Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted August 16, 2020 Share Posted August 16, 2020 (edited) This thread is to function as a repository for those completing the penultimate challenge of the Iron Gauntlet, as well as a place for challengers to post models and rules for feedback and either 'ooh, pretty' or 'come on, that's OP!' comments. This challenge is open to all who have participated in any of the previous challenges, as well as those who wish to join this challenge with DIY characters. The Penultimate Challenge* Bronze: Create a dataslate (converted and painted model, fluff, custom rules and stats) representing a notable character from your organisation; * Silver: Create two dataslates representing two notable characters from your organisation; * Gold: Create three dataslates representing three notable characters from your organisation. First Round of Participants (8-17-2020 to 10-17-2020): LySiMachus Trokair FocslainLlagos_Tyrant Second Round of Participants (10-17-2020 to 12-17-2020): TechCaptain Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Third Round of Participants (12-17-2020 to 2-17-2021) h Edited December 17, 2020 by Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted August 17, 2020 Share Posted August 17, 2020 As mentioned in the other thread, I'll be taking this Challenge on next. I'm assuming that a Kill Team Commander dataslate will be acceptable for the rules? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5587356 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted August 17, 2020 Author Share Posted August 17, 2020 You may make up a dataslate in whichever fashion, rule system, or game you like--so long as it's set in 40k, not AoS. If that means kill team, go right ahead. :) Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5587366 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TechCaptain Posted August 17, 2020 Share Posted August 17, 2020 I will be doing this for second round at the moment. Not clear yet on who I am doing my Dataslates on yet. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5587385 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted August 19, 2020 Share Posted August 19, 2020 Did not see this thread the other day, so crosspost of my start for this challange. I am also going to go with the Penultimate Challenge next. I think the longer I wait to do the battle report for the third challenge the more likely I will actually be able to have a game. So here goes nothing: I,Trokair, of the Order Minoris Fides ex Machina take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete the Penultimate Challenge (before Challenge the Third) and create at least one datasheet for a character associated with the Order Fides ex Machina. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the light of the Omnissiah forsake me if I fail. I will start with Asura, former Magos and disciple of the Omnissiah’s Heart. I will create a custom datasheet for Asura, but for normal games Asura will be my Celestine, the Living Saint count as. Starting picture: I also intent to create a datasheet for Canoness Myrella, the model for this is the converted Canoness (the one with the axe, converted from Amalia Novena) that I have already completed in the second challenge. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5588185 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted August 24, 2020 Share Posted August 24, 2020 Going to be doing this challenge now. I,Focslain, of the House Jenius take up your Challenges. I vow, before my brothers and sisters of the B&C to complete the Penultimate Challenge (before Challenge the Third) and create at least one datasheet for a character associated with the Jenius Knight Academy. I vow to support my fellow challengers to the best of my ability. May the light of the Omnissiah forsake me if I fail. I have two in mind, maybe a third. Quick question on this one. Does the character have to have a completed model? If not I have a third in the bag, just that his isn't complete and not on the slate for the next few months. The two I'm going to be doing is Lady Llywelyn Farnia Jenius, Dean and head commander of House Jenius. Basically she's a mix of a Knight Despoiler and Preceptor, but loyal. And Bjorg Rhonwen, founder, mentor and member of the Fel Knights of Russ. Just going to be a Styrix with a the Mentor rule. (pict pending, thought I had one of him) Actually that will be a rule that all three of mine will have because they are after all, teachers. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5591308 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted August 26, 2020 Author Share Posted August 26, 2020 Quick question on this one. Does the character have to have a completed model? If not I have a third in the bag, just that his isn't complete and not on the slate for the next few months. The character requires a model, painted and based as your organization, preferably converted, and with a custom datasheet. The requirements are laid out in the first post. