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Games in 9th - thoughts, ideas, feedback.


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Hey all!


So, ever since the new points dropped, Ive been playing as many games as I can.


I've played vs wolves 4 times, RG twice, IG once and DG twice.  (currently 8 for 9). 


I've been toying around with what I consider some fun lists, but also looking towards what I think are more competitive builds .


Im very very excited to see that that  units that I use usually are looking to get some serious buffs - VanGuard being one, and Attack Bikes (via Multimeltas) the other. 


Ive been toying with the Eradicators, the Judiciar, the Shield Cap and the assault Intercessors so far.  I havent had a chance to test out the Outriders or the Blade Guard just yet. 


I've also played around a little with the Baal Pred and Rhinos!!  (which, if rumours are to be believed, may actually make a comeback for transporting firstborn). 


My current list is this:

Smash Cap  



5x Intercessors- Stalkers

5x Intercessors - Autobolts, Hammer (Vets)

6x Assault Intercessors


8x VanVets- Hammer, 4Fists, 8 Shields


2x Attack Bikes- Multimeltas

2x Attack Bikes- Multimeltas


2x Impulsors - Shields


Leviathan Dread- Storms

Achilles Land Raider



Ive had my eye on the Achilles for YEARS - its one of the sexiest beastliest models, but their rules:point value wasnt quite right before- i think it is now and as a result, I got one quick quick and painted that bad boy up.  Let's just say, ive not been disappointed AT all.  (I wouldnt be surprised if you see it in more tournaments coming up)


With the incoming change to Multimeltas, this list gets massively more deadly - doubling the amount of melta shots from 8 to 16.  So, I hope the associated points changes arent too horrid. 


This is far more "lynch-pin" style than im used to- with 2 units coming in at well over 300 points.  That being said, with both of them having 2+,4++ and T8, its crazy hardy.


The impulsors also having 4++ make the antitank a little frustrated at times - not to mention that the bikes can also get a 4++ with a strat. 


Its HIGHLY mobile, and has a decent counter element.  I've really been enjoying it. 


I'll try get some pictures up as soon as possiblle. 

I dont know how I will ween myself off Asty and the Captain, because theyre still just too valuable for me- even with increased points.  






Mission wise, ive found that the new missions are absolutely amazing.  I was a big ITC pundit for the last 3 years and now, I'm FULLY invested in these new GW rules.  


The secondaries are actually quite tough to get, and the Primaries really make or break the game, meaning you need to play super strategically.  


The variation on the missions and maps is GREAT and the options for secondaries are enjoyable. 

I'm having a LOT of fun with the new edition in this regard.




Rules wise, I havent found anything super crazy difficult or broken oro weird.  The biggest change is keeping characters safe- which now takes some serious thought.  


The terrain rules are amazing and are probably the biggest "real" change in the game.  The advent of real LOS blocking using GW terrain is fantastic.  The -1 to hit with Dense Cover is also welcome - and yet not abusive or annoying when it otherwise could be stacked vs Eldar or Raven Guard etc.  





I'll try put in more playtest thoughts and ideas along the way!!  Feel free to ask/comment whatever, whenever. 


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Rumor (or it may be confirmed) has it that the Impulsor shield dome is going to 5++. Don’t know if that changes things for you (personally I hunk it’s fair since it seems a bit much for a stock transport to have 4++).


What’s your setup for the Captain’s gear and Astorath’s Litanies choice? The Internet seems suddenly enamored with the +1S/D Litany for chaplains. I am hi meg trouble deciding between Astorath, Lemartes, and a vanilla Chap with PF and Icon of the Angel. 

I’ve also wondered how much luster may be lost from the Angel’s Wing due to how OW works now....it’s still a great relic even just for the re-roll, but it’s no longer the auto-include. Icon of the Angel or Lemmy can provide that as well, hence why I am torn. 

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Rumor (or it may be confirmed) has it that the Impulsor shield dome is going to 5++. Don’t know if that changes things for you (personally I hunk it’s fair since it seems a bit much for a stock transport to have 4++).


What’s your setup for the Captain’s gear and Astorath’s Litanies choice? The Internet seems suddenly enamored with the +1S/D Litany for chaplains. I am hi meg trouble deciding between Astorath, Lemartes, and a vanilla Chap with PF and Icon of the Angel. 


I’ve also wondered how much luster may be lost from the Angel’s Wing due to how OW works now....it’s still a great relic even just for the re-roll, but it’s no longer the auto-include. Icon of the Angel or Lemmy can provide that as well, hence why I am torn. 

Heya buddy- i saw the article that referenced the 5++ 


Its a big kick in the teeth to be sure- but the 4++ was a bit excessive. That being said, the fact you can only transport 6 guys really makes it so that its not a massive issue.  Either way, I think 5++ is okay, and will still likely field them. 


Captain hasnt changed at all from 8th - so, hammer, Visions, shield , Wings and Artisans.

I would love to play with a few more builds, but i think I need to get used to what id likely play in a tourney - though, i guess casual games are the time to test!


