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Ravenwing buff for 9ed


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revised Look out Sir


Everything that got reveal in the last days look realy great for the Ravenwing.


With all the option we are getting, i see the Ravenwing as a real option to be field alone, but a solid choice in a dual or 3 wings armies.


I already have arround 70 firstborn in my ravenwind including attack bike and speeder. building 18 Outrider now, will probably get a full 100 ravenwing in the near future with all option available.


What are your plan for the Ravnwing in the future?


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I think the buff to Deathwing will make Dual wing a realy good option. I think the DA will finaly play like they are in the lore.


The Greenwing will stay back or advance to sit on objective, Grim-resolve and 2W will help them do this job alot better than before. They are the firebase the ennemy can't ignore.

The Ravenwing will move as need, advance to deliver the Deathwing and move arround the battlefield to put pressure where it's need the most. They are the scout and harraser

The Deathwing will be teleport on the front to destroy anything in it's way or stay on objective and act like a living fortress. They are sword that strike at the heart of the ennemy.


The Ravenwing receive lots of buff, but the synergy of the DA Wing will be alot better now with each wing able to do is role in the lore.

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I am a bit saddened by the fact that, once again, Ravenwing is pretty much THE wing of the army worth playing. I kinda feel like a Black Scar army :S


You shouldn't feel that way.


First off White Scars didn't pop up in the official fluff until well after the Dark Angels and Ravenwing were established.  They were based off of a GW employees personal army that didn't initially include bikes.  He added bikes during 3rd edition.  The initial design of the army included squads in Rhinos, Dreadnoughts and tanks like the predator and vindicator that would all push forward quickly and slam into a single part of the enemies army all at once, like a sledge hammer.


Second Ravenwing has always been the defining feature of Dark Angels.  Deathwing were not unique.  Every chapter had 1st company TDA units.  All TDA units no matter which chapter had the same stat line.  The only difference we had was we could use both ranged and assault TDA units in a single unit.   BA and UM had to keep them distinct units.  SW actually had a more unique set up for arming and deploying TDA units with the Wolf Guard.


Third each of the starting 4 chapters had 1 veteran unit exclusive to it.  UM had Veteran Tactical Squads, BA had Veteran Assault Squads, SW had Veteran Devastator Squads, and Dark Angels had Ravenwing which were Veteran Bike Squads.  We know each of these were veteran squads because the original stat line was different than the equivalent squad from the other 3 chapters.

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