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5592341 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Llagos_Tyrant Posted August 26, 2020 Share Posted August 26, 2020 I'm going to jump into this vow for the first round! Need to do some bits gathering/assembling before I start on the specific characters. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5592453 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted August 28, 2020 Share Posted August 28, 2020 (edited) Ok, so was looking to what I wanted to add for my two characters. I have the special rules written as well as the basic idea for them. I'm looking for advice on how to point these rules out, PL I'm going to try to stick to the base line unless they warrant an increase. Bjorg Rhonwen in“Cadorius Lupus” PL 24Rebuilt paladin into a Stryix class via salvaged xenotech. Counts as a Freeblade Automated Repair Drones: is equipped with several small repair drones that can fix some of the worst damage even during combat. During the Command Phase Cadorius Lupus heals D3+1 wounds. Grace of the Omnimessiah: Cadorius Lupus counts as Questor Mechanicum for the purposes of strategums. (For context) Mentor and TeacherRe-roll hit rolls of 1 for friendly Armigar Class units within 6” of this model. QualitiesPeerless Warrior, IndomitableBurdenWary Machine Spirit Relic: NoneWarlord Trait: Ion Bulwark Lady Llywelyn Farnia Jenius in“Königin der Löwen” - PL 25Multi-purpose frame that can take any weapons (see chaos Dispoiler) HeadmistressRe-roll hit rolls of 1 for friendly <House Jenius> units within 6” of this model. Once per battle round, pick an enemy unit within 24” of this model. All friendly <House Jenius> units within 6” of Konigon der Lowen add +1 to their to-hit rolls while targeting that enemy unit. Relic: SanctuaryWarlord Trait: Cunning Commander What do you all think? Edit: minor changes Edited September 8, 2020 by Focslain Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5593369 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Valkia the Bloody Posted September 4, 2020 Share Posted September 4, 2020 Hmm.... I could do that, in fact I am already kind of started this for my Night Lords. It will be fun. Not sure when I get around to it though, because I first have to finish my Indomitus Necron painting challenge to get my Necrons out of the way. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5596082 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted September 5, 2020 Share Posted September 5, 2020 Focslain, I am not familiar with the Knights codex so don’t know the rules you have just listed by name. However for the two rules you have written out, ‘Mentor and Teacher’ and ‘Headmistress’ I assume are your creation for the two characters. It feels odd that the Freeblade teacher would affect all Armigers compared to the Queen of the Lions only affects her house. As a headmistress one would assume she is a good teacher, and while it makes sense she gives her bonus to her house it feels odd to me that this is more limited than the Freeblade. May I suggest ha the Freeblade’s ability is more along the line of pick one single armiger (model not unit), and while it is within 12 it gets a bonus to show the freeblade taking the young pilot under his wing. That would feel more distinct from the rule that the Queen of Lions has as headmistress of her houses academy. Focslain 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5596806 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted September 8, 2020 Share Posted September 8, 2020 (edited) Focslain, I am not familiar with the Knights codex so don’t know the rules you have just listed by name. However for the two rules you have written out, ‘Mentor and Teacher’ and ‘Headmistress’ I assume are your creation for the two characters. It feels odd that the Freeblade teacher would affect all Armigers compared to the Queen of the Lions only affects her house. As a headmistress one would assume she is a good teacher, and while it makes sense she gives her bonus to her house it feels odd to me that this is more limited than the Freeblade. May I suggest ha the Freeblade’s ability is more along the line of pick one single armiger (model not unit), and while it is within 12 it gets a bonus to show the freeblade taking the young pilot under his wing. That would feel more distinct from the rule that the Queen of Lions has as headmistress of her houses academy. Well the original thought is that Bjorg taught Llywelyn, so his ability would be better. But this would be a student surpassing the master. Though that does bring up the question on how does a freeblade preceptor work then since the Mentor ability is <house> based. Honestly I was thinking about it over the weekend and the mentor ability doesn't really fit Bjorg, maybe Seras if he was still alive. Plus having a freeblade count as Questor Mechanicus is a bit much already. As for her only affecting her house, that has to deal with clout more then anything else and I'm sure was built into the original preceptor rule. Though since she had a hand in teaching all the pilots her ability should work on all house units, not just armigars. Edited September 8, 2020 by Focslain Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5597907 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted September 16, 2020 Share Posted September 16, 2020 I see where you are coming from with Bjorg and Llywelyn. Maybe give Bjorg an ability like Ulrik the Slayer Mentor ability from 3rd Edition Codex, it is what I had in mind with my above suggestion but I could not member the actual rule, just the gist behind it. I have now dug out my old codex to check, I quote from page 29 of the 3rd edition codex, rules text bolded (to make it stand out from fluff text): “Mentor: One duty of the Wolf Priests is the recruitment of new Space Marne for the Space Wolves Chapter. In his time, Ulrik has chosen many young heroes and some of the Chapter’s greatest warriors of recent time have undergone training and selection in his halls. To represent this, you may pick one other model in the army as having being selected by Ulrick. This Model gains +1 Weapon Skill.” So in modern terms, at the start of the battle select one model (to have undergone training with Bjorg) and that model gains + 1 WS (or BS or A or some other nifty rule). It would still be a similar bonus, but it would be directed at one individual rather than all Armigers, and in this version could even Mentor another full scale Knight)Here is a draft set of rules for Asura and Myrella, I have used < Generic > for Keywords for clarity, though in the final version I intend to use the specific ones (Fides ex Machina for the sister <Order> and Elysium fr my made up <Forgeworld>. --- Asura, Disciple of the Omnissiah’s Heart 6 PL, 130pts M WS BS S T W A Ld Save 12" 2+ 2+ 4 5 6 6 9 2+ Equipment: Heavy Flamer, Frag & Krak grenades, Omnissian Blessed Axe Type: Melee S:+2 AP:-3 D:3 Rules: Acts of Faith, Sacred Rites, Shield of Faith Rosarius: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Disciple of the Omnissiah’s Heart: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly < FORGE WORLD>, <HOST> and <ORDER> units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model. Master of Machines: During the command phase this model can repair a single friendly <FORGE WORLD> vehicle, <ORDER>vehicle or QUESTOR MECHANICUS model within 3". If the model being repaired is a <FORGE WORLD> or <ORDER>model, it regains D3 lost wounds; if it is a QUESTOR MECHANNICUS model, it regains 1 lost wound. A model may not be the target of the Master of Machines ability more than once per turn. The Host of the Omnissiah’s Heart: A detachment containing this model may select units from the Adeptus Mechanicus codex with the <CULT MECHANICUS> Keyword, those units if included replace the <CULT MECHANICUS> Keyword with the <HOST> Keyword and gain <ORDER>. Faction Keywords : Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adepta Sororitas, < FORGE WORLD>, <ORDER><HOST> Keywords: Character, Infantry, Fly, Tech- Priest, Asura --- Canoness Myrella 3 PL 70pts M WS BS S T W A Ld Save 6" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 3+ Equipment: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Omnissian Blessed Axe Type: Melee S:+2 AP:-3 D:3 Rules: Acts of Faith, Sacred Rites, Shield of Faith Rosarius: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Lead the Righteous: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly <ORDER> units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model. Benediction of the Saga of the Long Night: Once per battle, during the command phase Canoness Myrella can recite part of the Saga of the Miracle of the Long Night. When she dose discard any number of Miracle dice up to a number equal to the current turn and select a friendly <ORDER> Vehicle within 6”, that Vehicle regains that many wounds. Faction Keywords : Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta Sororitas, <ORDER> Keywords: Character, Infantry, Canoness Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5603063 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted September 17, 2020 Share Posted September 17, 2020 I see where you are coming from with Bjorg and Llywelyn. Maybe give Bjorg an ability like Ulrik the Slayer Mentor ability from 3rd Edition Codex, it is what I had in mind with my above suggestion but I could not member the actual rule, just the gist behind it. I have now dug out my old codex to check, I quote from page 29 of the 3rd