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New Storm speeder vs Vengeance land Speeder or Typhon


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With +4'' M, +1S, +1W and -1 Ld, a power level of 9 vs 7 for the Vengeance, those 2 unit are realy close to each other.


Storm speeder degrade with damage is a big minus vs the Vengeance. Also the Storm Speeder do not have the Land Speeder keyword so can't be use for the targeting guidance stratagem.


Overall, am not sure the storm speeder is worth it for DA. The vengeance look like a better option for us and even 2 typhon with MM will have a realy similar firepower vs the Hammer strike.


Do you think the new Storm speeder is a good unit for DA?

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Are you sure you mean the Vengeance, the one with the plasma? If you do, then my main issue with the Vengeance is the variability of output from a Heavy D6 d6 damage weapon.


As it has the Ravenwing keyword, you’ll still be able to Jink for a 4++ against shooting, ignore cover benefit from a Talonmaster, and ability to retain the Devastator doctrine for a second turn with the Ravenwing warlord trait. That makes Ravenwing Storm Speeders more lethal than other Chapters.


If you instead mean regular land speeders, then the big gripe I have with them is that they are T5 and have the VEHICLE keyword - makes them an easy source of secondaries points for your opponent.


The various targeting stratagems aren’t really a consideration for me, as you need them to be within 12” of the target...I want my Speeders to be as far a way as possible!

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The other issue is whether we still have our current stratagems as is or if there will be changes. With the introduction of the new speeders I suspect ‘land speeder’ keyword stratagems to either be changed to include, or new ones introduced, to cover the storm line.
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We probably don't get our supplement in 2020, so we still get our stratagem for a couple of month.


The vengeance weapon is Heavy d6 D2, but with overcharge and WFTDA it can be D4.


The fact storm speeder decrease stat with damage if a big factor why i don't realy like it, DA have so many good choice for fast attack, i just think the storm speeder is not that great vs the Vengeance for an extra 2 PL.


I know PL is realy not accurate but it's the only info we have so far on it's cost and it may change when we have the point cost of the 3 loadout. If the cost in point is similar to a nephilim jetfighter it will be just too expansive compare to other option available to DA.

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I'm not worried mainly because the hammerstrike speeder has the worst weapons loadout ive ever seen.. it's a multimelta with rockets and grenades .. great so it sucks at long range and wastes potential short range ..


Then we have the hailstrike which is a punisher and 2 ironhails.. great so it mulches infantry.. won't outshoot a contempor so I'm not sure what everyone is fawning over


Finally we have the laser destroyer + missiles which is probably the only practical loadout.. if I wanted that I could have prought a gladius.. or another executioner.. or a contempor .. or a deredeo.. anyone else seeing the long list of alternatives. On top of being points heavy vs their firstborn counterparts.


Here's the niche they fill.


I want these weapons, I don't want to spend 200ppm for them and I don't want to use firstborn marines. for some yes that's a gap filler but honestly I'm not that impressed at all.

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With a new codex in October and a DA supplement early 2021 I think it will be a wait and see. Being rolled into the main dex could mean big changes. For now I just want to get the cool new speeders on my table. It’s gonna look sweet in black and red

The only think I don’t like is the gunner in the back but hopefully there will be a way to fix that.

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