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Ok I'm BACK, what'd I miss?


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Shortly after 8th had come out, but before the DA codex life got to busy to keep up (my wife and kids also moved). Got kind of burned out on 7th edition (especially on the heels of a somewhat frustrating 6th edition) plus I started a Dark Eldar army mostly for hobby purposes towards the end of 7th.


With a house, and under covid lockdown here in the greater NYC area, you'd THINK I'd have more time to hobby but you're WRONG. But with my kids older I have a little more time with daycare opening back up to hobby. Games are sort of out of the question unless I convince one of my friends in the area with no experience whatsoever in 40K, so I'm mostly on the hobby side/solo narrative side.


I was going to pick up the DE army where I left off for 9th edition but hearing about 2W space marines and 30" bolters I'm dropping those DE (as fast as 30" bolters probably would har har har) and continuing to pick up my 1st Love, I mean Legion.


I was almost horrified to open up various storage bins from our move 2 years ago to see what models I still had on sprue or even in plastic. There's something about connecting the dollar amount of those things when they are still in boxes vs painted on your shelf to me. I suppose there's kind of an irony to that, I bought 2 Dark Vengeance expansions that are still in the plastic because I never bothered to put more DWK or the Darktalons together with how they were point costed and rules. Seems like DWK, while different from how I remember them, are going to be maybe a little more in the mix?


Anyway, plan on seeing me lurk around the rock again. Has ETL been happening still? I know it's that time of year.


Do all the real JOKERS in the community still run with the whole "you guys are traitors" thing as though it was the most original joke they've ever heard?

Did we catch Cypher yet?? (kidding, I'm up to speed on that)


RIP bolter banner btw.

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Did we catch Cypher yet?? (kidding, I'm up to speed on that)




Welcome back! I've recently discovered the joys of moving and unearthing boxes of shame as well. Some stuff I don't even remember buying lol.


I thought lockdown would increase hobby time tenfold, and it started that way but life still has a habit of getting in the way..


Anyway, you might need to purge some of those Xenos kooties or people WILL call you traitor ;)

Edited by Sandalphon
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