edition codex, rules text bolded (to make it stand out from fluff text): “Mentor: One duty of the Wolf Priests is the recruitment of new Space Marne for the Space Wolves Chapter. In his time, Ulrik has chosen many young heroes and some of the Chapter’s greatest warriors of recent time have undergone training and selection in his halls. To represent this, you may pick one other model in the army as having being selected by Ulrick. This Model gains +1 Weapon Skill.” So in modern terms, at the start of the battle select one model (to have undergone training with Bjorg) and that model gains + 1 WS (or BS or A or some other nifty rule). It would still be a similar bonus, but it would be directed at one individual rather than all Armigers, and in this version could even Mentor another full scale Knight) Here is a draft set of rules for Asura and Myrella, I have used < Generic > for Keywords for clarity, though in the final version I intend to use the specific ones (Fides ex Machina for the sister <Order> and Elysium fr my made up <Forgeworld>. --- Asura, Disciple of the Omnissiah’s Heart 6 PL, 130pts M WS BS S T W A Ld Save 12" 2+ 2+ 4 5 6 6 9 2+ Equipment: Heavy Flamer, Frag & Krak grenades, Omnissian Blessed Axe Type: Melee S:+2 AP:-3 D:3 Rules: Acts of Faith, Sacred Rites, Shield of Faith Rosarius: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Disciple of the Omnissiah’s Heart: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly < FORGE WORLD>, <HOST> and <ORDER> units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model. Master of Machines: During the command phase this model can repair a single friendly <FORGE WORLD> vehicle, <ORDER>vehicle or QUESTOR MECHANICUS model within 3". If the model being repaired is a <FORGE WORLD> or <ORDER>model, it regains D3 lost wounds; if it is a QUESTOR MECHANNICUS model, it regains 1 lost wound. A model may not be the target of the Master of Machines ability more than once per turn. The Host of the Omnissiah’s Heart: A detachment containing this model may select units from the Adeptus Mechanicus codex with the <CULT MECHANICUS> Keyword, those units if included replace the <CULT MECHANICUS> Keyword with the <HOST> Keyword and gain <ORDER>. Faction Keywords : Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adepta Sororitas, < FORGE WORLD>, <ORDER><HOST> Keywords: Character, Infantry, Fly, Tech- Priest, Asura --- Canoness Myrella 3 PL 70pts M WS BS S T W A Ld Save 6" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 3+ Equipment: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Omnissian Blessed Axe Type: Melee S:+2 AP:-3 D:3 Rules: Acts of Faith, Sacred Rites, Shield of Faith Rosarius: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Lead the Righteous: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly <ORDER> units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model. Benediction of the Saga of the Long Night: Once per battle, during the command phase Canoness Myrella can recite part of the Saga of the Miracle of the Long Night. When she dose discard any number of Miracle dice up to a number equal to the current turn and select a friendly <ORDER> Vehicle within 6”, that Vehicle regains that many wounds. Faction Keywords : Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta Sororitas, <ORDER> Keywords: Character, Infantry, Canoness I like the idea, but might want to go a little further. Mentor: Bjorg can grant one Imperial Knight unit his Peerless Warrior quality (see Freeblade). This means the bonus is a bit random, but that represents the hidden talent Bjorg sees the the candidate. Also on yours, a tech priest that can fly is pretty up there. I'd say maybe a bump to 150 pts at least, especially since she has the act of faith ability. BTW Master of Machines is at the end of the movement phase, in general. Love the Canoness, was worried about the benediction heal, but sacking miracle dice balances that out. Trokair 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5603448 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted September 17, 2020 Share Posted September 17, 2020 That sounds like a flavorful solution for Bjorg. In terms of points for Asura, yea, I was not sure if it needs to go up it will. As for Master of Mashines, as it is the kind of ability that I think will become a command phase ability I just made the change here. It also means that it is a bit more limited in application as you cannot move into range, so counteracting the fly mobility a bit. Will think about it and tinker. Regarding the Canoness vehicle heal. I have found in may few sisters game in this addition that I often end the battle with two or three unspent miracle die that are hard to use (1 and 2 mostly), and as there are stratagems that can discard miracle dice I thought this would be a good alternate way to spend them. I also liked the