Sweetcurse Posted July 31, 2020 Share Posted July 31, 2020 Are multiple marine halves of Indomitus worth owning? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lemondish Posted July 31, 2020 Share Posted July 31, 2020 Are multiple marine halves of Indomitus worth owning? Assuming you mean for the same army, the real question is do you want multiples of the units included? The HQs could serve as some conversion fodder while the Outriders, Bladeguard, and Eradicators are simply better the more you lean into them. The Assault Intercessors could be good bases for normal Intercessors if you kit bash them. You'll definitely have a kind of samey looking force without kitbashes or conversions to liven up the duplicate poses. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575741 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Minsc Posted July 31, 2020 Share Posted July 31, 2020 (edited) I nearly went for two Indomitus-halves, but decided against it at the last second and stayed with one half:1 Indomitus Captain is enough, as I will never field two Captains with the same loadout. 1 Indomutis Lt. is enough for me, as I will never field two Lt's with the same loadout.1 Primaris Chaplain is enough for me, as I will never field two Chaplains to begin with.1 Bladeguard Ancient is more than enough, can't see myself ever fielding more than one.2 Judiciars was tempting, but would probably not be something I would field very often, so one is enough.1 squad of Eradicators is enough. They're to good at the moment for me to ever consider more than one squad (my meta is quite friendly). While an additional squad of Bladeguard Veterans was tempting, the nature of the models being snapfit mono-pose meant I'd have two identical (or near identical) 3-man squads, or even one 6-man squad with doublets if the squadsize goes up to 6+ in our next codex, and I don't want that. When Bladeguard Veterans get their own kit (which we know from leaks will happen) I will probably get one such box so I can field 6 Bladeguard Veterans without doublets.The Assault Intercessors where easy to change the poses on however, and the Outriders are bikers where similar poses wouldn't bother me that much, but ultimately I didn't feel that I really needed 20 Assault Intercessors nor 6 Outriders enough to warrant getting a second half.With that said, if you don't mind doublets of mono-pose models (or if you have good converting skills) and/or can see yourself fielding more than one of every HQ in the box, then I see nothing wrong with getting two boxes of Indomitus-marines. It's really good value. Edited July 31, 2020 by Minsc Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575753 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mandragola Posted July 31, 2020 Share Posted July 31, 2020 I agree that one is enough, perhaps unless you play White Scars. Even then, it probably makes sense to wait and buy the new elite set or wait for the models to be released separately. Eradicators are an interesting one. I think they'll be released as proper kits, probably with the heavy intercessors. But if you want them now then Indomitus is the only place to get them. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575756 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dracos Posted July 31, 2020 Share Posted July 31, 2020 I needed two sets of Eradicators. Finally a real Primaris infantry dedicated to tank and monster hunting. I have to find the bits but I’m turning the second set of Intercessors into Assault Bolter Intercessors. Not sure about anything else. Bladeguard are fighting my love for Aggressors as Outriders are doing the same with Inceptors Probably will look to trade away the Ancients and one each of the other HQs and Judiciar. Actually might kitbash the spare a Cpt and Lt into something unique. But other stuff will go. I got good trade value for the Necrons at an online store so definitely worth it for me. Jaipii 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575765 Share on other sites More sharing options...
