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What to get after Indomitus?


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Hello all,


I split the Indomitus box with a buddy and took the marine half.  I also inherited his Blood Angel Lt, Primaris Captain, 5 Intercessors that are being stripped now, and got another 5 ETB Inercessor squad off eBay.  I decided to stop buying before going overboard with purchases.


I have decided to go Blood Angels because assault is my favorite part of the game, and after turn 3 they seem to excel at it.  I'm starting to read through the codex and PA books now to get familiar with the rules, and lore. So any suggestions for novels is also welcome.


Curious as to what you all think would be good units to add to round that 1100-ish points up to 2000, and I'm also trying to keep it Primaris focused.




Edited by 40kChris
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recommend reading "Dante", "Devastation of Baal" and "Darkness in the Blood" if you can get all three. The mephiston books are decent reads too.


The main thing you'll probably want to do is get a few more intercessors (to make 10) and some transports i'd think. But yeah you're probably sensible to wait till you've made progress on the other new toys first

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recommend reading "Dante", "Devastation of Baal" and "Darkness in the Blood" if you can get all three. The mephiston books are decent reads too.


The main thing you'll probably want to do is get a few more intercessors (to make 10) and some transports i'd think. But yeah you're probably sensible to wait till you've made progress on the other new toys first

Thanks for the reading suggestions!


There are the 5 being stripped now, so with the other 5 that's 10.  A few Impulsors? Or go with a Repulsor for the capacity, and added anti-tank?

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Repulsors are expensive (in points) but have a lot of guns. They sit somewhere between a tank and a transport. Because they are expensive and shooty, they tend to be priority targets for the enemy. For this reason, it is best to use them to transport cheap Troop units like Intercessors.


Impulsors are tougher for their points (if you buy the Shield Dome) but less shooty. So they are best used to transport valuable units like Blade Guard and characters.

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The new Mephiston model is glorious and a strong character on the table.


The Dark Imperium set gives you a good selection of models at a relatively low cost if you can find anyone selling it at discount, even more so if you can sell the Death Guard portion. It's a pity the rulebook is out of date now as it loses sale value but the set does give you a bunch more Intercessors, Hellblasters, Inceptors and a few characters. Depending on price it's still a good buy.


Redemptor Dreadnoughts are good looking models and get stronger in 9th with no penalty to hit when moving.


The Vanguard Start Collecting set is good value for the units inside. Infiltrators/Incursors give you a different tactical option to Intercessors for using troops and can combine nicely with the characters in the box, while the Suppressors give you a bit of speedy firepower. The new snipery thingies give an extra option for taking out characters.


For the old marines it's hard to say. There are plenty of units that are still effective - even more so if the rumoured extra wound is true - but since Primaris appeared there's been the shadow hanging over them. Will they still be here 2 years from now or relegated to Legends? It's been 3 years since 8th arrived and they're still here, and they will most likely be here for the next 3. After that, who knows? You could opt not to get any and wait for Primaris versions of our special units, only to find they don't make any and we still use the regular models for the next 6 years. You could buy existing Death Company or Sanguinary Guard and then find that 8 months from now they get Primaris kits.


Focusing on Primaris first makes sense given the uncertainty. By the time you've painted up Primaris models you own now (or add) you can then decide on older stuff.


What I would say is that while Primaris are great for troops, now have strong Bikers and have Dread / Vehicle options, their main weakness is the lack of jump pack melee units that can pack a real punch (something we currently rely on Death Company, Sanguinary Guard or Vanguard Veterans for). I do expect Primaris options for some of that before too long, but the way they've been doing kits we might just get a flying version of assault intercessors with chainswords.

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Death company.   you definitely need death company and/or some sanguinary guard.   


Both are punchy and staples to a blood angel list.    I would certainly do those before the repulsor (I do love my repulsor, but it is only in some of my lists.   Death company or sanguinary guard are in every one of my lists)


I personally doubt that GW will be making primaris versions of these any time soon (maybe the death company, but certainly not the sangunary guard)

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I’d say another big thing will be the new Codex in October. If we get a supplement around the same time (which we should), that could have a big impact on how effective units are. There might be a bunch of changes to weapon stats - we already have an idea that some are coming.


Sanguinary Guard do have the advantage that their models are relatively new and already closer scaled to Primaris, they certainly don’t look out of place.


The safest approach is to paint the Indomitus set, add a couple more Primaris units after if you paint them quickly and then see what the new Codex looks like in terms of changes.

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I’d say another big thing will be the new Codex in October. If we get a supplement around the same time (which we should), that could have a big impact on how effective units are. There might be a bunch of changes to weapon stats - we already have an idea that some are coming.


Sanguinary Guard do have the advantage that their models are relatively new and already closer scaled to Primaris, they certainly don’t look out of place.


The safest approach is to paint the Indomitus set, add a couple more Primaris units after if you paint them quickly and then see what the new Codex looks like in terms of changes.

Yeah... I had a small freak out after they unveiled the new codices trailer since I had pretty much just gotten my box with the BA codex, Blood of Baal, and both upgrade sprues. :rolleyes: 


I'm topping off my paint supplies now, the last should arrive soon-ish, and I almost have my techniques nailed down on some practice models.  Once the shoulder insignias get here and they get attached I'll prime them up, get to painting, hang out here, and maybe post some things as well!


Thanks for all the replies everyone.  I really appreciate everyone's input since SM are a lot to think about for a newbie.

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