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Welcome Lord [redacted]…
Uplinking to Inquisitional Persona Databank…
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Enved Von Flaskk

Interviews selected…
Character references…
The Account of Jonas The Fish
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Jonas The Fish

Jonas: Well, think on it then a while why don’t you? A Knight Household High King? A proud man, no? And to lose as much of his House as he did in that damned crusade for the Ecclesiarchy...


Jonas: Oh, yes they did. They did so. Bleed they had. Threescore. And they were a small lot to begin with. And how could they maintain what chassis had survived when the entirety of their Sacristans, the Von Feys, refused repair?


Jonas: Aye, now you’re asking the right questions. It all started when Lord Von Flaskk sundered their oath to the Mechanicus and put their lot in with the Imperium. Now, they say this switch of allegiance was on account of the High King having some vision of the Emperor. Well, how do you think this sat with his Sacristans?


Jonas: Von Flaskk pleaded for aid from the Ecclesiarchy is what he did. And you know what they said? Pray.


Jonas: Not entirely. To win back their Sacristans and their arcane secrets, Von Flaskk was forced to annul his marriage, execute his heirs and marry one of the Sacristans of the Von Fey— now, mostly machine, mind you. Mostly.


Jonas: Having forsaken Mars prior, they declared Freeblade. As a Household, mind you. Withdrew from the crusade. And Von Flaskk? He forsook his own oaths to the church. That is when he meet Seesus, rest his soul.


Trina Von Fey, Sacristan of the Von Fey Freeblades, Queen to Half-King Von Flaskk





I’ve decided to start fleshing out some of the side characters in my IA: The Omega Hounds thread, so without further ado…

Welcome to my new INQ thread!

This will be a space intended to explore some of my home brew Inquisitor, Von Flaskk, his history, and his retinue. Some of you might remember his earlier iteration of a few years ago:


Trina Von Fey has definitely had some upgrades since her debut.

Next up will be the heavy hitter of the retinue, Blue Thunder, Oxgryn Slave and Bodyguard.
Edited by KBA
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And he returns with thunderous force. Welcome back, KBA -- it's been a long time since I've seen a post from you, and the forums have been lessened without your presence. The lady sacristan is majestic -- I really have no other words to describe her save those. Just a stunning little Inq28 conversion.

(I know you've been back a bit, but I've been relatively inactive myself, so apologies if we've just been as ships passing for the past few years.)

Your female Sacristan is well-modeled. Will you paint her face a flesh tone (living skin), pure white (ceramic mask), silver or gold (metal mask)?


Interesting choices! Thanks for the ideas, Bjorn. I hadn’t considered doing anything but flesh tone, but those ideas sound incredibly grimdark.


Love this model. Looking forward to more.


Thank you for the feedback. More in a minute!


And he returns with thunderous force. Welcome back, KBA -- it's been a long time since I've seen a post from you, and the forums have been lessened without your presence. The lady sacristan is majestic -- I really have no other words to describe her save those. Just a stunning little Inq28 conversion.

(I know you've been back a bit, but I've been relatively inactive myself, so apologies if we've just been as ships passing for the past few years.)


Soldier of Dorn! It’s been forever, friend. You’re going to make me blush lol. Thank you for the feedback. I’ve been MIA for a couple years, but the Indomitus box got me back in the game— been doing more primaris conversions in my WIP Omega Hounds thread lately, but other and that, pretty quiet. Great to see you posting again :)

Edited by KBA


Inquisitorial Obituaries selected…


Searching Inquiry…

DIS Seesus Waides


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Inquisitor Seesus Waides



With heavy hand and heart, doth the retinue-voice of this testament declare our beloved Emperor’s Servant, Seesus Miles Waides, Ordos Astartes Destroyed In Servitude, during the subjugation of the Adeptus Astartes, the Knights of Riscus. Our new Master, inheritor of our former’s Rosette and Retinue, Former Acolyte and Acting Inquisitor Von Flaskk declares the Adeptus Astartes Knights of Riscus Excommunicate Traitoris. End report.


Index Traitoris selected…


Searching Inquiry…

The Knights of Riscus, Origins


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The Knights of Riscus- Origins


reated during the twenty-sixth Founding to reinforce the Gatton region of the Galactic North, the Knights of Riscus, inheritors of the famous Blazoned Steeds Chapter’s XIII Legion gene-seed, proved initially incompetent of immediately replicating the victory rate of their exemplary predecessors. The Gatton Crusade was to be the Chapter’s crucible unto which the beginnings of a mighty Adeptus Astartes chapter were to be written. Unfortunately for the Knights, this undertaking was their first step to Excommunication.