chapter master 454 Posted July 31, 2020 Share Posted July 31, 2020 For the characters is can be considered questionable, really only the Judiciar is worth taking multiples of due to being a solid pain in the rear for any other melee army to handle while the others are only good as 1 of (though the lieutenants could be worth taking double of if their datasheet permits which I would think it will). As for the rest of it, any unit you take gets better the more you take it. 10 Assault Intercessors are annoying but not back-breaking while 20 could be seen a solid set-up and threat to any midfield attempts. Bladeguard Veterans are pretty fighty, but again only 3 isn't that scary but when there is a second squad it becomes much harder to ensure they don't get to do what they do. Same principle applies to both the bikes and eradicators. It is just a fact that taking 2 of a unit isn't just doubly powerful, it always seems to add more than that. Try it with a riptide, 1 is easy to handle but 2 suddenly becomes pretty difficult and 3 is nigh impossible. Certainly you aren't going to get much value from the characters, the Chaplain is a strict downgrade imo from the standard Primaris Chaplain (but nice to have a second version) and the Captain isn't exactly the most desired load-out. Ancients are Ancients...always gimmick all the time. Stand-out however as mentioned is the Judiciar and Lieutenants as the Lieutenants have coveted storm shields for an invulnerable save along with a not half bad pistol (along with packing the same sword as the captain. By all measure, they could be considered "Bladeguard Veteran Plus"). The Judiciar gets the benefit of also getting a good pistol but also a beastly sword to boot that makes him good against a lot of targets while also being hard to Alpha Strike out of the game by other melee units thanks to his Tempormortis being each fight phase, not just your own (so even on the charge he can actually make it possible to interrupt when normally you wouldn't be able to due to the opponent picking certain units first), and this aspect is 6" so even just having him not fight and be a sandbag for melee is also valuable I would feel. And Eradicators...I mean you want more than just 3...3 are easily merced by most armies. 6 however, have fun. Dracos 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575789 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vermintide Posted August 1, 2020 Share Posted August 1, 2020 Agreed with pretty much everyone else here, doubling up the HQs is effectively pointless, especially considering the list restrictions for 9th. I don't see the Bladeguard benefiting too much from doubling up, honestly. If you look at their rules it seems pretty clear that their intended use is something like the old-school command squads; running them without the Captain, Lieutenant and Ancient makes them considerably weaker because of the loss of buffs. In fact I don't know if I'd even consider them worth bringing on their own, compared to other options. Assault Intercessors are a matter of taste. Having more won't exactly hurt, but they are just troops with chainswords instead of bolters, nothing too exciting in of itself. The Outriders and Eradicators are another story though, those feel like tasty appetisers in single squads, while doubling up is the main course. You're probably better off waiting for a multi-part kit than feeding the eBay scalpers though. FinalCookie and Paulinus 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575810 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted August 1, 2020 Share Posted August 1, 2020 Unless you have something specifically in mind, not really. As a set it's nice, great characters and some nice models all around but the main problem is that bikes and assault marines will be all over ebay in a couple of months as the starter sets are broken down by sellers. I'm betting the Lieutenants will be as well. I got two sets but I wanted to have spares to convert and enough Necrons to warrant a second army. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575812 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paulinus Posted August 1, 2020 Share Posted August 1, 2020 I have two halves. For my Ultras. 1x set of bikes 5 man assault Intercessors just to have Lt. capt Chaplain Eradicators Judiciar For my Flesh Tearers 1 set of bikes 15 assault Intercessors 1 Lt Judiciar For my Deathwatch eradicators captain Ancient (only way to have an ancient at this time) Chaplain Not sure yet what I will assign the blade guard to. Maybe some to my ultras and the rest to the FT. Leaves me with one more ancient probably to convert or just paint him ultra So in my case two sets was worth it. Not so much if I was focusing on one army. One thing you could use two sets for is if you play combat patrol, small armies. Maybe wanting to double up on bikes or something. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575816 Share on other sites More sharing options...
BLACK BLŒ FLY Posted August 1, 2020 Share Posted August 1, 2020 I think double Bladeguard in an Impulsor is a strong loadout. FinalCookie and Dracos 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575858 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marshal Reinhard Posted August 1, 2020 Share Posted August 1, 2020 For the same marine army? It's overkill. If I want some expansion for some of the units later on, i'll get some of the inevitable multipart kits. Will give me nice pose variety too. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575876 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riddlesworth Posted August 1, 2020 Share Posted August 1, 2020 Not for doubling up on the characters. Doing up on the rest of the units? Absolutely, if you don't mind the monopose. But there are little things you can do - head swaps for example - to differentiate them. Its pretty much a given though that you get an eradicator/heavy intercessor kit and a bladeguard kit in October. Jts not that long to wait Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5575934 Share on other sites More sharing options...
