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Advice on buying further models


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im newish to the hobby (2 moths or so) and have bought the Dark Imperium and 2x Indomitus halves.


So my roster is this:


Pimaris captain with power sword from DI

2x Prinaris liutenants (one with sword, other with bolt rifle)

1x Primaris ancient

2x characters from indomitus

5x hellblasters

3x inceptors with storm bolters

10x intercessors

20x assault intercessor

6x bladeguard veterans

6x eradicators

6x outriders


I intend to buy 2 or 3 invictors after i finish indomitus models. Should i go for 3 or is 2 going to be enough?

Also, i have the option to get anything from one more indomitus half of marines, are there any more unit i would need more of ? Im thinking the 3 man units, or is it too much? I know its not our style, but eradicators are brutal, so 3 units would maybe get used? Also, im thinking the bikes with a biker chaplain that is rumored would make a really strong flank. Or should i go for the termies and vets that have deep strike, as they are being beefed up now?


And i know i should get transports, but that will come at a later date, waiting to see the new tanks and codex so i can decide.


I would really appreciate the advice. Thanks in advance


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Well, for a beginner i'd say you have enough models to toy around with, there's no urgent need to buy anything to make a legal army and you have enough stuff to get all kinds of threats answered. The next best advice is to not buy too much stuff before you catch up with painting, huge piles of grey plastic suck the motivation out of me like nothing else. Keeping the backlog small increases the ZEAL! And we all love that ;)

From there, me personally i'd get a transport or two before anything else (Repulsors do a bit of both), but buy what you like the look and feel of. This again increases the fun in painting and getting a solid crusade.


Afterthought: If you're not much into painting this might sound condescending, which is totally not my intent. I just learned the hard way how buying is easier than getting stuff painted up and then getting less and less motivated to paint with the backlog growing. So take that for what it's worth ;)

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Thanks for the advice. I was maybe a bit unclear in posting all my long term plans. What i primarily want to know is should i pick up anything from the third indomitus half? Are there any unit i need 3 of?


Im new to all, including painting. Ive painted DI and started working on Indomitus, and i wont buy anything until i paint that, which i guess is 2 months at least.

Edited by Drwoje
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If I were you I'd put the brakes on with Indomitus stuff. A new space marine codex will be dropping (in october, I think it was?). We're also likely to see multipart kits drop of some of the box contents (We know bladeguard are coming, it'd be a fairly safe bet that we'll see assault intercessors, outriders and maybe even eradicators too.)


Not only will having the multipart kit mean you'll get more pose variety for your models, the boxes will likely have more armament options and such for the units. Maybe there's a gun swap for eradicators? Maybe assault intercessors will have more armament options for the sergeant, etc. We know there's at least a plasma pistol option for the Bladeguard sergeant in the full kit, maybe there'll be more besides.


Even if there isn't, you'll still have more pose variety so its not the same 3 outrider poses times 3, what have you. Downside to this is of course, you won't get them to the same price as an Indomitus half.

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Stop buying, start painting.  You have a good 2100 points there if I've done my math correctly.  If you were to get anything else, get 1 impulsor and/or 1 invictor (in that order).  See how they play first before deciding you need more.  You may not like the kit, you may not like how they play, you may find assembly or painting is a pain in the ass.  For example, I didn't realize until I got the impulsor kit that it was open-backed (which I did not like).  I will eventually get another one, but that issue put it much further down my list of "wants".  If I had gone all-in and purchased 3 of them, it's likely that 2 would still be sitting in a box someplace.

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