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Games in 9th - thoughts, ideas, feedback.


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How the game’s go @Morticon?


Not gonna lie, kinda been smashing a bit. 

I think its been:


2 vs DG

4 vs SW

3 vs RG

1 vs IG



The SW games have largely been funsie "try stuff out" style lists - i mean i was rocking Rhinos and Pods!! 


But, ive only lost 1 so far. 



Overall, some standouts are that the mission Primary is by far the most important thing to focus on.  Making sure you get 10 points each turn is so, so, so important.  There was a lot of interesting gripe online about going first vs second - and while some really fair points were made regarding the bonus of first as usual being compounded with the ability to leave your objectives in the last turn* to play more recklessly and engage mid-field, this can be mitigated and balanced out by mid-game play and good secondaries..


* So- just to expand on this point for those that didnt see it - you score your Primary Objective points at the start of YOUR Command Phase, starting from 2nd turn. What this means is that the person that goes 1st, scores his last points in turn 5 at the start of his command phase - this means that he can now move off wherever he wants and not have to worry about end game scoring.  


While this is true, the player that goes 2nd also has the reaction or counter play in their own hands.   If P1 wants to score, they MUST move on to the objectives in their turn 1.  This allows you a chance to play reactively and not only move on to objectives of your own, but also push him off his - this now means that he has to come back in his turn to try do the same again .  This incidentally is why super hardy armies like DG are going to be smashing in this edition.  


The way the primary scoring works now is arguably more tactical and "thinky" than ive ever seen from a GW standard mission.  And its amazing. 


Coupled with this, your secondaries are hugely important.  Secondaries are actually really tough to get. 


I currently believe that ACTION categories are a bit of a trap for us.  I would advise against them - its similar to ITC engineers.  And maybe this is just a personal build thing- but I have zero "dead" points in my list.  Everything is contributing.  I cant afford to have one unit not contributing in a battle round - and it would usually be for "Banners" rather than the other ones, since the other ones require units to be very mobile.  For Orks, Guard, Nids, GSC - maybe even demons- i see this being okay.  


But choosing secondaries are tough.  Attrition I feel is going to be the "go-to" marine one - one turn where you score more points than the enemy sees you get 4 points- which is very very big.  The opportunity to do this for 5 turns means youre likely to get  12/15  by dominating 3 turns only- which is great. 


Board quarter secondary is also a really good one for mobile, aggressive BA.  


In many of my games, I was averaging around 18-20 or so secondary points out of 35.  







Inceptors - far, far too good now.  Plasma inceptors for 150 are a wonderful addition to deal with tanks or heavy infantry - but do need some reroll support (Relics/Dreads/Captains suggested!)


Eradicators - if/when they get the new melta rule- they will be disgusting.  Theyre the prime candidates for Strategic Reserves - even worse  (better) for Raven Guard strike from Shadows.  But, theyre going to completely dominate. 


4++ Saves are still golden, and I truly hope the humple Impulsor keeps it- because it is probably the only thing that makes them worth taking. 


I also hope my new beastly beauty the Achilles doesnt go the way of Legends.



Final point - on terrain - really makes the game.  Really really makes the game. I cant explain how nice it is playing with GW terrian that actually makes a difference.  Additionally, I used to play with opponents where we set up the terrain first, then rolled missions and table sides..  The rulebook suggests rolling missions first, then placing objectives, then setting up the table - I cannot stress how much more enjoyable this has made the game.  Theres always something blocking in a relevant position, forests get in the way, buildings provide real cover - its awesome. 


OOh - and on that point- small thing i discovered - unlike 8th, the entire unit doesnt need to be on cover in order for you to claim a cover save from Light Cover (+1 save). So if you have one guy in cover, you can put the saves on him. 



Trying to think about what else Ive learned! 



Feel free to ask more questions, Ill keep posting- and actually do some more battlereports sometime. 


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Great stuff @Mort.


What’s been your toughest matchup so far/who was the loss against? Was the loss errors on your part (whether still figuring out 9th or just an inevitable bad decision), skill of your opponent, or a tough list matchup?


Great questions. 


