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Few weeks back I decided to clear my Primaris backlog and so did a couple of test models to see what I could come up with. Best one was a copy of the Legio Gryphonicus colours from Adeptus Titanicus, it's easy to paint and looks good. Added to that, I had some custom Howling Griffons transfers that were earmarked for a horrendously difficult and time consuming project (a Howling Griffons army) that I was clearly never going to start, let alone finish! So the griffon became the chapter symbol.

My backlog as it stands (not including the models here):

Captain with power fist

Multi-part Captain

Lieutenant Amulius

Lieutenant with Stalker Bolt Rifle (the 500th store opening one) - DONE!

All of Shadowspear (except the infiltrators and lieutenant, painted those as salamanders and then gave up on the project)

All of Indomitus - DONE!

5 Intercessors - DONE!

5 Hellblasters - DONE!

3 Aggressors

Redemptor Dreadnought - DONE!

Repulsor Executioner - Added Christmas 2020

Hopefully I'll be able to cross stuff off that list as I go :smile.: - Update, got new toys for christmas, so while the list has some models crossed off... it also has some things added :D

Got no name yet, I've been bandying around a few themes in my head, a couple that I've come up with so far have been Auric Sentinels and Golden Griffons, I'm not sure I like the alliteration so will probably steer clear of that. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to let me know!

Got a name! Ashen Griffons, they're grey which covers the ashen part and they've got griffons on their shoulderpads.

Started out with an Intercessor Sergeant, don't have a photo to hand but it was just a tester anyway. First completed unit was a squad of easy to build (LIE!) Aggressors:


Next up I did some easy to build Reivers (not a lie, these models rock)



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I then got the urge to spend a bit more time on something so grabbed the librarian from Conquest, spent waaaaaay longer on him than I originally intended but it's a great sculpt and I had fun painting it.





After that it was back to the troops! I'd decided early on that my maximum batch was going to be 5 models so I did a combat squad of intercessors.




The multi part models are so quick to paint in this scheme, heads and shoulderpads separate, prime the bodies black and the pads/helmets grey (gonna get some averland sunset soon), from there it's just a bit of airbrushing and colouring in the details!

After the Intercessors were done it was Indomitus day and there was no way on god's green earth I wasn't immediately painting the Chaplain model (it's SO COOL). Spent far too long on this guy, though it's probably the best model I have ever done, the face especially I'm super proud of.




And here's a complete army shot as of 31 December 2020, hopefully I'll be able to update the army shot as things progress.


Edited by blackbabyjesus

Finished off the assault intercessors this evening, really pleased with them, though the panel lining on the shoulder pads went a bit awry on a couple of them.




Thats one of the best looking indomitus chaplains I've seen so far, loving the osl from the bionic eye. The scheme is great and the corresponding name not only makes sense but makes for a more grimdark version of the wonderfully gaudy and super 90's HG's (which I'd love see brought back but would be a daunting task!)

Finished up the Bladeguard Lieutenant this evening, really happy with how it turned out, especially the gold on the shield which was a total experiment for me.



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