jimbo1701 Posted August 1, 2020 Share Posted August 1, 2020 Personally I went for just one. Mainly as there is evidence multiparts will be coming for most if not all the squads in there so for variety of pose / different weapon loadouts I went for just one Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5576067 Share on other sites More sharing options...
macradam_hue Posted August 2, 2020 Share Posted August 2, 2020 I’m very interested in a melee bomb of Gravis Cpt, Judiciar, Lt, 2 x Bladeguard and an Ancient. So I have 2 boxes for that. 2 x Outriders and Eradicators will also be handy Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5576458 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest MistaGav Posted August 2, 2020 Share Posted August 2, 2020 I traded my Necron half for another space marine half so I have a pretty sizeable force now. I included everything bar duplicates on the characters so 1 Captain, 2 Lieutenants, 1 Chaplain, 1 Judiciar, 1 Ancient, 6 Bladeguard, 6 Eradicators, 6 Outriders and 20 Assault Intercessors. That'll keep me busy plenty until the kits come out and whatever else gets released. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5576599 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cap'm Heckus Posted August 3, 2020 Share Posted August 3, 2020 I still have a few of those ETB aggressors. I’m hoping they do a multi part eradicator kit that’ll have spare arms that I can slap on them Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5576795 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UtariOnzo Posted August 4, 2020 Share Posted August 4, 2020 I went with a single box as I don’t need/want multiples of the characters, but I did get an elite start box pre-preordered with my local hobbystore as the extra outrider squad and assault intercessors can come in handy. Plus the matts, necrons and other bits I can trade with a pal that’s just starting out in the hobby Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5577774 Share on other sites More sharing options...
GenerationTerrorist Posted August 6, 2020 Share Posted August 6, 2020 Bought a single box, and swapped the Necron half for the Marines. Doubtful that I will ever need a duplicate of the Characters (except, perhaps for the Judiciar) so they will be going on eBay, eventually. I will definitely be making use of the Assault Intercessors, the Eliminators and Outriders. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5578973 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Emurian Posted August 10, 2020 Share Posted August 10, 2020 Bought 3 Indomitus boxes myself. Was doubting between 2 or 3, then pulled the trigger on the 3rd one in case one of my group wanted the box and it would sell out. (As it did in 10 min).So I held on to the 3rd box, asked around, one of my mates needed a rulebook, the other wanted to trade his marines for my necrons.Sat down and thought about it, looked at the Lt model with stormshield and then opted to just turn 3 of these into squad captains so I end up with 15 bladeguards and 1 Lt rather then 12 and 4 lt.Bikes I was planning to have at least 15, got 12 from the boxes, spend 20E for another set on a dutch auction site. Mind you main reason I started with the hobby again is to build a display case. Playing is just a +, not a must.The only things I am scratching behind my ear with are the 4 chaplains and captains that I will have remaining. I abhor models with bare heads and have to come up with some headswaps, maybe I have some contacts to get some more chaplain helmets that would solve this issue.Already made some allocations in my head to which company who is gonna serve, 2nd company will receive 6 of the eradicators, 1st will get the other 6, the bladeguard vets. Bikes will go to 9th, assault intercessors will be spread over multiple companies with 2 of them being slotted in 2nd company. (Im still on the fence if I want any basic troops in my 1st company, they should have some regular marines but overall it feels that 40 slots (60 battle brothers) is way to few to slot in the things I want. I would also love GW to clarify if we get new terminators or not, its the only thing holding me back to get some terminators atm)So yah, for me its worth it, but I am not that interested to make every unit work in a certain list and much rather have options to vary. By the looks of it I will end up with 4 companies rather then the 1 company I planned at the start of the year. . . Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365607-multiple-indomitus/#findComment-5581668 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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