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Hello everyone, 


I am a longtime Warhammer 40k player (since Rouge Trader) living here in the last frontier of Alaska. Here is a little more about my time with the hobby. My father was in the US Navy (it set me on to a military life as well though I went into the Army). Since he was in the Navy we moved around a lot. From 1987 till 1993 I lived in the United Kingdom, That was 8th grade through High school for me, but as a American we have a bit of a different school system than the UK. So while I was able to attend a UK school for my 8th grade in Wales where my father was stationed. I had to go to a boarding school in High Wycombe, England for my High school since that was the location of the closest US style High school. 


It was in the UK were I found my love for the hobby. I was given ten pounds for my birthday and I walked into a store on Crendon St in High Wycombe that sold hobby stuff like RPG's. I was looking for another RPG book since my friends and I at the dormitory all enjoyed them. What I walked out with was the Rouge Trader era Imperial Space Marine box. Thus the addiction was born and my fate set. I have been with this hobby since then. Through the weird times (Rogue Trader), the crazy times (2nd edition), fun times (3rd edition), golden times (4th), odd times (5th), sad times(6th), desperate times(7th), Rebirth (8th) and now in expansive growth era of 9th. 


I look forward to enjoying the hobby with everyone. 

Edited by Jason_In_Alaska
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