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primaris squad size in Ravenwing


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We know there is Unforgiving primaris chapter.

We know primaris chaplain on bike is on the way.

We know primaris will have 3 new ''speeder''.

We don't know if we can take the new speeder in squad.

We know an ATV is comming soon.

We don't know if we can take the new ATV in squad.

We know at release, outrider are limited to 3 man squad.

We know there is a limit of 3 unit of the same type per armies.

We know DA will be a codex suplement and the SM dex will be release in october.

We don't know if outrider will be 3-6 in the SM codex.


Now, with all the above, if you want to build a ravenwing primaris company, what are the option.

Primaris Chaplain (HQ)

3 type of new speeder (fast attack?)

ATV (Fast attack?)

outrider (fast attack)


Now, if the outrider are limit to 3 bike per squad, we can only have 9 outrider in a primaris ravenwing armies.

Even if outrider can have 3-6, we are limited to 18.


Regardless of what is in the SM codex. I hope we get a ravenwing primaris datasheet in the DA suplement with the option to have 3-8 outrider + 1 ATV.

I also wish we get option to take multiple speeder as a single (fast attack?) choice.


I don't know how advance the DA supplement is at this point, but we need to still have the option to build a 2000 pts Ravenwing only armies in the future and with all the push from GW to squat firstborn, we need to have the option to be able to build as primaris ravenwing only if we want our chapter to continue in the future. Because, let be honest, DA ARE green marine, it's only the Deathwing and Ravenwing that make us ''divergent''


What squad size do you think will be best for ravenwing outrider and how many model are you trying to get from the outrider release?


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I will wait and see on primaris Ravenwing.


From what we've seen from marketing, Bladeguard veterans, Ancient and LT, along with Repulsors can be deathwing. So that has elites, HQs and some support elements.


However, from the main codex, there is only outriders, the ATV and the speeder variants, but no Lieutenant on bike, etc. So there are elements missing there, which is an interesting hole.

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