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Ravenwing cooked into C:SM


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Sounds about right, and you can add the Deathwing to that list. The website said the new Bladeguard Veterans (the new-new multi-part kit) come with the Deathwing keyword out of the box as well. Interesting implications.


However, I seriously hope the reason they didn't preview the Dark Angels codex is because the Lion is in there. For my Grey Knights and their codex, that's another story altogether.. *grumble grumble grumble*.

Edited by Skywrath
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Possibly. It depends on how they handle Terminators in the new Codex.


What makes the Deathwing Terminator squad unique is the same thing as Space Wolves: they aren't stuck as Tactical/Assault, but can freely mix inside a squad.


With Ravenwing Bikes and Speeders (the normal ones), there is literally NO difference between them and the regular ones in Codex: Space Marines outside of Keywords.



However, I seriously hope the reason they didn't preview the Dark Angels codex is because the Lion is in there. For my Grey Knights and their codex, that's another story altogether.. *grumble grumble grumble*.

Clearly, Grey Knights are still in the naughty bin after the Matt Ward codex :laugh.:


Edited by Gederas
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Difference currently with Landspeeders is that we can take them in squadrons of 5, compared with 3 for everyone else.


I’m glad this clears up how Bladeguard and Outriders are going to get their Deathwing/Ravenwing keyword. I’m also a bit sore that we have to wait until 2021 for our supplement, but such a delayed separate release surely means some new releases along side it. I realised the other day that Sammael on Corvex is glorious Finecast...given the awesome new Primaris Ravenwing toys we have, I can certainly imagine Primaris Sammael being a thing...

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I could see some new stuff, but the main thing missing is a primaris HQ for the RW I think, so either they make a bike HQ or allow some talonmaster on the storm speeder kit.


Some sort of primaris talonmaster on bike is the most likely of anything to me if there is a new kit.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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I could see some new stuff, but the main thing missing is a primaris HQ for the RW I think, so either they make a bike HQ or allow some talonmaster on the storm speeder kit.


Some sort of primaris talonmaster on bike is the most likely of anything to me if there is a new kit.

There’s the Primaris Outrider Chaplain, which should get the Ravenwing keyword. Some other Outrider Lt would be nice, so that you don’t have to pay the Talonmaster tax to get the Talonmaster auras.
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Difference currently with Landspeeders is that we can take them in squadrons of 5, compared with 3 for everyone else.


I’m glad this clears up how Bladeguard and Outriders are going to get their Deathwing/Ravenwing keyword. I’m also a bit sore that we have to wait until 2021 for our supplement, but such a delayed separate release surely means some new releases along side it. I realised the other day that Sammael on Corvex is glorious Finecast...given the awesome new Primaris Ravenwing toys we have, I can certainly imagine Primaris Sammael being a thing...


I think the delayed release surely means new miniatures - otherwise there'd be little point in delaying the book. With the new marine book release, we're getting multipart: heavy intercessors, eradicators, assault intercessors as well as all the other stuff previewed earlier in the year. One unit which hasn't had the multipart unit previewed or announced yet are Outriders. To my mind a release alongside the DA book with a Ravenwing sprue makes sense. I'd also be pleased to see Deathwing Aggressors - or something completely new. I'm not too fussed about a plastic Lion. 

Edited by evilhomer
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Guys, guys.... What if, and here me out here:

The reason why the supplement was held back was because there is a new upgrade frame for Dark Angels coming out, and/Or we're getting one of the Grand Masters Rubicon'd?

Either Sammael (likely since the sudden influx of 'new' Ravenwing units), Belial (possibly) or Azrael (he definitely needs it since he's from the same era as OG Ragnar).

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My guest about the delay is because of all the forge world DA release.


Another option is they don't like the playtest ruled for DA and need more time to make change and it delay the printing of our supplement. The inclusion of the ravenwing keyword in the SM codex may be a way to fix DA until the supplement is release.


A ravenwing upgrade frame for primaris outrider, ATV and storm speeder will be realy simple to do and sell, i don't think it's a reason for delay. I still cross my finger our supplement bring more than only updated rules for us and we get a new primaris version of DWT to go alonside the new primaris Ravenwing model.


Time will tell, we are DA, we can wait, it's part of our DNA...

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Guys, guys.... What if, and here me out here:


The reason why the supplement was held back was because there is a new upgrade frame for Dark Angels coming out, and/Or we're getting one of the Grand Masters Rubicon'd?


Either Sammael (likely since the sudden influx of 'new' Ravenwing units), Belial (possibly) or Azrael (he definitely needs it since he's from the same era as OG Ragnar).

i suspect you're getting a Ragnar-ish boxset with a rubicon'd character, probaly... not the Lion.


remember what the sculptors said qbout Lazarus - that he was intended to be a generic captain kit but was changed into a special character by the lore/design team.


so it leads me to believe DA have another rubicon'd classic waiting in the wings (while Wolves and BA have generic captain kits ready to go.)

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My money is on Sammael, on a new bike/primaris speeder, along with bits to male the new primaris talonmaster

I guess that a primaris Sammael will have a single build instead of the jetbike/LS options he has now

But i hope for some forma of lieutenant for DW too (primaris or firstborn it's the same for me)


I hope we Will get a primarised SC that is not a newcomer this time but more a rubiconed one (i would like to see Azrael or Ezekiel cause o love both of them and they are the oldest sculpts and still in metal)

My money is on Sammael, on a new bike/primaris speeder, along with bits to male the new primaris talonmaster

I guess that a primaris Sammael will have a single build instead of the jetbike/LS options he has now

But i hope for some forma of lieutenant for DW too (primaris or firstborn it's the same for me)


I hope we Will get a primarised SC that is not a newcomer this time but more a rubiconed one (i would like to see Azrael or Ezekiel cause o love both of them and they are the oldest sculpts and still in metal)

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Hey don't forget ol' Sapphon who got beat to a model by that upstart Asmodai. If they do come out with a Primaris Azzy, Ezzy etc I hope they can do something a little more creative with their story than "big fight, big wound, big marine".

Edited by G8Keeper
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