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Ever since the model for the Triumph of St Katherine was revealed, I knew I'd have to get one eventually. It's one of the most stunning models in the range. The only problem is, it's just not good on the table in my opinion.


Fast forward a while and I was listening to an episode of Chapter Tactics and they were singing the praises of the Triumph in competitive lists. Color me shocked! I just can't wrap my head around how to use it in a list.


So how do you all use the Triumph? Is is mostly for the Miracle dice buff? Or the mortal wounds? Have you found it to be worth the points? How does it improve your list?

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Not saying your wrong, but what do you think is the reason it's not good on the table?


The biggest reason I have seen mentioned is that it's an 18 wound character model, meaning it can't hide and it can't embark.  However it does give -1 to enemy hit rolls and has a 4+ invuln, which is pretty big.  Add a hospitaller on to it and you're regenerating ~2 wounds per turn. 

Just the look of opponents when you plop it down on the table and then (slowly) march it down the middle of the field in defiance of all that is going on. Priceless! 


As 9x19 said, a Hospitaller goes a long way, and being able to be obscured like a Char-lite, -1 To Hit, and 4++ with 18W is no slouch even if its T3. 


I plan on using one for sheer cool factor, but from a crunch perspective, it basically puts the core mechanic of SoB--miracle dice--into overdrive, not just giving you a free one each turn (what you can only do with a WLT otherwise), but you can +/ Miracle Die for units around your procession, and you can let units do Acts of Faith on top of others. There's some serous potential there.


Worst case scenario its a heck of a gorgeous Distraction Carnifex. 

  On 9/15/2020 at 3:27 PM, 9x19 Parabellum said:

Not saying your wrong, but what do you think is the reason it's not good on the table?


The biggest reason I have seen mentioned is that it's an 18 wound character model, meaning it can't hide and it can't embark. However it does give -1 to enemy hit rolls and has a 4+ invuln, which is pretty big. Add a hospitaller on to it and you're regenerating ~2 wounds per turn.

My biggest problem is survivability. -1 to hit helps, but at t3 and 3+ save, it isn't terribly hard to kill for even bolters.


The other problem is I'm not sure what role is should even play. Do I want it up close assualting things to take advantage of the mortal wounds and +1 strength? Or do I want it in back buffing miracle dice?


I honestly just might be missing something, and I'd love to use it, so i figured I'd see what everyone thought!

  On 9/15/2020 at 6:17 PM, TheFinisher4Ever said:


  On 9/15/2020 at 3:27 PM, 9x19 Parabellum said:

Not saying your wrong, but what do you think is the reason it's not good on the table?


The biggest reason I have seen mentioned is that it's an 18 wound character model, meaning it can't hide and it can't embark. However it does give -1 to enemy hit rolls and has a 4+ invuln, which is pretty big. Add a hospitaller on to it and you're regenerating ~2 wounds per turn.

My biggest problem is survivability. -1 to hit helps, but at t3 and 3+ save, it isn't terribly hard to kill for even bolters.


The other problem is I'm not sure what role is should even play. Do I want it up close assualting things to take advantage of the mortal wounds and +1 strength? Or do I want it in back buffing miracle dice?


I honestly just might be missing something, and I'd love to use it, so i figured I'd see what everyone thought!



Look on the bright side....if you're this confused about what it does, your opponent is going to be twice as confused!

In 9th, it gains the terrain benefits of being Infantry, especially with its added special rule stopping it from falling into the 18w club regarding terrain effects.

At its most simplistic, this unit helps you defend and amplify your other key units. The one pitfall I see most make with their theoryhammering is that they seem like they're being super precious with it. Don't be. Accept that if it dies, it dies. Focus on maximizing its value while it is available, and given how there are no other units like it in the game, personal experience using it will count for far more value in determining its worth than any amount of paper analysis. That's because timely acts of faith are sometimes game changing, and it is nearly impossible to model that.

The key contributor is act of faith manipulation to pass saves and guarantee charges. It can protect itself with 3s in your dice pool, thanks to the 4++ (twice a phase if you need), so throwing anything more than a boltgun at it ends up being pretty dicey normally. The Triumph is a terrifying walking force multiplier that produces an effect that can best be described as a no-win for your opponent regarding targetting.

Nothing in our lists aside from armour is immune to bolter fire, so the fact that it can take damage from a bolter is irrelevant. This thing is just under 11 points per T3, 4++, -1 to hit wound, and its main role is to make the things around it better, not to act as a blunt instrument to smash something. This means even if it is targetted outright by bolter fire, it has done its job.

So does the opponent target it, taking fire away from dismantling the parts of your army that are there to win the day, or do they ignore it where its force multiplier affect ends up being maximized?

For things like Rhinos filled with Repentia, or Exorcists, you can use a 5 up to twice a phase to ensure they make their invuln saves, which will help keep those key pieces of your army up and running long enough to make a play with them.

But, ultimately, the Triumph will help you win games based on what it allows other units to do rather than pulling off the big flashy stuff itself, and that is difficult to see without half a dozen matches at least.

  On 9/17/2020 at 9:27 AM, summercampcrush said:

i wasn't sold on Triumph until reading this goonhammer article.



This was a huuuge help, thank you.

  On 9/17/2020 at 2:10 PM, TheFinisher4Ever said:


  On 9/17/2020 at 9:27 AM, summercampcrush said:

i wasn't sold on Triumph until reading this goonhammer article.



This was a huuuge help, thank you.


Good article. One thing I'll note: he author mentions the Triumph is -1 to be hit in shooting, and that is true. I did not see in the article any mention of it being -1 to be hit in melee, so jot that down too, because its -1 to be hit by an attack, whether shooting or melee.

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