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(Homebrew) Rules For Sanguinius' in 9th

The Unseen

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So, a friend of mine wanted to get a game in using his Heresy era Alpha Legion, but neither of us are super keen on trying to relearn the HH rules that we collectively either never used (on my end, though I did play a lot of previous editions, but I recall HH using a modified 7th) or that hasn't used them in over 2 years and never played many games (on his end). So were going to do it using 9th ed, just with the fan-made legiones list for 8th with the small changes to bring it into 9th.

But I'd like to put the beautiful Sanguinius model I recently acquired and built (He's in the painting queue, near the top) on the tabletop, and so I sat down and tried to do a close-but-not-exact conversion from his HH rules into 9ths ruleset, aiming for a similar power level and feel as Gman at around 400 pts.

And these are what I came up with, I'll do a summary of my thoughts at the end.


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Sanguinius, The Great Angel
Sanguinius may be chosen as a Lord of War choice in a BLOOD ANGEL supreme command detachment for 400 pts, as long as your army contains at least 1 additional Blood Angel detachment of Battalion or Brigade, Sanguinius must be chosen as your armies Warlord, and the supreme command detachment containing him and 1 BLOOD ANGEL Battalion or Brigade will cost you 0 CP.

M   WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
14” 2+  2+  6 6  9 7  10 2+

Equipped with The Spear of Telesto, Moonsilver Blade, Infernus, Frag and Krak Grenades

Spear of Telesto (Melee)        X2/+2    -4    3/D3   Use the first profile if Sanguinus Charged or Heroically Intervened that turn. Any unmodified 6’s to wound with this weapon cause an additional mortal wound.   

Spear of Telesto (Shooting) 12”   Assault D6    6   -2    2     This weapon hits automatically


Moonsilver Blade  --  Melee   +1   -3   2    Any DAEMON or PSYKER unit must reroll successful invulnerable saves vs wounds caused by this weapon

Infernus   18” Assault 2 8 -4 D6         If the target is within half range of this weapon add 2 to the damage of that attack   (One Use Only)


Sanguinius may trade his Spear of Telesto and Moonsilver Blade for the Blade Encarmine
Blade Encarmine   Melee  +1 -3 2     You may make 3 additional attacks with this weapon


Regalia Resplendent:
This suit of masterwork artificer armor grants Sanguinius a 2+ armor save and a 4+ Invulnerable save. In any turn in which Sanguinius Charges or Performs a Heroic intervention, he may reroll any Invulnerable saves during that turns Fight Phase.


Special Rules:

Angels of Death

Angelic Prescence: Any Friendly IMPERIUM units within 12” of Sanguinius may reroll 1’s To-Hit, are treated as Leadership 10, and always count as above half strength on combat attrition tests. Enemy units within engagement range of Sanguinius suffer -1 to their combat attrition tests

Skystrike: Whenever Sanguinius successfully completes a Charge Move, select an enemy unit within 1” of Sanguinus’, that unit takes D3 mortal wounds. In addition, Sanguinius Always Strikes First.

IX Primarch: Any Friendly BLOOD ANGEL units within 12” of Sanguinus may reroll Charge Rolls, and Reroll To-Wound rolls in the Fight Phase.
Warlord Trait: (Angel’s Grace) This model may move 6” when declaring a Heroic Intervention, and any Friendly BLOOD ANGEL Infantry, Biker, or Dreadnought model within 6” of Sanguinius may make a Heroic Intervention as if they were CHARACTERS and may move 6” when they do so.



So, obviously, he's real scary in combat. When compared with Gman, his statline is identical except for 1 extra attack, his Spear is worse than the Emperors Sword/Hand even on the charge as its sort of a mix of both of them, though not by much, he gives the same reroll 1's to hit for Imperium as Gman, but trades the other parts of those buffs for improved morale resilience, as Sanguinius was noted to inspire even the common people of the Imperium more than his brethren. Similarly, his bonus to combat resolution in HH is replaced with enemy units suffering the same penalty as Death Masks give (Or at least, what I imagine Death Masks will do when our rules are updated)


I recreated his initiative bonuses and Str10 AP2 Hammer of Wrath hit with D3 mortals on the charge and always strike first, and letting BA units use their jump packs in move and charge phases was replaced with a reroll charge aura, and instead of letting BA units reroll failed hits in all phases, I figured I'd instead let him be a buffed Sanguinary Ancient banner, so reroll to-wound rolls in combat for nearby units.


Rather than Gmans 3 extra command points, he instead gets an improved Heroic Intervention that he shares with nearby BA units, representing his more symbolic/personal leadership style, rather than improved logistical/tactical benefits.


So what do you guys think?
Fluffy? Over-powered?  Undercosted or about right?


Edited by The Unseen
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