Knights of Riscus Excommunication selected…


The Execution of the 1st Company


Searching Pict-Capture Inquiry…

Oxgryn, The


Load complete:


Blue, Dynepsis-Oxgryn, Slave of Inquisitor Von Flaskk





Von Flaskk Retinue selected…


Searching Dramatis Personae…



Load complete:


Though its native name has long been forgotten, the Dynepsis-Oxgryn known simply as Blue is assumed to be one of the few sub-human slaves of Inquisitor Seesus Waides. Officially, the Dynepsis-Oxgryns, classified as H.S gigantus gigantus type Oxgryns, were previously one of the forty-six types of abhumans listed as extinct. Certainly, their genetic deviation in today’s Imperium would most likely place them on the Adeptus Arbites’ Register of Proscribed Citizens, while conservative Adeptus Administratum scholars would simply reclassify them as true mutants.


Seesus Waides, Radical as he was, saw the benefit of having such raw savagery encased in the nigh-impenetrable, indigo-hued hides of such creatures in his persecution of Adeptus Astartes chapters declared Excommunicate Traitoris. Rewiring the beast’s neural network, and mind-slaving it to one of the Inquisitor’s sub-personalities created a slave as utterly loyal as it is deadly. Currently in the service of the honourable Inquisitor Von Flaskk, Ordo Astartes.


















This guy has been sitting around for a while now, and with this project I’ve finally found a use for him. Great model by Forge World. We need more Age of Sigmar character series entries by them. I used quite a few bits and bobs from the Cawl kit, and the Inquisitor Karamazov kit. Going to be a blast to paint. Next up will be an even more robotic entry to this Inquisitorial Warband.

Edited by KBA


Index Crusades selected…


Searching Inquiry…

Gatton Crusade, The


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The Gatton Crusade: an ill-fated attempt to repel heretic invaders from the region of its namesake. Led by a chamber militant of the Ecclesiarchy, the Order of The Risen Wives, Imperial Strategists criticize the crusade’s imbalanced division of attrition, with Adeptus Astartes Knights of Riscus and Knight Household Von Flaskk taking severe casualties on questionable gambits. Crusade deemed abandoned 920.M40.



Index Traitoris selected…


Searching Inquiry…

The Knights of Riscus, Later History


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The Knights of Riscus - Later History


he Gatton Crusade disaster was taken as a clear Devine Omen, by Chapter Master Riscus IV under counsel of Cardinal Quaye, that he now need commit the Chapter’s full number to undertaking the Primaris Rubicon, allegedly fixated on glory through victory via the improved might it would bring. Librarian Makariuz was tasked to chronicle the Knights of Riscus’ Ascension and was named the Chapter’s first Glory Singer.



Searching Inquiry…


Makariuz, Librarian of The Knights of Riscus

Makariuz, Cherubim, Glory Singer and Inquisitorial Slave, Von Flaskk Retinue


Accessing Atrocommunicated Memoirs


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Makariuz, Former Librarian of the Knights of Riscus Chapter


[redacted], this may well be the last you hear from me. They are executing Riscus IV in the coming days. I am to be ‘repurposed’— Von Flaskk tells me I will continue my roll as Glory Singer for my Chapter and beyond as I recount our genocide, or as he labels it, our Cleansing. To my knowledge, he is still unaware of my diminishing psychic abilities: the only advantage I keep. Each day I beg the Emperor, why has He revoked my gifts? I suppose whatever Von Flaskk decides to do with me will surely be an improvement from this pitiful existence. The scrawls you decipher were written by hands designed by Him to strangle the life from the enemies of Humanity. Now, I am unsure these hands would know thy Bolter anymore, let alone those we call ‘enemy’. If my new purpose be the recounting our history then the simple truth is we were lead to damnation by our Chapter Master, and, at the rejections of his behests, were we judged by jury and executioner one in the same: the Inquisition.


We were born of famous fathers, and we were deserving sons of their shame. Our inability to secure vital territory, nor raise the Aquila in decisive battles earned us the ire of many allies we bled with. We believe this first stoked the fires of temptation in our Chapter Master, Riscus IV, fires that would come to engulf our brotherhood. The Ecclesiarchy, promising glory in the Gatton Crusade, damn them, lured our noble Chapter into what would quickly become an unending stalemate of attrition who’s bill would make all butchers beyond rich. Our numbers dwindled and the Crusade abandoned, Riscus IV fed us into the Primaris Rubicon, demanding we become powerful enough to transcend into legend. Less than two hundred of my brothers survived the Ascension. This act of glory-mongering, a clear violation of excess, spurred our remaining Captains to request aide from members of the Ordo Astartes.


Let it be known to the Imperium of Man that our Captaincy denounced Chapter Master Riscus IV before he took the life of honourable Inquisitor Waides, and their requests to the Inquisition to intervene were of sound minds and loyal hearts, both of which have since been taken via the the slugs of their Vindicares’ Exitus Rifles. We are His loyal servants. While the vile Von Flaskk declares our damnation wholly to the last brother, I recount the truth. Let it be known.