idea that the more desperate things got (ie the later I t he game it is, and therefore the more damaged the vehicles will be) the greater the potential miracle, and if the sisters have been faithful and generating lots of miracle dice the better. A bit like how in the saga of the Long night when all seemed lost a machine came to life and saved them. So all In all I think it is a fair ability and I am happy with it. Another version I played around with was: Rouse the Machine Spirits: Once per battle, at the start of the shorting phase or the combat phase the Canoness can rouse the machine spirits of the weapons of the Order. When she does all weapons of Order units within 9” gain +1 S, and additional -1 Ap and + 1 Damage the weapons make one normal attack hitting on 4+ each. Note, this is the weapon attacking of its own accord, it does not use the models WS, special rules or other effects (such as aura rerolls) for melee weapons the S is still the wielding models S. However I am not as happy with this one, so for the moment i will stick with the healing benediction. Llagos_Tyrant 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5603758 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 Challenge complete! Father Gregorias of the Adeptus Ministorum It is not unusual to see priests of the Adeptus Ministorum accompanying battle groups of either the Order of the Sacred Scroll or the Emperor's Blade Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. The presence of such faithful preachers is not needed to sharpen and guide the fighting ability of those legendary warriors, as it might be for lesser troops, but they are nonetheless strengthened spiritually by the inspiring rhetoric the priests espouse. Father Gregorias has served the Emperor faithfully for many years, initially as a member of an Imperial Guard regiment raised from the Hives of Andoc's World. He progressed to the rank of Drill Sergeant, but his rousing speeches directed to new recruits into the regiment drew the attention of a Confessor who recognized Gregorias' value to the Ecclesiarchy. After several decades of serving as a battlefield preacher, Gregorias was permitted to make a pilgrimage to Threskeia IV, where he took up residence in one of its countless Shrines. Here he has remained, but his rage against the enemies of the Imperium has continued to drive him to petition the masters of Order and Chapter that he might be allowed to join them when they go to war. Though well along in years, Gregorias' skill at arms and his uplifting oratory have made him a welcome addition to many expeditions. Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch, Trokair, Focslain and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5605200 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted September 21, 2020 Share Posted September 21, 2020 So, for the KT rules for Gregorias I stuck fairly closely to those of Taddeus the Purifier, with a few weapon swaps. I also felt that keeping Taddeus' War Hymns (+1A for all models within 6") might be too good when applied to Astartes rather than Guard, so I changed it to boost Ld rather than A. That felt more appropriate fluff-wise too, there isn't much a regular human can tell Astartes about fighting, but for a religious Chapter like my EB, just hearing the catechisms and canticles of the Ministorum would still be a boost to their (already superior) morale? Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5605201 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted September 25, 2020 Share Posted September 25, 2020 I really like the simple conversion you have done for Father Gregorias. Rules seem decent for what he is, and the +1 LD dose indeed feel appropriate. While a mere preacher may not be able to tell Marines how to fir better, I can still see him giving a rousing speech that incites the marines to be more aggressive, so a +1 A or +1 to hit in melee could also have worked. I guess it comes down to whether he is more a grant orator or a passionate firebrand. Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5607110 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Llagos_Tyrant Posted September 27, 2020 Share Posted September 27, 2020 I have converted two models for my Iron Warriors that were the focus of my Liber Chaotica article. I'm still working on the datasheets and lore for the models but the conversions are below: A Chaos Lord: An Exalted Champion: Will read through the other posts on here! Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch, Lysimachus, Focslain and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5607609 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Llagos_Tyrant Posted October 6, 2020 Share Posted October 6, 2020 My Iron Warriors Chaos Lord, Perdicas, Equerry to the Tyrant Tullaris of the VIIth Grand Battalion, IVth Legion is painted up! I have some ideas for the datasheet, so now it's just a matter of filling that out! Focslain, Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch, Valkia the Bloody and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5612702 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Focslain Posted October 13, 2020 Share Posted October 13, 2020 Ok, so not the best, but at least it's done. Cadorius Lupus - 25 PL/550 pts No. M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv1 12” 3+ 3+ 8 8 25 4 10 3+ (7-12 Wounds Remaining)No. M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv1 9” 4+ 4+ 8 8 n/a 4 10 3+ (1-6 Wounds Remaining)No. M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv1 6” 5+ 5+ 8 8 n/a 4 10 3+ Cadorius Lupus is armed with a volkite chieorovile, a graviton crusher, and a hekaton siege claw with inbuilt twin rad-cleanser. It may also crush it’s foes beneath its titanic feet Bjorg Rhonwen was originally of House Tintagel, a minor house in the Ultima Segmetum. He had already gained many battle honours slaying the foes of the Imperium in his Paladin class knight Cadorius. His home was attacked by Eldar raiders, the keep was destroyed and the house devastated. For some reason only he and an armigar attendant survived. Effectively homeless, he and his companion started traveling to other worlds besieged by eldar raiders in a vain hope of finding the group that destroyed his family and home. Soon after his journey started he lost his companion, the armigar was not able to keep up with Bjorg’s larger mount. A decade later Bjorg himself was defeated on the field of battle, his mount laid in on a bed of corpses. There he was found by a company of wolves. He and his mount were repaired, his mount changed, made stronger as he recovered. His old mount was rechristened Cadorius Lupus, rebuilt as a Knight Styrix. Once ready for battle he joined the local forces to guard against all threats. So that hopefully would know the loss he felt. Ionic Flare Shield: Model has a 5+ Invariable save Automated Repair Drones: Cadorius Lupus is equipped with several small repair drones that can fix some of the worst damage even during combat. During the Command Phase this model heals D3+1 wounds. Grace of the Omnissiah: Cadorius Lupus counts as Questor Mechanicum for the purposes of stratagems. Mentor: Bjorg can grant one <Imperial Knight> unit his Peerless Warrior quality (see Freeblade). QualitiesPeerless Warrior, IndomitableBurdenWary Machine Spirit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lady Llywelyn Farnia Jenius“Königin der Löwen” Kongin der Lowen in Crusader configration, leading a lance. Lady Llywelyn Farnia Jenius - Headmistress of the academy and leader of House Jenius. She was already tracked for the coveted Titan program before being tapped for a new knight training program. Led by two freeblades, she joined two dozen elite pilots to learn the ways of knight combat. After years of grueling training, only eight pilots managed to make the cut, of those Llywelyn was deemed top of her class. For this she and her fellow pilots were then tasked in training the future generations of knight pilots for the newly created House Jenius. In her years as instructor and head of the Academy she has helped in the training of several generations of knight pilots. Even in her advanced years she manages to hold her own versus many foes. Her ruthlessness is legendary, both on campus and the battlefield. Her mount ,Königin der Löwen, has the ability to mimic any class of knight, showing that she has the ability to teach for any frame. Multi-purpose chassis Königin der Löwen can mount just about any weapon. For this, choose one Questoris class model to represent its current configuration. Add +1 PL/+50 pts for having Llywelyn piloting it and add the Headmistress ability. HeadmistressRe-roll to-hit rolls of 1 for friendly <House Jenius> units within 6” of this model. Once per battle round, pick an enemy unit within 24” of this model. All friendly <House Jenius> units within 6” of Konigon der Lowen add +1 to their to-hit rolls while targeting that enemy unit. Editors Note: After looking at the multi-chassis rule I realized I can have her pilot a styrix and mangra as well. So I will have to make those weapon options for her later. Llagos_Tyrant, Lysimachus and Trokair 3 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5616974 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Llagos_Tyrant Posted October 16, 2020 Share Posted October 16, 2020 (edited) “I understand that you were born for the second time after the Despoiler tore the great rift across the stars, is that right? I was born for the second time while the Imperials scoured us from the galaxy and pushed us back into hell’s mouth. I was born to another company then. I hadn’t even met the 7th Grand Battalion until my third century in the Eye of