Asty usually rcks exploding 6s and Mantra.  Im dabbling with the +1 to wound too.  Works well in this list.  



Regarding Angels wing- remember that the Captain actually gets a reroll from it too- which is really helpful.  And, many terrain pieces up OW to 5+ to hit- meaning its a good insurance policy vs key units.  

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I’ve been looking at the achilles, but since it is a 19 wound model it can’t benefit from obscuring and dense terrain-traits.


But perhaps it is use the good old LoS-block to shield it from a lot of firepower?


This is something I actually hadnt realised!!! 

Thank you so much for pointing it out. 


That means that LOS can be traced through windows and walls, yeh?  Mnnn, not a train smash, though...but good to know

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Hey Mort. I too just realised that recently about the Achilles being over the 18 wound mark for LoS and cover benefits. For me it doesn't change anything.


I think the way you paired it with the Levi is just awesome. I've kind of avoided the Levi just because of its repute as a solid competitive option but for its points now it is very efficient in all areas. You may have tempted me to cross this particular Rubicon haha


I was running a smash chap with fist in late 8th. dropped it after a few games of 9th. now if these changes to weapon rules are true, a hammer captain is the way forward. Always ends up being very CP intensive but he can do things no other unit can, which can often turn a game.


Interesting discussion we had recently and worth mentioning here: "scout deployment" units and their use in 9th. I've definitely found incursors and such to be more survivable under the new LoS rules, but they're by no means an auto take. Your list is balanced and tbh not an easy prospect to face in the ITC missions

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I’ve also wondered how much luster may be lost from the Angel’s Wing due to how OW works now....it’s still a great relic even just for the re-roll, but it’s no longer the auto-include. Icon of the Angel or Lemmy can provide that as well, hence why I am torn.

Lemmy is only 5 points more than a regular chaplain with jump pack, too, which is enough to make me consider putting him on my lists, when I'm normally quite stubborn about named characters. 5 points for like... Double the amount of attacks, a stupid good Crozius, and the Black Rage for free?


Seems a no-brainer to have him for the re-roll on your DC, and give the Icon to your Captain so him and his friends get a re-roll.

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Captain hasnt changed at all from 8th - so, hammer, Visions, shield , Wings and Artisans.

However, the rules have. Not being able to jump screens in the charge phase or being (RAW) able to assault airborne units is something we need to keep in mind.


As per the newest FAQ p 363, a captain with JP can charge flyers. The rules says: "In any case, when moving a model with such a rule, it can be moved within Engagement Range of enemy models, but it can never finish a move on top of another model, or its base, and it cannot finish a Normal Move, Advance or Fall Back move within Engagement Range of any enemy models, and it can only end a charge move in Engagement Range of units it declared a charge against that phase)"


And on the current datasheet of ALL aircraft it says "this unit can only be charged by units with the fly keyword". So RAW JP captains can charge aircraft and end the charge move and pile-in in engagement range.

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Captain hasnt changed at all from 8th - so, hammer, Visions, shield , Wings and Artisans.

However, the rules have. Not being able to jump screens in the charge phase or being (RAW) able to assault airborne units is something we need to keep in mind.



They changed it in the latest rulebook FAQ so that being able to ignore models, i.e. Fly, also allows you to ignore engagement ranges (as long as you don't finish the move in them). So jumping over screens is back as an option.


edit: ah, so that's how the fixed aircraft, via datasheet. Neat.

Edited by Arkhanist
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Only played 4 games with BA, but so far my favorite unit combos is 9 bladeguard + judicar + ancient with relic banner footsloggin and a couple of land speeder storms with combat scouts. Testing out plasma inceptors, they have been doing great offensive wise, but -1 to hit has been sketchy for them and the models are not easy on the eyes.


Outriders have been underwhelming but they might be due to user error :sweat:

Really exited about firstborn getting some love, especially vanguard vets. Just hope they wont be to pricy.


Lots of fun on the horizon, i just wish they would release the book now :biggrin.: 

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Captain hasnt changed at all from 8th - so, hammer, Visions, shield , Wings and Artisans.

However, the rules have. Not being able to jump screens in the charge phase or being (RAW) able to assault airborne units is something we need to keep in mind.




i hadnt actually picked that up hey- very very important to note. Thanks for that. 

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Yeah, they FaQed the engagement range thing for fly units, you can jump over units in 9th.

But you still have to be able to stop in engagement range of any unit you declared a charge target or the charge will be failed.

So no more declaring a close target as a backup target if you dont roll high enough to make it to that unit cowering in the back.

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i think i missed the subtlety of the first engagement range thing!!! What was it before?

The way it was worded was that when you make a normal move you ignored models bases, terrain, and engagement range when moving, and terrain and models bases when charging.

So by the exclusion of engagement range in the charge rules, you didn't get to ignore them.

So you couldn't ignore engagement range when charging, only when moving.

But thats all FaQed now, and was apparently unintentional.

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