The loss was vs a really interesting SW build.  Lots of dreads with 4++ saves . He played it well, but honestly, it was vs an experimental lBA ist rather than something competitive- played in a more fun way.  Eg: Instead of going for the throat with my smashy vs certain things (EG - Njarl surrounded by two shield dreads,) I would play around it, leaving Njarl open to allow the SW Long Fangs to use their intercept strat vs incoming units. Were I playing competitively, I would have made a Bee-line there, killed njarl, consolidated into a dread, likely died to it, then fought on death to kill one of them.  It was a fun casual game vs a regular mate- so I didnt want to go massively "tourney hard" from the outset - which....incidentally, I did in the subsequent game, and just made it ugly lol. That being said, SW are very, very, very good this edition !!!!!!


In relation to BA -   Smashy is still just far, far too good in a BA list.  With the added strat to get a WL trait but not have him as the Warlord on top of things, you're really golden.  With the Asty combo of exploding 6s and/or hits on 2's along with Wings and Artisan, the Cap still is this heat seeking missile that just really gimps certain enemy units. 

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Played against a very scary UM list today. 


(Side note - the tactical felxibility options UM and RG have at their disposal are just NUTS !!! UM are absolutely phenomenal this edition.)






Phobos Lieut (Seal of Oath)

Primaris Apothecary (CP buffed version)


1x5 Incursors

1x5 Bolt Rifle Intercessors

1x5 Infiltrators

2x Victrix


1x Invictus - Autocannon

1x Invicturs - flamer

5x Aggressors


5x Inceptors - bolters

5x Inceptors - plasma

5x Inceptors- plasma



I played my Leviathan/Achilles list. 



Table looked like this:

And we were playing missions and secondaries from the new GT pack- whch Id not yet seen - some BIG changes from the core book - which came to bite me in the ass!!! 
My deployment looked like this - with the Smashy central,  but a little bit to the side of the Achilles tanking his safety and providing good counter charge options.  - but also close to Asty for buffs to send him on his merry way.  (Astorath using exploding 6s and +1 to wound) 
The opponent put the plasma ceptors and Lieut into reserve, while I put my VanVets in - knowing that theyd have to come in response, or face full blast profile shots (30 plasma shots).
His Warsuits placed full up- ready to use the UM redeploy should he need it- or allow him to aggressively get in my lines should he so desire. 
Since he had chosen "Domination" as a Secondary he also wanted the qarsuits in a position where he could achieve an early lead with the VP. 
He won first turn, but elected to not move any of his units.  He moved his aggressor/inceptor/Calgar etc death ball forward and moved on to the objectives in my area - his shooting was minimal this turn, and only shaved a wound here or there.  He also hung back with the Warsuits making sure he had the objectives his turn, and creating a buffer lure for me between his very scary core.
Thankfully, this advanced movement of the warsuits coupled with the mission board we were on allowed a gap in between- which meant space for Smashy to do his thing. 
I popped exploding 6s, and then also dropped Mass of Doom - giving him a 2+ with the hammer.
I moved up lwith my army, and then the shooting made light work of the Warsuits ...

Smashy then got into the thick of things, popping Wings, and then Descent as well as Rampage. 

The enemy was no slouch and popped Transhuman on them. - however, with red rampage, exploding 6s (which i got 3 of) and hitting on 2s, I was able to wipe the squad out. 
Smashy then took return hits from Calgar and survived - he then fought again - taking Calgar down to 4wounds (and wiping out the Victrix bodyguard)
Calgar fought again, though and killed Smashy. 

Well worth it though - although I had spent 8 or 9 CP for combo. 

I was well positioned though, And had pushed him off two objectives, meaning we both had 3 at the start of his turn. 
He moved his Aggressors up, and then the Inceptors came down - one squad of five behind my lines, and another near Calgar and the gang. 
He ran with most of his Troops, again, getting on to objectives to grab Domination points and push me off points for my turn. 
The Inceptors at the rear nuked a bike squad who were holding an objective (though, he didnt notice the Intercessors holding it too!)
The combination of other plasma ceptors and aggressors made light work of an Impulsor and its occupants - clearing me off yet another objective point.
In the top middle, the incursors charged my other Impulsor, to get distance and also claim the top middle objective - comfortably putting him on the required 4 for Domination again. 
In my turn, Astorath jumped back to go sort out the Inceptors in the back line.  My remaining bikers left the combat that they had been consolidated into with from Incursors and repositioned to ensure I was getting board quarter points (my secondary). 
The VanVets dropped in the top right corner, ready to engage his Intercessors and then hopefully jump on to take out the Infiltrators. 

