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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a little while, work and stuff.

Finished a Redemptor Dreadnought yesterday and tried out a new photography technique; focus stacking. It's allowed me to use my phone camera to create a photo of a model where the whole thing is in focus! Just takes a while, so not all the photos have had it done, only the first one.






Also, since it's the end of the year, I took the time to get a whole army shot, SUPER proud of these guys so far.


Good job on the Redemptor. Is the interred Marine actually named "Thwomp", or is it an ironic name given for what the Dreadnought does to his enemies, i.e., throwmp (thump, i.e., crash into and crush) them?


A friend I play counter-strike with uses the nickname Thwomp, I posted a WIP pic in our group chat and he said "you should call it Thwomp!", so I did :)

  • 1 month later...

Finished up the eliminators from Shadowspear a couple of days ago, not 100% happy with them but they ARE finished and it's another unit ticked off the backlog!





  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Finished up some hellblasters this week, someone testing positive for COVID19 at work gave me a super fun 10 day isolation, while I still had to work from home I saved 2 hours a day not commuting! But I would rather be able to go to the pub.





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