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Moridius' Dark Angels - Lean and Green

Brother Moridius

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Hello Brothers!

Today I felt randomly inspired to post my models again, its not that I ever stepped away from the hobby or this site, I just got lazy and didnt post.

A lot has happened in the past few years, a child, a divorce, a new house and renovation, Covid. So you know your typical Tuesday.

But anyway Id like to present my new fascination and descent into madness, tallification of all my marines. This method is definitely not my idea it was inspired by Veteran Sergeant and his blog, can I link to it here? no clue but a simple google search of true scale veteran seargent brings it right up.

Here are some progress shots:

Group Shot


Side Comparison:


First Finished HQ


Work In progress:


Even Dreadnaughts!


And Terminators:


So yea this is a long and terrible project that I have fallen in love with, to me they look sooo much better and are now of similar size as primaris but with all the history of the hobby that I love.

so far I have about 30-35 models done and will try to post a group shot this weekend.

Questions, comments, criticisms, lynching always welcome!


Edited by Brother Moridius
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Gotta stay motivated gotta stay motivated. Group shot!




Blurry in the background are the next additions, 4 more marines and 2 bikers. At some point I really have to organize what I have done and see if Im close to a squad, all I have been doing during quarantine has been grabbing random models and working on them


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This one will help tell the story a bit, I cut the shins just below the grey, across the thighs just below the red of the purity seal, and above the belt. Then it was plasticad and green stuff infill, move the belt buckle and chains, extend sword etc. Was probably one of the more challenging projects as everything was so small and in the open and my gs skills are lacking.


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