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It's certainly a knee jerk one if you ask me. I think they could've just specified units that can't do it rather than this blanket approach. That being said I guess you'll have to use the flyers, unless we go with rhino's or something in a multi-wing list. It really feels at times that GW doesn't like our mono-wing options.

If you view Sammael as the most UBER smash Captain ever rather than a Landspeeder vehicle this just really takes away an unfair advantage... Custodes Shield Captains are in the same... I was going to say boat but Jetbike seems more appropriate!


And TMs and Sammael should be in the centre of an aura buff for units of 3 or more anyway?


Just a thought!

I think it's mainly because people were blocking with land raiders to avoid targetting named HQ's. This does suck for dreadnaughts but I think that it's not significant enough that I care.


I hope they make this propogate to monsters too in order to prevent people using chaos greater demons to shield special characters like demon princes or bel akor

With the new FAQ, How do you plan to protect your Character.


Vehicule with less than 10 wound can't protect Character anymore. This mean you can't use a Land speeder or a Dreadnought to save a character from be targeted.



for ref. new FAQ


The FAQ says "... friendly Vehicle or Monster unit with a wounds characteristic of 10 or more..."


The rule uses the word unit and not the word model.

I'm sure the word unit in that first part is referencing both Monster and Vehicle, and not just Monster.

I'm also sure that they are taking about the unit as a whole having 10 wounds or more, and not the individual models within the unit, at which point they would have used the word model.

And I'm pretty sure that they are referencing starting wounds, as opposed to remaining wounds, because remaining wounds would create a weird interaction with imperial Knights where half way through their second tier they stop blocking the 2 HQ units from the Loyal 32.


So that would mean that as long as 2 speeders remain in your squadron you block for Talonmaster and Sableclaw.

But once you are down to 1 speeder left in that squadron, it no longer screens characters.

The Ravenwing Land Speeder unit is an interesting one.


speeder are vehicule with less than 10 wound but can be taken in unit of 1-5 for DA.

At first i was thinking it will take 3 speeder left to protect but after reading your comment, i look back at the rules and your interpretation is working.


This will probably need another FAQ


The thing i don't like about the new Look Out Sir rules is you can have 5 unit of 2 model around a character and it can be target, but a single 3 man guard/cultist unit can protect a character from be targeted. It will be alot better if it was Wound base or model base, when you think about big individual unit like attack bike (4W) and the new ATV (8W) not able to protect a character on foot, it just feel wrong.


Changing ... within 3" of any other friendly units that have 3 or more models...

to ... within 3" of 3 or more friendly models (excluding character)... will be alot better.

Edited by solarisqc

Just... take your land speeders in larger units?


They need to draw the line somewhere, and this is one of the better iterations of character targeting rules.


40k is ultimately a game, and not a perfect simulation of warfare. Thankfully

Let's parse out the wording:


Cannot shoot at an enemy Character with 9 or less wounds while it is within 3" of a friendly unit (Monster or Vehicle with 10 or more wounds, or a unit of 3+ models) unless it is the closest target.



I don't agree with VH's interpretation. I think it's pretty clear that characters can be protected by a single Monster or Vehicle with 10 or more wounds, or a unit with more than 2 models. The nature of the unit was not specified. So, a unit of 3 Landspeeders or Attack Bikes can screen for a character. Less than that, the characters are valid targets.

GM Raziel,


That was my initial thought, 3+ speeders. However what you quoted is not how the rule is written in my BRB.


The second part of the rule discussing 3+ model units says “any other unit with 3+ models.”


I interpreted other in that context to mean not monsters or vehicles. Which is why I agree with you about attack bikes, just not about units with the vehicle keyword.


Please check the official wording and let me know if that is how you would read it.

Okay, this is copy-pasted from the FAQ on the Warhammer-Community site.



Page 219 – Look Out, Sir
Change this rule to read:

Models cannot target a unit that contains any Character models
with a Wounds characteristic of 9 or less with a ranged weapon
while that Character unit is within 3" of any of the following:

• A friendly unit that contains 1 or more Vehicle or Monster
models with a wounds characteristic of 10 or more.

• A friendly non-Character unit that contains 1 or more
Vehicle or Monster models.

• A friendly non-Character unit that contains 3 or
more models.


In all cases, if that Character unit is both visible to the firing
model and it is the closest enemy unit to the firing model, it
can be targeted normally. When determining if that Character
unit is the closest enemy unit to the firing model, ignore other
enemy units that contain any Character models with a Wounds
characteristics of 9 or less.

Cannot shoot at an enemy Character with 9 or
less wounds while it is within 3" of a friendly unit
that contains 1 Monster, 1 Vehicle or 3+ other
models (excluding Character models with 9 or less
wounds) unless it is the closest target.



It looks like any vehicle or monster regardless of wounds can screen for a 9- wounds character.  It also looks as if a Character that is either a Monster or Vehicle can screen for a 9- wound character. So Magnus could screen for Ahriman. That's how it reads to me, anyway.

Okay, this is copy-pasted from the FAQ on the Warhammer-Community site.



Page 219 – Look Out, Sir

Change this rule to read:

Models cannot target a unit that contains any Character models

with a Wounds characteristic of 9 or less with a ranged weapon

while that Character unit is within 3" of any of the following:

• A friendly unit that contains 1 or more Vehicle or Monster

models with a wounds characteristic of 10 or more.

• A friendly non-Character unit that contains 1 or more

Vehicle or Monster models.

• A friendly non-Character unit that contains 3 or

more models.


In all cases, if that Character unit is both visible to the firing

model and it is the closest enemy unit to the firing model, it

can be targeted normally. When determining if that Character

unit is the closest enemy unit to the firing model, ignore other

enemy units that contain any Character models with a Wounds

characteristics of 9 or less.

Cannot shoot at an enemy Character with 9 or

less wounds while it is within 3" of a friendly unit

that contains 1 Monster, 1 Vehicle or 3+ other

models (excluding Character models with 9 or less

wounds) unless it is the closest target.



It looks like any vehicle or monster regardless of wounds can screen for a 9- wounds character.  It also looks as if a Character that is either a Monster or Vehicle can screen for a 9- wound character. So Magnus could screen for Ahriman. That's how it reads to me, anyway.


That's how it appears to read, but Ahriman still has daddy issues, can't/won't shield his pops so Magnus  can be targeted!

Sweet, I like the change.



It looks like any vehicle or monster regardless of wounds can screen for a 9- wounds character.  It also looks as if a Character that is either a Monster or Vehicle can screen for a 9- wound character. So Magnus could screen for Ahriman. That's how it reads to me, anyway.


That is how I'm reading it.  Magnus and Knight Commander Pask can both block 9 wound characters.  But Ahriman and Guliman can not.

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