At this stage the Inceptors and Aggressors took fire from the two big boys - i had to split fire forcing him to make hard calls on Transhuman.  (he elected to use it on the Inceptors - which paid off as I only killed 3).  
Astorath charged in taking out 3 Inceptors hmself, while the Vanvets made a cheeky 8" (9") charge - transhuman there meant the squad survived with 1 wound !!   The Incursors were being chopped up by the Assault Intercessors - but they managed to hold their ground to some extent - with 2 or 3 models surviving. 

In his turn he brought back one Aggressor and one Inceptor - and positioned to take the objective again. His Inceptors by Astorath fell back and used the strat to shoot and charge (which is handy - and I had also forgotten UM can fall back and shoot anyway!!! <_<) 

They made light work of Asty after he had lost wounds in Overwatch the turn before.  
The opponent played the mission hard, and used the Plas guys to push my off the rear objective too - claiming that one for himself. 
He also fell back with the remaining Intercessor fighting the VanVets and positioned himself on that objective too - objective Secured taking care of any additional bodies around. 
Once again he was going to push me off, and get Domination. 
With the BA now in AsltDoc - AP2 chainswords took care of the remaining Incursors who had been tri-locked before - at least I had one Objective!  
In my turn, however, there was a strong fight back. 

The bikers, the Dread and Achilles took out the Aggressors and Inceptors on the right. The Assault Intercessors ran back to engage the reear line Inceptors and was even supported by the landraider moving on to the objective and then charging!  

The Vanguard jumped over to engage the Infiltrators who had pulled back as far as they could from them without giving up the objective. 
They made light work of them. 
By this stage however, the score was 50-31 (or so) So , even though things were looking bleak for Ultramar, i would have to catch up quick. 

Thankfully, by this stage there was not a whole lot else he could do, and for the first time, he only scored 1 objective primary. 

Calgar moved forward and engaged the Leviathan - he survived though. 

There was some return fire....

Then, the Vanguard moved off their back objective to engage the Lieut and make light work of him, while the next two turns saw Calgar bravely fight the Levvy, and eventually fall. 
Final score at end of turn 5 was 50-72 I believe. 

Solid BA victory ! 
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IH look to be losing their 5+ OW, which is a welcome nerf. I'm not sure theyre quite the bugbear they were at their release with the various implemented changes to their strats and tacs - WS are gnig to be far, far more deadly I think. RG and UM are also Tactical powehouses in 9th.


Hell, even Sallies are looking to be super fierce. I honestly think IH have dropped down in the SM list of big baddies.


I rate:






in the same scary boat. Followed closely by Sallies, and then by IH.


That being said, I'm expecting marines to lose Artisans the way it is now.



Not sure what people are playing in terms of hardcore IH lists at the moment - i think BA have the tools to take almost anythign that is thrown against us.



Just one big thing to note, dont make smashy WL - because GT secondaries means that its an easy 13points for the exchange.

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Should have a game against an 8th edition IH tournament list on Sunday. Will pass on my findings (never played against them, should be interesting).

My only bit of advice is never leave something almost dead.

Between repair abilities and their chapter tactic, leaving a big vehicle on 1 wound is going to be it shooting you at full profile.

So make sure to focus fire.

And if he uber-buffs a single tank/dread, focus fire the next scariest thing, as you probably aren't going to be able to kill something like a buffed levi without extravagant anti-tank fire. (T9 -1 damage)


If you go first, tag as much as you can, as he won't ignore big guns never tires penalty, so it'll at least reduce his ranged damage.

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Dumb question, but what do we actually need to play 9th Ed? 


Where does the list of missions and secondaries live, in the actual rule book? Somewhere else? I’ve held off  buying anything for a bit, especially since I have not been able of play as much. 


Hintzy nailed it, above. 



If you play casually with mates, just the core rule book is fine.  


If you enjoy playing more competitive environments or tournies, or arguably more balanced/micro-tweaked missions, then the GT book is for you.  

IH player cancelled. Played Guard and got trounced...


Would love to hear more!!! My Guard buddy is struggling a little in 9th atm- would be great to hear about what happened!

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Played a solid game with a much more fun list, debuting a lot of the indomitus models. 


I ran:


Indom Captain




3x BladeGuard

1x Relic Contemptor - dual claws, dual plasma blastguns


5x Intercessors - TH, auto

10x Tactical Marines  - PF, CmbiMelta, Melta, Gravcan

5x Tactical Marines- Axe, CmbiMelta, Gravcan


2x Attack Bikes -MM

3x Suppressors


5x Devstators - 3 Gravcannons

Impulsor - shield

Impulsor- - shield

Lucius Pod 

Drop Pod

Terrax Drill - volkites.