- Makariuz, 109.M41



Cherubim Directory selected…


Searching Inquiry…

Makariuz, The Reborn Angel


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Makaruiz, former Librarian and Glory Singer of the Knights of Riscus, Excommunicate Traitoris, Familiar of Inquisitor Von Flaskk



Honerable Lord Von Flaskk, your request has been made complete by the Machine-Hands of thy Omnissiah’s gifted adepts of Forge Rygaard. The Astartes you left us has been remade, and joins the endless choir of its brethren among the Cherubim. As per your request, its vat-grown body has been left wingless, and its auditory function has been increased. You’ll find slaving its mind impulse unit to your consciousness to be without complication— the familiar has been well conditioned by its cybernetic subroutines.


-Magos Zephlis



APC Directory selected…


Searching Inquiry…

APC, Stanton-Class


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Bu.Rtt0587, Stanton-Class APC



Along with Makariuz’ transformation, we have complied with your second request. You’ll find the Stanton-Class APC, utilized by many Homo sapiens minimus, to be an adequate fit for the familiar. Be forewarned: the machine-spirits of these constructs are known to be naturally curious and inventive.


-Magos Zephlis















Yes, I know. Super tongue-in-cheek. But I had some parts around and it just came together. I love the film, so I won’t apologize lol. The familiar is from the Mechanicum stuff from the Skullz promotion, but I may be wrong. I feel he completely encompassed what I was going for, so I didn’t convert a thing …which felt weird. Still waiting on parts for Von Flaskk. More retinue members to come!

I love that APC. I don't know what it is or what purpose it could possibly serve, but I love it. The idea of a censured Space Marine being reborn into a servitor or a cherub is... disturbing to say the least: the most vile punishment for a warrior of the Imperium to endure.

The oxgryn as well is just... wild. I don't really know how to comment on something like that. It's way outside my realm of expertise when it comes to 40k, which generally remains power-armored and bipedal, or armored with treads. It's really something and fits quite well into the weirdness and absurdity that is Inq28.


I love that APC. I don't know what it is or what purpose it could possibly serve, but I love it. The idea of a censured Space Marine being reborn into a servitor or a cherub is... disturbing to say the least: the most vile punishment for a warrior of the Imperium to endure.

The oxgryn as well is just... wild. I don't really know how to comment on something like that. It's way outside my realm of expertise when it comes to 40k, which generally remains power-armored and bipedal, or armored with treads. It's really something and fits quite well into the weirdness and absurdity that is Inq28.




I imagine the APC’s sole function to be observation and recording as the Ordos Astartes members chase down Astartes that have been declared traitors— as such it doesn’t have any weapons outside the servo-skull which was mostly added for a little flavour. I have to agree— there is something grimly heartbreaking about a space marine being repurposed like that which I wanted to explore.


As far as the oxgryn, I appreciate the feedback! Weird, eerie, and slightly unnatural are the bells I’m trying to ring with this project.


Wow, some really cool stuff there! The Oxgryn is especially cool, I love the Contemptor power fist on him. And as mentioned, the idea of a traitor Astartes being reduced to a cherub is wonderfully macabre.

Thank you for the feedback, Evil Eye :). More to come shortly.

Ohh, this is all very promising! I vaguely remember von Flaskk -- and thinking that using Eidolon's head for an Inquisitor was a really clever idea. Great job on Trina von Fey as well [by the way, the correct way to write those names is "von", not "Von", at least if you are going for the ancient, Jhermanic dialects of Terra ;) ]. My conversion for the director of the Velsen Sector's pre-eminent banking house could be her sister or cousin! ;)


Anyway, I'll be watching this with interest! :)

Ohh, this is all very promising! I vaguely remember von Flaskk -- and thinking that using Eidolon's head for an Inquisitor was a really clever idea. Great job on Trina von Fey as well [by the way, the correct way to write those names is "von", not "Von", at least if you are going for the ancient, Jhermanic dialects of Terra ;) ]. My conversion for the director of the Velsen Sector's pre-eminent banking house could be her sister or cousin! ;)


Anyway, I'll be watching this with interest! :)

Thanks KS :). Ya know, I’d love to take credit for the head choice but it was another member, recommending it as it had a certain amount of panache. Great catch on the lower case v for von. Man, I have a lot of post editing to do lol. I went back into your Inquisition thread and had a peek. Great stuff in there, man. I’m inspired.


I trust the "Stanton class" APC will be yellow? I thought he looked familiar! :D

Great work as always, that Oxgryn is brutal!

Absolutely, the APC WALL-E tribute will be a beat-to-crap yellow!


