and some imperial agents to expand this army. But that's way down the road.

  • 3 weeks later...

Grats on taking the dive into a difficult technique and you're doing pretty good with it so far. I've been looking into OSL myself, and only really tried once before to a result I wasn't all that happy with but in my searching I found this video that is, imo, one of the best OSL tutorials out there and might help you get better with it. 



Grats on taking the dive into a difficult technique and you're doing pretty good with it so far. I've been looking into OSL myself, and only really tried once before to a result I wasn't all that happy with but in my searching I found this video that is, imo, one of the best OSL tutorials out there and might help you get better with it. 




Thanks, this was really informative. Applies well to skin and cloth well (unfortunately not alot of it on my guys) a little less appropriate for hard reflective surfaces like Armour plates, but there was some good takeaways from it.

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