Will upload a batrep soonish.




Side note -  Shield Cap with Artificer armour was GROSS !!! So, so so good. 

Edited by Morticon
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IH player cancelled. Played Guard and got trounced...

Would love to hear more!!! My Guard buddy is struggling a little in 9th atm- would be great to hear about what happened!

2k game. Played [strike Force] Scorched Earth. My secondaries were Bring It Down, Attrition, Dominion. The guard player opted for Bring It down, Engage On All Fronts, Investigate Sites.



Yes, my army needs repairs :blush: I love using this list. The crux of it is the Excelsior getting +1BS for being within range of the Rhino Primaris, and this Rhino using it's Data Augers to give the second Land Raider +1 BS... Vindicator is there for the third T8 unit and where normally I use a Sicaran, I benched it for the Scorpius. It hadn't lost before today and had beat this Guard opponent in the previous edition...


Three Tank Commanders in LRs (Battle, Punisher, Executioner), three Chimeras with Infantry Squads within, Three Sentinels, Wyvern, Basilisk, Baneblade. Cadian ruleset.

Basically, he got first turn and had hot dice. Took out the Excelsior and three other units. Whilst I managed to bag four units myself, the Librarian Dreadnought died on Overwatch to the Executioner (hitting on 5s)... I was wiped T3, got to 15 points total...

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Some quick feedback from the WS game.


I played this:



Indom Captain




3x BladeGuard

1x Relic Contemptor - dual claws, dual plasma blastguns


5x Intercessors - TH, auto

10x Tactical Marines  - PF, CmbiMelta, Melta, Gravcan

5x Tactical Marines- Axe, CmbiMelta, Gravcan


2x Attack Bikes -MM

3x Suppressors


5x Devstators - 3 Gravcannons

Impulsor - shield

Impulsor- - shield

Lucius Pod 

Drop Pod

Terrax Drill - volkites.





He was rocking what I thought was a super nasty list. 


Biker Smash Cap - relic bike

Phobos Lib 


5x Infiltrators

5x Intercessors

5x Intercessors


5x Aggressors

4x Aggressors


5x Plasma Inceptors

8x Bikes - 2 Meltas, Fist

1x Attack Bike -MM


Executioner Repulsor
3x Eradicators




With so many units off board, I didnt have a whole lot to deploy or work with. 


This is what my set up looked like: 

While he made use of the ruin in the corner - and also used his aggressors to secure his left flank. 
His first turn saw him push forward very aggresssively - advancing the bikes and preparing counters. 
With LOS blocking, shooting options were limited. I lost a bike, i think and that was it. 
However, with his overextending, I was able to capitalize - however...as I'm writing this report and checking pictures Ive only now realised I made a horrible mistake. 
See if you can see the mistake in this picture: 
Completely forgot that the Lucius doesnt get the regular Pod matched play rule that allows first turn drops :/  Goddamnit......oh well...scratched game and a beer for my opponent!  :/ 

Anyway - i went aggro, on the top flank....I unloaded the Bladeguards, Cap and Judiciar - hoping for the charge on the bikes. 
I moved up to aggressively counter whatever I could. 
I tagged the aggressors, wiped out (illegally <_<  most of the inceptors - though, they passed 2 of 5x 6+ saves
Bladeguard and co completely minced the bikers/.
In his next turn, unable to fight any of my fighty units without fear of HI and then Judiciar nonsense, he sent his smashy into my backlines. 
He also brought on the eradicators to take care of dready issues. 
He blew up the pod, and the dread and only one bladeguard. 
In my turn, the devs came down and my Impulsors repositioned to get points. 
I then pulled a super cheeky move where I charged over the bike, and rerolled distance to get a high 11 - meaning i could then have enough range with the length of the model to tag the repulsor too. 
He heroically engaged with this captain into my repulsor  - but it blew up and then rolled a lucky 6 to see his smash cap unfairly taken out!!
From that point it was essentially over, firepower and mobility started cleaning up - while the Shield Cap with with a 2+ armour save and +1 to save roll was just tanking like a hero !!
Drill came on eventually, shot up some guys, and then died in return fire to the Eradicators- spilling the tacs who then returned the favour.
By the end of it all, BA where wiping things out. 
Id say a "solid victory" - but considering im a cheaty, cheat mc cheaty face....i cant.  

Oh weeeeell.....
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And then the most recent game vs GK yesterday....