Terror. We were rivals once. Times change. It’s been four centuries since I made my oath to the Warsmith, and another from the founding of the Triumvirate. But for all those years trapped in hell, reality has been no freedom. Don’t talk to me about going back into the Eye, newborn. We’re carrying it with us now. And I see hell with even my waking eyes.” Perdicas Verrax is a renowned Iron Warriors commander, and one of the close advisors and most trusted lieutenants of the Chaos Lord Oden Tullaris, the self-styled Tyrant of Llagos and one of the ruling members of the Triumvirate, a council of Chaos Lords who lord over the Iron Warriors 7th Grand Battalion. What is known to Imperial records is limited, save that Verrax is not recorded in the battle counts of members of the IVth Legion prior to the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. Further records drawn from sources in M34 first mention Perdicas Verrax as a veteran, but not commander, of a small group of Iron Warriors allied to the Black Legion. He was presumed dead while fighting the Salamanders chapter, during a battle in the caverns of Lyax near the Eye of Terror. His escape suggests that other Heretics thought killed in this combat may have survived. Perdicas then resurfaced in Imperial records in M37 as an officer of the 7th Grand Battalion, battling against the Iron Hands and Novamarines chapters in a series of battles throughout the Segmentum Obscurus. During one of these engagements, he is recorded as having ordered the boarding and capture of a notable Imperial Navy vessel, the Trastamara - a cruiser with a once notable honour roll, and recently encountered again under Heretic command in the Llagos Sector. His path to command and to serving as one of the most trusted officers of Lord Tullaris is unclear, but his ability in command has been noted by the Imperial forces invading the Llagos Sector. Battle reports indicate he has a clear preference for moving in the field amongst his forces, directing their fire as they advance, as opposed to the more common IVth legion command tendency to direct artillery and heavy weapons fire from the rear lines. Inquisitor LeMarke of the Ordo Hereticus has shared evidence that Imperial battle scanners detect an unusually high amount of binaric and voxcast data in the proximity of the Iron Warriors Lord. Inquisitor LeMarke has surmised this suggests advanced neural modification, potentially with Heretical or Xenos technology, somehow enabling Perdicas Verrax to direct his forces almost subconsciously in the wider battle, while his conscious mind directs the battle in his immediate proximity. __________ EDIT: I'm hoping the type up of the Warlord trait doesn't violate forum rules, but happy to retake the screenshot sans Warlord Trait. Open to feedback and suggestions for the special ability. I was torn between a once per game shoot twice ability, a once per game +1 to wound ability, and a once per game mortal wounds on 6s to hit in addition to normal damage ability. I really liked the ability of one of the HH units to let an allied unit shoot twice if it doesn't shoot itself. Felt thematic and fitting for an Iron Warriors lord. For the wargear, I tried to reflect some of the relics while potentially toning them down or at least not making them more powerful. The Mace/Maul was abit harder to balance with the change to Power Mauls and with the stats of the Siegebreaker Mace relic. I also tried to 'future proof' it a bit with the addition of CORE keywords, even though it's not clear where those will come in for CSM yet. Unfortunately, I will not be able to finish painting my Exalted Champion up to the standard I want in time, so I will miss the silver vow. Edited October 16, 2020 by Llagos_Tyrant Trokair and Lysimachus 2 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5618624 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trokair Posted October 16, 2020 Share Posted October 16, 2020 Later than I intended, but not to late I hope, I have finished the two datasheets. ---- Canoness Myrella Myrella was merely an average sister when she was finished her training at the Covent Sanctorum on Ophelia VII and joined the order Minoris Fides ex Machina and would remain unremarked amongst her peers for many a year. As with almost every sister that joins the order who did not have any previous ties to Elysium, or another Mechanicum influenced world, the orders unique blend of faith and culture were difficult to adjust to. Comprehension, understanding and acceptance of the difference in the faith she was raised in and the fair she now found herself in did not come until a lengthy mission alongside forces form the Elysium Forge. Over the course of the weeks of transport, the months of on planet activates and the eventual return journey Myrella was embroiled into a series of heated discourses with one