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Deathwing Bladegaurd WIP

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Saw a youtube on how to do the conversions for these.  Probably the first real big conversion (other than swapping out a head or hand) that involved some serious cutting and shaping.  The vid only doubled up the shoulder pad on the shield side, but I realized the Deathwing shoulder pads match the shields.  As they don't get the crux on the left side, I put the Dark Angels there and the matching shield/shoulder on the right.  The extra layer looks pretty good and makes them look pretty beefy.  Will update as the paint job commences.

First Legion Bladeguard trio


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IMG 4046

painting, or at least online assistance in how to paint has come a long ways since I first started 40k.  Priming, undercoat, base coat, shade, base coat again, first highlight, second highlight...  dang, don't remember ever doing this many steps...  prime coat and dry brush was all I used to do...  but huge difference in quality...

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IMG 4048

Armor is done and heading to the other colors.  Next time I do this, I will probably cut off the shield arm and do it as a sub assembly.  It really hampers painting that side of the model.  I'm still trying to figure out how the shield is going to look.  I'm not 100% on the bone trim color as shown on the Deathwing terminator box, but it might blend everything together better...


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