I played: 





5x Tacs - Gravcan, CMbimelta- Axe

5x Aslt Inters

5x Inters - hammer, auto


8x VanVet- Hammer, 4PF, 8SS



1x Attack Bike

1x Attack Bike

2x Attack Bikes



5x Devs - 2Grav, cherub





He played: 





2x GMNDK - Psilencer, Cannon, Hammer


3x5 Terms -  halberds, stave

1x7 Terms - halberds, stave


LRC - MM. 



This is how it went down: 


My set up  - with his limited set up- 7terms and Voldy in the raider, while 2 x 5 terms and a libby in the back - everything else in reserve. 

I got first turn (again, vs this opponent! poor dude is sick of BA 1st turn charges!!) 


The set up allowed me options with the VanVets- but most important is always within 6" of astorath to allow for buffs from him - most importantly Mass of Doom and then exploding 6s (which i didnt take this time- i took protection from mortals and then the siolo buff litany).



He made use of the ruins here! 
First turn saw Judiciar load up in the impuslor ...buuut not before taking a mortal wound from Mass of Doom - the VanVets got theirs though- so PF hitting on 3s would help. 
Of course, they popped Wings to engage where they could with the enemy terms. 
Descent of Angels allowed for the 3d6 - and boom, they were in. 
He popped Transhuman on the squad I attacked, 
I managed to tank return shots very well (popping transhuman too, i think) and only losing 2 in return. 
I used fight again putting 6 attacks into the last remaining Termy in squad one, and then 4Hammer and 6 fist attacks into the other squad.
Sadly, he tanked almost everything with the Stave and lost a total of 2 guys from the 2nd squad - and even saved his lone Termy in the first squad. 
Note to players- while I was statistically looking at around 4 wounds on the single termy -  its best not to leave ANY GK survivors and overkill where possible as any guys left willl smite your ass! 
In his turn, he moved the raider after disembarking his terms and Voldy. The terms failed the charge to their target (the impulsor), but Voldy made it and did some fair damage. 
He smited my Vanguard into near oblivion, leaving one guy left. This champ managed to survive combat too, killing a termy or two. 
Beyond that though, there wasn't much else he could do. 
In my turn, the assault intercessors jumped out, the impuslor spaced out, my bikers spaced out to prevent good strikes from the GK.
The Levvy positioned himself to take on the big term squad - and the judiciar positioned himself to charge the remnants. 
On the left flank, the guys positioned to take on the Land Raider.
He popped the -1 damage strat when I targeted his terms with the Levvy - meaning he lost far fewer than he could have!  The judiciar also failed to do a lot of damage rolling half of his wounds as 1's. 
Voldy also tanked well but was killed by the assault guys - but not before he fought back - with ONE CP (gross)  !!  
I had a choice of what to do with my last 2 CP - either Transhuman the assault guys, meaning only 3 die statistically, or fight again on death with Judiciar - wiping out his objsec terms - i think i made the wrong choice. 
What would you have done? 
In my case I chose to try save the assault boys.  It was defs the wrong choice, as Voldy was already dead. I should have focussed on taking down the terms !  They made short work of the judiciar, despite only having 2 guys remaining. 
But at least the Landy was gone!! 
He used dynamic insertion (which is also gross) to get up close and personal, and then dropped his GMs around the board to start neutralising threats, claiming quarters and getting on to objectives. 
He did some shooting, killing some guys here and there, but allowing me to counter him in the following turn.
Mephy got stuck in where he could, and attampted to RAVAGE the terms and the Libby - the Intercessors made light work of the Terms, so mephy put everything into the libby. 
While Astorath flew off to challenge the GM ! 
Mephy scored 5 wounds against the termy Libby .......I was more than happy with that result...except....this happened:
Was not a fan. 
Asty also saw very little damage done to the GM with his saves pulling through. He died in return.
At this stage however, he only really had the two GMs - and my drill hadnt even come down. 
We worked out the points and figured out that even with what we could score, I would have taken it on account of a solid intial scoring run. 
(early scoring is NB !)
In the end, another victory for the BA !! 
I used fight again putting 6 attacks into the last remaining Termy in squad one, and then 4Hammer and 6 fist attacks into the other squad.
Sadly, he tanked almost everything with the Stave and lost a total of 2 guys from the 2nd squad - and even saved his lone Termy in the first squad. 
Note to players- while I was statistically looking at around 4 wounds on the single termy -  its best not to leave ANY GK survivors and overkill where possible as any guys left willl smite your ass! 
Edited by Morticon
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