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Post your Dark Angel Company Command Squad


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Since we have totally hi-jacked the thread about legend models I thought I would start a new thread to post your DA company command squad. Bonus points if you tell us how you currently use the two left over veterans.

Let go back to a simpler time when GW was happy for you to kit-bash units that didn’t have a specific kit of their own.


The two spare vets are used as tac squad sgts when I don’t want to pay for the upgrades.

I can’t seem to find any picture with finished bases. I’ll take a new photo at some point and swap it out.

Edited by JJD
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A most excellent idea, brother!


Here is my command squad. The 2nd Company Command Squad for the Wings of Dawn!




From right to left you have:


First Lieutenant of the 2nd Company, Brother Halbar Taronus,

Champion of the 2nd Company, Brother Aramil Althonos,

Company Banner, carried by the 2nd Company Ancient, Brother Ademar Finhae,

Apothecary, tasked to the 2nd Company, Brother Eldred Seismir,

And last, but not least, Second Lieutenant of the 2nd Company, Brother Osric Helain.


The Champion, Ancient and Apothecary, are made from a combination of the Command Squad set and the Company Veterans set, while the 2nd Lt. is the Veteran Sgt. from Dark Vengeance with a helmet on and a change of pistol, and the 1st Lt. is a combination of the torso from the old Dark Angels Upgrade sprue and assault marine bits.

In the lore of the chapter, Taronus leads from the front, alongside the Master of the Company, Dragomir Arcalis (who also prefers jump packs and a frontal assault approach to battle). Meanwhile Osric leads the backline forces of devastators and support gunlines, and is often tasked with serving as aide to the Chapter Master, whenever he decides to take command of the company in battle.

Edited by Berzul
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They look fantastic Berzul.


I like that you used some different bodies for a bit of variety farther than all company vets.


I have a very similar conversation based on the DV sgt model.

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You know... Seeing this thread made me realize: I just need an Apothecary for a full Primaris Command Squad for Lazarus' company (well, and some way to do company champion, but hey ho :laugh.:)


Might have to get one now....

Edited by Gederas
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A better question might be to ask me which one, I have enough to almost make 3 I actually just don't have a painted firstborn apothecary out side of my terminator one.


But here I'll share my ancients later I can do that. My primaris ancient is still a wip but the two normies are done. In the process of a strip and repaint of my deathwing one

Edited by aura_enchanted
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Some great command squads here.


JJD nice work - love the consistent look and bright colours. Comapany champ is my favourite !

Utari - good work, i like simple yet very effective conversions 


Keep up the great work guys !

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