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Terminators in other companies


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While Deathwing are Terminator only (well before Indomitus), were there other instances where terminators (in other companies) wore green armor instead of the traditional white?

Edited by Skywrath
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Is this the same case for the black of bikes? (Sorry for hijacking your post :wink: )


Yes. Since the bikes used would come from the Ravenwing's vehicle pool anyway. 


Even Scout Bikes, which are NOT Ravenwing in-game?

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I think Scout Bikes might serve in the Dark Angels to what Helix Adepts are to Apothecaries - trainees in the loosest sense in the word. I wouldn't be surprised if there were some notable/obscure figures in the ravenwing that became fully-fledged ravenwing after they proven themselves to be adept at the art of outriding. Or Deathwing figures who were adept with the shield that were marked by the Deathwing. Even though the DA have their own recruitment methods into those formations, I'm positive talent is a universal currency that all chapters recognise and subsequently, take advantage of.

Edited by Skywrath
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Is this the same case for the black of bikes? (Sorry for hijacking your post :wink: )


Yes. Since the bikes used would come from the Ravenwing's vehicle pool anyway. 


Even Scout Bikes, which are NOT Ravenwing in-game?



It's never verified which colour they are, same issue occurs with the Landspeeder Storm. Personally I would go for black bikes, it would surprise me that they would keep a seperate motor pool for the few Speeders and Bikes the scouts would use. Seems more plausible that the Ravenwings lends them some vehicles if the need would require it.

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Is this the same case for the black of bikes? (Sorry for hijacking your post :wink: )


Even Scout Bikes, which are NOT Ravenwing in-game?


Dark Angels have a complicated relationship with bikes given all of the contradictions all of our codexes have given us about the topic over the years.


On the table top we can only field Ravenwing Bikes and Scout Bikes... and soon Outriders and Primaris Chaplains... plus any of the legends characters on bikes, if you are into that sort of thing.  The simplest explanation for why GW did that was to avoid confusion for our opponents.  No other chapter has a single kit that builds 2 identical units with identical weapon loadouts but the units having different rules with no clear way to distinguish between the models.


Space wolves have Wolf Guard Terminators but don't have normal terminators.  Blood Angels have different kits for their different jump pack squads.  When we get Outriders, we will have 1 kit and 1 set of rules allowed for Dark Angels, hopefully they will have the Ravenwing keyword.  But we won't have 2 versions of Outriders, one with and one without the Ravenwing keyword.


Fluffwise is where all of the contradictions come in.


Point 1 - The Dark Angels chapter is supposed to only deviate from the codex in the organization of the First and Second companies.  I'd argue that we really only differ in the 2nd company.  All other chapters have a 1st company that is comprised of all Veterans with access to TDA, and membership in that 1st company is controlled by their chapter leadership just as our DW membership is controlled by the Inner Circle.  The only clear distinctions are 1) the use of mixed weapons in our DW squads (although SW also do that) and 2) the fact that the DW are never fielded in power armor (but there is a similar tradition other chapters, Death Guard for one).


Having the rest of the chapter be codex compliant would mean that our reserve companies are organized in the same way as codex chapters with the 7th company also training with bikes and the 8th company training with speeders.


Point 2 - Ravenwing are supposed to be selected from the best and most experienced riders, gunners and pilots in the chapter.  Now if the only companies that are able to use bike are the 2nd and 10th, then this would mean that RW draw all of their new members exclusively from the 10th company.  On the other hand if we use the reserve company model from the codex, then that means we have 2 more companies that we can draw from, 3 if we look a the 9th company for highly skilled gunners.  Is it possible that we only ever draw from 10th?  Yes.  Is it realistic or even practical?  No.  The scout company is designed to feed into the reserve companies so that they may finish their training after they finish the process of becoming space marines.  The reserve companies feed experienced space marines into the battle companies.


Previously, the 8th Assault Company also had Bikes, Attack Bikes, and Land Speeders (like regular Codex Chapters do), and they were Green, but that was ret-conned away.


Point 3 - We often mistake things that are not possible on the table top as being not possible in the universe.  If that were true, then a fresh Necromunda Juve would have access to a more diverse armory then an Inquisitor.  But we know in universe an Inquisitor can have anything they want.  The difference is that because Necromunda is such a small scale game, each model can be highly customized.  Whereas in 40k units and weapon profiles tend to be more unified.  And when we look a bridge games like Kill Team we see that a squad of marines don't have to be identical like we see them in 40k, and each member of the squad could bring unique equipment needed for the mission.


So while there is no way to represent non-Ravenwing bikes for Dark Angels on the tabletop, it is highly probable that they exist in universe.

Edited by ValourousHeart
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