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Taurox vs Chimera


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As the Future of Guard in early 9.Ed seems to lie in Mechanized Units i intend to up my motor pool with some Transports.

Now i can't decide which one.

Both the Chimera and Taurox seem to have their pros and cons.

For me they are:

Chimera pro


12 Model transport

Cheaper in stock loadout


Chimera cons

Laughable damage output.

Only 12" move


Taurox pro

Decent damage output

Faster with 14" move

Smaller so easyier to hide


Taurox cons


Only 10 models Transport.


The Damage output might change when the new HB profil becomes official and the AC remains unchanged.

My first thought was to use them together to migate their weaknesses a little bit.


Have you made any thoughts on Transports?

I am interested in hearing them

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My only thoughts on the matter that I am certain of is that I like the chimera models, and I don't like the taurox models. I won't enjoy owning, building, painting and fielding models I don't like.


I think that is ones first concern. I would think you have to like your models, even if they aren't your favorite, you have to at least like them enough to stand looking at them. If you like both, then it's time for further in put.


Durability is somewhat important. But T6 and T7 are wounded just as easily by all S8-S11 weapons. Since I would probably shoot at your transports with krak missiles, battlecannons, demolisher cannons, lascannons, and then wack them with marines armed with power fists, thunderhammers and chainfists. They both will be wounded on a 3+ by all of those weapons.


Transport capacity of 12 vs 10 is important when a character hitches a ride with a squad.


Firepower is important, but most of your firepower is coming from other units, so I wouldn't worry too much.


Points costs and more specific needs come up next.


Taurox for your 10 person squads, and chimeras when you need a character and a 10 person squad together maybe?


After that, then yeah, that's everybody else's time for input.


TL/DR = I recommend whichever models you think look good. You will still like them in 10th and 11th edition.

Edited by Canadian_F_H
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I think that the lasgun arrays should not be underestimated. 6-12 extra lasgun shots can contribute a lot over the course of a game. Combined with the idea that infantry squads really exist to just take objectives, I’m glad for the slightly tougher and slightly cheaper option that lets their passengers still contribute.
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To complicate matters slightly ... there are a variety of ways you can make a Taurox look half-decent - at least one 3rd party manufacturer sells a conversion-kit to turn a Taurox into a 4x4 wheeled vehicle ; and I've seen some actually really nifty conversions making use of kataphron tracks to get more of a Hagglunds style vibe that actually looks seriously better for some reason. 

Now in terms of the actual characteristics of each vehicle ruleswise - I feel the point that's been overlooked somewhat is that the weapons-upgrades mountable on a Chimera can notably increase its damage output. Particularly situationally. In addition to the possibility of a turret-mounted autocannon, or adding a turret-mounted heavy bolter in lieu of the multilaser (tempting, given the 2 damage for heavy bolter shots now - although perhaps autocannons may be similarly buffed) , you could also explore one or even two heavy flamers. Although all of this will, of course, change the points calculation relative to the Taurox. 

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It’s interesting to me that you think mech guard will be strong this edition because I’m sitting here thinking such light transports and honestly vehicles in general because of how overcosted they are and how any marine player who glances their way will explode.
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The Taurox has got a little better since it no longer gets -1 To Hit on the move, which with 2 Autocannons is fairly nice to have, and as pointed out T6 vs T7 doesn't matter except in the case of some extreme outliers that shouldn't be hitting a lowly transport anyway.


However, I think the Chimera is out-and-out superior, especially with the new details of the Imperial weaponry from the Warhammer Community information about Space Marines. Running it with 2 Heavy Bolters will give some nice firepower against Marine/Primaris MSUs if you are keeping a distance, whilst running 2 Heavy Flamers is better than ever with 12" range if you are rushing up close. Add onto that the Lasgun Arrays and Vox stratagems for orders and the disparity just gets wider.


If Move, Move, Move gets nerfed in the next book the Taurox may be worth considering for the higher speed, or if it gets more weapon options like the Taurox Prime, but until then the Chimera is, in my opinion, far better.

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It’s interesting to me that you think mech guard will be strong this edition because I’m sitting here thinking such light transports and honestly vehicles in general because of how overcosted they are and how any marine player who glances their way will explode.

Don't get me wrong^^ all our vehicals ARE overcosted, but i played like 10 Games now and Mech Guard seem to be the least bad List Guard is able to run now.

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So i might be executed for heresy but i kinnda like the Taurox modell^^

It breaks the monotony of everything beeing a chimera chassie.

The point about T6 or T7 is a good one, after thinking about it, it won't make to much diffrenz.

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Wheel kits sold me two Tauroxes. But i guess i'll use those as firesupport Primes for my Kasrkin/Scions. 
As for the Taurox vs Chimera choice i'd prefer Chimera, because it gives more for the price and with basic weapons it costs 5 points less than Taurox. But honestly with the change to disembarking process in 8th edition almost all land transports are looking useless to me.

Edited by Shamansky
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A lot depends on your regimental doctrines as well. Double heavy flamers and track guards with gunnery experts is really strong, even more so if you go all out with pyromaniacs or the repair doctrine. With that being said though, Heavy Bolters going to D2 is going to help out a lot vs Primaris, and I am expecting the Autocannon to get a buff as well. Those two loadouts can be great with Armageddon doctrine to ignore the common -1 AP these days (and new chainswords).
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I've been contemplating this too after a quick game with my mech guard


I think the base taroux has some merit due to its speed especially if you reserve it for more game


Biggest issue for me though is its cost

In 7th it was a great value option for mobility and a considerable savings on the Chimera

Hopefully in the codex it will become a cheap enough option

Shame transports don't get obsec any more I found that super useful in 7th

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If we ever get the vigils strategies back the chimera can pull double duty. The ability to disembark after moving was clutch.


Until then the chimera will still likely be best in all scenarios. The ability to take 12 models is a big deal since you can throw a screen forwards while leaving a character on the objective to support follow on troops and be un-targetable to shooting for a round. Won't save you from assault but it's a nice way to get an early turn of scoring in if you can avoid assault.


While expensive, double flamer and track guards make a nice brawler if you need to tie down some enemy infantry in CC too.


Taurox needs to come way down in cost, even starting with a no guns option would be great.

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I don't use either as a foot guard fanatic... however I thought of this post whilst browsing this goonhammer article on transports - I hope its of use, it looks at survivability of imperial transports



The article confused me as the graph is different between chimera and rhino when they should surely be the same?

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