of the younger Tech-Priests as to the nature of their respective Faiths. It was also during this time that Myrella found she had a minor gift with machines that allowed her to gain deeper understanding of both her own faith and the misguided ideals of the Adeptus Mechanicum. While it was not apparent to Myrell the strength in her faith and the faith of the order that she had gained would slowly raise her out of being a mere average sister and set her on a path to greatness and distinguished rank. Canoness Myrella 3 PL 70pts M WS BS S T W A Ld Save 6" 2+ 2+ 3 3 5 4 9 3+ Equipment: Bolt pistol, Frag & Krak grenades, Omnissian Blessed Axe Type: Melee S:+2 AP:-3 D:3 Rules: Acts of Faith, Sacred Rites, Shield of Faith Rosarius: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Lead the Righteous: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly Core Fides ex Machina units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model. Benediction of the Saga of the Long Night: Once per battle, during the command phase Canoness Myrella can recite part of the Saga of the Miracle of the Long Night. When she dose discard any number of Miracle dice up to a number equal to the current turn and select a friendly Fides ex Machina Vehicle within 6”, that Vehicle regains that many wounds. Faction Keywords : Imperium, Adeptus Ministorum, Adepta Sororitas, Fides ex Machina Keywords: Character, Infantry, Canoness ---- Asura, Disciple of the Omnissiah’s Heart Asuras early life and history, including Asuras original name and gender have long been lost. What is known is that before Asura became the chief disciple of the Cult of the Omnissiah’s Heart and was excommunicated by the conservative council of senior Magi Asura was a Magos of some renown and influence within the upper echelons of the Elysian Forgeworld. Following the excommunication and striping of rank Asura found shelter within the imperial conclave on Lethe, and in particular the Order Fiedes Ex Machina as their respective faiths were close enough to allow for development of a working relation that has endured for some time. The Cult is no longer seen as the heretical radicals that they where brand with in the earlier decades, and are now tolerated as a misguided offshoot of the Martian Faith this shift is down in part to Asura’s leadership of the cult. Asura, Disciple of the Omnissiah’s Heart 6 PL, 150pts M WS BS S T W A Ld Save 12" 2+ 2+ 4 5 6 6 9 2+ Equipment: Heavy Flamer, Frag & Krak grenades, Omnissian Blessed Axe Type: Melee S:+2 AP:-3 D:3 Rules: Acts of Faith, Sacred Rites, Shield of Faith Rosarius: This model has a 4+ invulnerable save. Disciple of the Omnissiah’s Heart: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for attacks made by models in friendly Elysium, Host of the Omnissiah’s Heart and Fides ex Machina units whilst their unit is within 6" of this model. Master of Machines: At the end of your Movement phase this model can repair a single friendly Elysium vehicle, Fides ex Machina vehicle or Questor Mechanicus model within 3". If the model being repaired is a Elysium or Fides ex Machina model, it regains D3 lost wounds; if it is a Questor Mechanicus model, it regains 1 lost wound. A model may not be the target of the Master of Machines ability more than once per turn. The Host of the Omnissiah’s Heart: A detachment containing this model may select units from the Adeptus Mechanicus codex with the <CULT MECHANICUS> Keyword, those units if included replace the <CULT MECHANICUS> Keyword with the Host of the Omnissiah’s Heart Keyword and gain Adepta Sororitas. Faction Keywords : Imperium, Adeptus Mechanicus, Adepta Sororitas, Elysium, Fides ex Machina, Host of the Omnissiah’s Heart Keywords: Character, Infantry, Fly, Tech- Priest, Asura Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5618732 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Daimyo-Phaeron Lenoch Posted December 17, 2020 Author Share Posted December 17, 2020 http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/368211-ig-2020-cantorellian-23rd-custom-dataslates/ Finally got these up and done. I probably should have done work on these earlier, but procuring a Female commissar model was more difficult than I expected. Nonetheless, it is done. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5645611 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Argent Posted January 1, 2021 Share Posted January 1, 2021 I, Brother Argent, vow to complete this challenge along with the other two in this the final stage of the Iron Gauntlet. I will include a smattering from all my forces if I get the time to paint and convert the models. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/365960-liberalia-martiale-2020-the-penultimate-challenge/#findComment-5649544 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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