Inquisitorial Assets selected…

++++Searching Inquiry…

Inquisitorial Stormtrooper Regiment, The Red Stallions, Hallonhale Family


The Execution of the 1st Company


Searching Pict-Capture Inquiry…

Red Stallions, The


Load complete:


The Red Stallions of Hallonhale, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers



Von Flaskk Inquisitorial Assets selected…


Searching Dramatis Personae…

Red Stallions, The


Load complete:


The firstborn sons of the Hallonhale Family have been tribute to the Inquisition for several hundred years as penance for their defiance of complying with Inquisitorial Remit. Upon reception of Inquisitrix Fathis into their system, the Hallonhales inaccurately reported harvest quantities from their agri-worlds. Fathis had weighed the burden of installing a new regime of planetary governors among their worlds against the rising number of cultists in the subsector and decreed simply Deceit against the Emperor of Mankind rather than the more extreme censure she had become infamous for.


The Hallonhale tributes quickly proved their worth to the Inquisition as the raised regiments repelled the insurgency— a cancerous cell led by a handful of Heretic Astartes. Impressed by their purity and incorruptibility, Fathis rerouted future tribute training to the Drill Abbots of the Ordo Tempestus, and the Red Stallions of the Inquisition were born.





A quick little post. Had some fun converting old conversions from my Heresy days. I’ll do a little more fluff on these guys once I round out the squad and build their Rhino.


Inquisitorial Assets selected…

++++Searching Inquiry…

Inquisitorial Ogryns, The Giants of Hallonhale, Ogryn Auxilia


The Execution of the 1st Company


Searching Pict-Capture Inquiry…

Giants of Hallonhale, The


Load complete:


The Giants of Hallonhale, Inquisitorial Ogryn Auxilia



Von Flaskk Inquisitorial Assets selected…


Searching Dramatis Personae…

Giants of Hallonhale, The


Load complete:


While the firstborn sons of nobles from the Hallonhale subsector were the only official penance tithe required by the Inquisition, unofficially, Inquisitrix Fathis had press-ganged many Ogryns working the agri-fields into service of the ad-hoc regiments initially used to pacify the region. This eventually evolved into a tradition the Red Stallions use to this day; sifting through the worlds of the subsector to find Ogryns of exceptional size, strength, and intellect and absorbing them into their Ogryn Auxilia. The immensely widespread span of this recruitment has resulted in an equally vast variance in cultures and subsequent native tongues. Indeed, typical Astra Militarum Ogryn recruitment intake stock of varying languages would neither have the required intelligence nor patience to establish any semblance of effective verbal communication with each other while Ogryns of the Giants of Hallonhale were able to form an amalgamated vernacular, jammed and mashed together from many dialects to create, some Imperial Linguists suggest, something resembling a coherent language. With the application of the Biochemical Ogryn Neural Enhancement, their intellect was further increased, granting them the ability to follow lengthy chains of orders and enabling them to be quite independent in warfare.





Another quick one. I’ve always loved Ogryns. Something about the big dumb brutes has its charm. For this particular unit, I wanted them to look a little more specialized, and have used Nork’s armour on all three. I like the shared stylings to the Tempestus models, so it feels like a natural tie-in. Adding some tartoros shoulder pads helped finish off the look, I found. The top knots represent a little hint of intelligence, which I hope comes across. I also wanted to give them a little bit of racial variation to represent their fluff. I plan to add to the basic one on the left, maybe with some wolf fetish motifs to signal a more feral culture.


Thanks for looking :)

Edited by KBA

Nice auxilia! The ogryn are a great choice for brutal protectors. The use of Nork’s armor for the whole unit is especially inspiring. I used it to tie together the ogryn and tempestus models in my rogue trader kill team. They look great side by side.


This army is really shaping up to be a feast for the eyes. Keep pouring them on brother, keep pouring them on!

Nice auxilia! The ogryn are a great choice for brutal protectors. The use of Nork’s armor for the whole unit is especially inspiring. I used it to tie together the ogryn and tempestus models in my rogue trader kill team. They look great side by side.

This army is really shaping up to be a feast for the eyes. Keep pouring them on brother, keep pouring them on!

Thanks, man!


I’m looking forward to taking a group shot with the Ogryns and Scions once I’ve painted them, a paint scheme to tie it all together is going to be a blast. I’d love to see what you’ve put together for your Rogue Trader KT :)

Hope you all are having a great Saturday :)


A couple WIP shots of my Inquisitorial Rhino:






I’ve yet to glue the top on, so forgive the janky fit in the first photo. I plan to do a bit of plasticard work, and really aim to make this rhino special. I hack-sawed the original exhaust manifolds off and replaced them with some spare FW Deimos pattern ones. I like the amalgamated look— kind of a hybrid mash-up of a Mars pattern, with bits and bobs suggesting it has been rebuilt over long spans of time. Can’t wait to paint this thing even though it’s early days in the build.


Oh, and something worth showing a sneak-peak of:




von Flaskk is nearing completion, and I’m quite pleased with how he’s turning out :)

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