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Raptors Shadow-Blade Guard Veterans WIP

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Tried something new for the camo cloak. I tried to replicate a guillie suit. Not 100% happy but I'm not mad at it. Mostly because it wicked up too much oil wash that I couldn't get out as I had envisioned lol. But I need to do a light varnish over the oil after it sets then base mount and some final details.






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I may have to just paint over the guillie suit sections. Its wierd, With washes, contrasts and paint i couldn't get solid colors...so oil time and it magically went way too far. Oh well gotta try new stuff to see where stuff fails. Its made from red shop rag threads. Theyre about the right size as fabric straps on guillie suits and naturally curl. I was thinking with all the paint and varnish it had on it already i could shade the recesses which wasn't working with anything else lol
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