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How to handle lords of war, and other queries


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So my army really doesn't have an answer to lords of war outside of terminator banzai charges. I guess I'd like to know what everyone else is doing if faced with a Magnus or a knight or a etc etc.


And if someone could recommend an effective unit or units I'd be appreciated. If like to not spend over 200 on a single model if at all possible so astaeus and stuff like warhounds are right out

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Posting your armylist would help to recommend something I guess.

Out of the blue I'd say black Knights, plasma inceptors, executioners and all the other hard hitting units should help a lot.

Weapons of the dark age works wonders.

You could even use a melta Dev squad in a drop pod.

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Hellblasters, Relic Leviathan Dreadnoughts, Relic Contemptor Dreadnoughts, Relic Deredo Dreadnoughts, Devastator Squads


The Leviathan has two/three answers for Lords of War: The Cyclonic Melta-Lance, Grav-Flux Bombards and it's own melee weapons. The Melta Lance can shave 15 wounds off a Knight if all goes well, the Grav-Flux is 1d3 shots per, S9 AP-5 D2 but becomes D5 when dealing with VEHICLE, MONSTER, or TITANIC units. So with that one, it can realistically do 30 damage to a Lord of War. And it's Melee, specifically it's Siege Drills (Claws are for infantry) are Sx2 AP-4 D4 with 5 attacks on the charge can do some nasty damage. Especially since Knights don't have invulns in melee.


The downside to the Leviathan is it's pricey (points and money wise, though at least Dark Angels get a beautiful Legion-specific Leviathan now, so the price is now totally worth it because aesthetics).


Basically, most of our answers to Superheavies is strong, powerful weapons.... Or Hammernators :laugh.:

Edited by Gederas
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