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1/35 scale vehicles in 40k

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I was thinking about adding something like a Leopard tank to make a medium or heavy tank to go with my infantry models and Russes (mostly looking for something that is significantly bigger than a Leman Russ), but I was wondering if anyone had experience with similar models, to get a sense of size.


I was looking into this variant for example:

The only dimension provide is the length, which I presume includes the barrel, but I was thinking that length it would be something like a baneblade. Have you seen similar models built? Are they particularly wide? From the pictures they seem to be reasonably wide in comparison to the typical proportions of GW stuff, but I have seen that some other historic tanks are very narrow compared to a Leman Russ or something similar.


As I am not exactly a player, more of a builder/converter, being direct proxies makes no big difference, but I wanted something wide and long for this particular use case (I made add some panthers or kingtigers for other stuff, german tanks were very nice :) ).


If you have any thoughts/experience on this it would be appreciated :)

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The idea is not for them to match the scale exactly, because GW's vehicles are somewhat heroic as well, with some features exaggerated.

From your calculations and some I did after some research, the Leopard 2 should be roughly the same length as a baneblade but a bit more narrow and shorter, but it is bigger enough than a leman russ, in order to look like a medium/heavy tank.


1/35 infantry is obviously not something I want, I have enough infantry to build as it is in 28mm scale :)
Enough infantry to have parts for tank commanders and gunners if needed.


I think I will order some when I return to Portugal and see how it goes, should be an interesting addition and the price is reasonable.

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If you want to use 1/35th, be prepared for some heavy chopping... unless you are going for super-heavies... then you'll need to expand the width at least (modern armour tends to be quite long and thin compared to GW's more square approach).


If you want proxy Leman Russ tanks, you could try the Meng World War Toon, King Tiger tank. They are practically spot on for size:






All I did was leave off some of the larger tools and change the weapons. The APC was built on the same chassis (lots of conversion) and counts as a Chimera.

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If you want to use 1/35th, be prepared for some heavy chopping... unless you are going for super-heavies... then you'll need to expand the width at least (modern armour tends to be quite long and thin compared to GW's more square approach).


If you want proxy Leman Russ tanks, you could try the Meng World War Toon, King Tiger tank. They are practically spot on for size:


All I did was leave off some of the larger tools and change the weapons. The APC was built on the same chassis (lots of conversion) and counts as a Chimera.

I was going more for super heavies, something along the lines of a baneblade in size, but I am not a player so it isn't a big issue if it isn't an exact match in size, but I had been thinking about adding some side armour and some turrets to compensate the fact they are more narrow.

Thanks for the suggestions :)

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If you want to use 1/35th, be prepared for some heavy chopping... unless you are going for super-heavies... then you'll need to expand the width at least (modern armour tends to be quite long and thin compared to GW's more square approach).


If you want proxy Leman Russ tanks, you could try the Meng World War Toon, King Tiger tank. They are practically spot on for size:


All I did was leave off some of the larger tools and change the weapons. The APC was built on the same chassis (lots of conversion) and counts as a Chimera.

I was going more for super heavies, something along the lines of a baneblade in size, but I am not a player so it isn't a big issue if it isn't an exact match in size, but I had been thinking about adding some side armour and some turrets to compensate the fact they are more narrow.

Thanks for the suggestions :smile.:



For Superheavies, I would recommend something like a 1/35th King Tiger tank or an E-100. Length wise, they are very similar to a Baneblade but need a little widening. It's easy to do... you just cut the top and bottom of the hull in half and fill the gap with plasticard :smile.: . I started a Superheavy using a 1/35th scale Panther and added about 20mm to the width... it isn't finished but it's a start :smile.: (Counts as Stormlord):



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@CaptainDangerous: That panzer II looks really nice, fits very well with the rest of your vehicles :smile.:


@Inso: Is that vehicle for your squats? It looks like it will turn out to be a really interesting vehicle concept, can't wait to see the final result :smile.:


It is... but I only showed it for size information :) . I don't want to derail this topic :) .

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It really depends on the base model. A 1/35 pz 3 might be about leman Russ size but a 1/35 king tiger will look like a super heavy (except most real world vehicles, especially moderns, will look much longer, narrower and lower than 40k vehicles).


It can work. I used a 1/35 elefant as a macharius vulcan and it is close on size. (About an inch longer and an inch narrower)



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I've played around with a lot of kits. 1/72 is absolutely to small. 1/35 can be really big when you look at tanks designed after WW2.


I used 1/35 scale M113s to upscale rhinos. They are close in size, just a little bit bigger. Enough to look like maybe 10 marines could fit without being so much bigger that the silohette is radically different.


I have some 1/35 m41 Walker Bulldogs for some Ork looted tanks. But they are really big. Like, the footprint of a landraider big.


I am also using Tamiya 1/35 scale M8 tanks. They are a bit more reasonable in size.

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