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I have a few questions expanding my general army.


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I’m working on expanding my general army. Since starting up the hobby I’ve only played killteam but want to play 40k in 9th. I not quite sure the direction I want to go, so I’d like a good mix of everything to test stuff out. The stuff I like the most would be mechanized, scions, and knights.


1. I just ordered two start collecting boxes, this will give me four total Battlecannon tanks (I will be manetizing them). Is it useful to have that many, or will the fourth never see the table?


2. With what I have, what recommendations would you make to expand? I was working towards three of everything being magnetized , except for shock troops and scions.

-excluding the two start collecting boxes I ordered, I have 4 chimeras, 2 BC tanks, 2 Demo tanks, 2 hydras, 1 Valkyrie, 3 of all heavy weapons teams, 1 Tauros; 3 Command, 1 bullgryn, 4 Scion, and 4 shock troop squads.


Thank you ahead of time.

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I’m working on expanding my general army. Since starting up the hobby I’ve only played killteam but want to play 40k in 9th. I not quite sure the direction I want to go, so I’d like a good mix of everything to test stuff out. The stuff I like the most would be mechanized, scions, and knights.


1. I just ordered two start collecting boxes, this will give me four total Battlecannon tanks (I will be manetizing them). Is it useful to have that many, or will the fourth never see the table?


2. With what I have, what recommendations would you make to expand? I was working towards three of everything being magnetized , except for shock troops and scions.

-excluding the two start collecting boxes I ordered, I have 4 chimeras, 2 BC tanks, 2 Demo tanks, 2 hydras, 1 Valkyrie, 3 of all heavy weapons teams, 1 Tauros; 3 Command, 1 bullgryn, 4 Scion, and 4 shock troop squads.


Thank you ahead of time.

You'll want more infantry. I usually run 9 or 10 infantry squads, 3 Tank commanders, 3 basilisks, 3 astropaths, 3 Heavy Weapons Squads (mortars), 2 Company commanders, Creed, and a platoon commander. If you're running other regiments, you'll want 3 company commanders and 2 platoon commanders. Creed has as many orders as a platoon commander and company commander combined and costs exactly the same as those two.

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If you want tournament-proof army, I'd suggest to wait a little untill some practice will be elaborated. We all are going to be drowning in codexes, FAQ's and supplements in very close time. So units cost, playability and sinergy are going to fluctuate the Emperor knows how greatly. 
If you just collect minies for assembling painting and occasional games with friends, just take models you like the look of or want to convert somehow in something unique and will enjoy the look afterwards.

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Kona that seems to be a good start! And nice work on magnetising makes life a lot easier don't forget Elmo has already done all the work for you here:



Hard to say if 2 tanks is too many or too little since we just started a new edition and points adjustments. Last edition I was running 3 to 4 tanks and my one game this edition I ran 2 with no intention of dropping either.


Sounds like you have a healthy starting force and you can expand as needed ;)

After half the hobby is collecting right :D

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Kona that seems to be a good start! And nice work on magnetising makes life a lot easier don't forget Elmo has already done all the work for you here:



Hard to say if 2 tanks is too many or too little since we just started a new edition and points adjustments. Last edition I was running 3 to 4 tanks and my one game this edition I ran 2 with no intention of dropping either.


Sounds like you have a healthy starting force and you can expand as needed ;)

After half the hobby is collecting right :D

Interesting you mentioned dropping the tanks. I've been experimenting with a pure infantry list. Foot guard has the obvious drawbacks, but it might be an answer to the huge anti-tank meta that looks to be building.

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I am going a different route than you (I am a very enthusiastic heavy metal, mech head this edition!), but I don't think you really need the hydras in this edition as much as in prior editions. I don't favor flyers anymore either. I'm also kinda opposed to reserves, as I feel AM is best used deployed together at once, with a cohesive deployment scheme and leaving no holes first turn for your opponent to exploit. Tanks, artillery and infantry are the backbone and bread-and-butter; someone to give infantry orders, and a psyker or two is always useful. Probably a tech-priest enginseer as well. Be careful to mix-and-match with an eye towards versatility, durability and mobility. Generally speaking you'll have adequate firepower of various types and ranges with AM, but you have to be able to threaten a wide variety of opponent types while claiming and holding objectives, so think about MSUs (multiple small units). Though many believe otherwise, if I were to invest in robust infantry elements I would use predominantly one type of infantry tool - meaning conscripts, infantry squads, scions or the bulgryn types- and maybe one or two other types. Its been my experience that a large helping in basic infantry squads tends to be fairly useful, maybe with plasma guns, and maybe one squad of the bullgryn varieties. I don't play often, but have been running IG/AM for about a decade now, and that is the basic outline I recommend to you, given what you have and are interested in.

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