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Khorne Daemonkin 9th

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Isnt there only 'Mash up CSM and Daemon Codex'?


Yeah, I think Daemon Prince Marbas is going to use the CSM and Daemons army lists in separate detachments, at least I assume so. 


But best could differ depending on various factors. Are we just talking about a narrative/fluff aspect? Certain units? Certain strategies?

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Between those 3, I think the renegades (or even better, Red Corsairs for the easy CP) is the better option. Especially so with 9th revolving more on objectives, advance and charge is huge since it adds a lot of mobility. Advance and charge enemy objective holders with troops and steal the objective with ObSec. Also, the warlord trait fits very nicely.


There's also an idea I've been playing with of doing a KDK Witch Hunters army. Basicly use World Eaters with KHORNE Daemons and stack up on anti-psyker rules. The World Eaters trait isn't bad, but it's other rules make this idea more viable.


That said, if you're willing to try something a little different, Creations of Bile for +1S & +1"M would be great too. I know Bile will have to pass on being KHORNE but you could do him up as the guy implanting Butcher's Nails and model him as a suitably Khornate looking apothecary. Berserkers will be S6 before weapons, S7 with Chainaxes, and move 7". You can even do CSM troops with Chainswords for 2 S5 hits (3 on the charge) a piece. You can further augment them with Venomous Claws strat to auto-wound with the Close Combat profile on 6s. Then there's the strat to give an infantry unit advance & charge (with +1 to both) meaning your Berserker Horde can move 9+3d6" in 1 turn (average 19"). On the Daemonic side, maybe do a MoP for daemon summoning and he will be a little faster than your average MoP as well as stronger. Give him the Helm of All Seeing to take the sting out of spending CP. This is all before you use Bile's ability to further enhance a unit (+1S, +1T, or +1A are all very useful to Melee units and moderately controllable with Bile's assistant) or his strat to enhance a character (MoE could swing at S10 and still use the advance and charge strat, Greater Possessed could be S8, T6). There's a lot of goodies in there for a melee oriented army that would fit with KDK.


Edit: if you like the idea of using Mutilators, I would suggest Bile. Strength score of 6 with 5" movement plus Macrotensile Sinews (1CP) means they have a melee threat range of 7+3d6" (avg 17", min 10"). The only faction to come close to that without Warptime is Red Corsairs/Renegades which would do S5 with a range of 4+3d6" (avg 14", min 7") but admittedly without CP.

Edited by Doom Herald
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Brazen Beasts in my opinion aren't worth it. You wind up being not as good World Eaters. Renegades and World Eaters are where I would set my sights. You could even run Skull Takers which is recognized as a World Eater warband but also as Renegades and decide which flavor of the week you wish to enjoy during list building.


An unbelievably accurate representation crunch wise would be Creations of Bile, if you didn't have to take Bile. I'd avoid this Warband entirely if you are a fluffy player or play with those who have high respect for fluff.


You could also run The Sanctified which are a Word Bearer descended Khornate Warband. Who according to fluff have not killed off all their psykers if you wish to have access to a MOP or Sorcerer.


World Eaters and renegades (and bile) offer the better Legion Traits.


World Eaters, Bile, and The Sanctified offer unique stratagems and the coveted VotLW.


The Sanctified offer much easier access to daemons via summoning.


The Sanctified, Renegades, and Bile offer psykers.


It all depends what you want from there. Good luck deciding!

Edited by Irate Khornate
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