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Big nerf to Sammy/Talonmasters?


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So they just put up changes to Aura abilities on Warhammer communities. Along with further descriptions of what "Core" units are


Take away for me is that Captain/ Lieutenant abilities do not effect themselves, but does effect "Core" units.


That means that the fire base of Sableclaw and 2 Talonmasters, will no longer be a force multiplier for themselves. No rerolling 1's to hit, No rerolling 1's to wound.

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Not necessarily as bad as we might expect it to be.  While I agree that they will be less beneficial to all of DA, Sammie and Talonmaster will still be just as beneficial for RW and Belial will be just a beneficial for DW.  I think calling this a BIG NERF is a wee bit hyperbolic.


Sammie has Rites of Battle, which we've seen previewed, and so we can expect that rule to get the extra CORE tag.  But let's be honest, no one was taking Sammie for Rites of Battle.  We were taking him for his Grand Master of the Ravenwing.  That rule is unlikely to get the CORE tag, which is fine, because it will already be limited by the RW keyword.


Belial will get the same treatment.  He will affect Deathwing units as always.


The Talonmaster's No Escape rule will also likely affect all of Ravenwing.


The only rule that isn't clear just yet to me is Talonmaster's Tactical Precision.  Talonmaster is supposed to be a Lieutenant, and all other Lieutenants affect all marines from their company.  But without liberal application of the CORE keyword to RW units, the Talonmaster could potentially be the only Lieutenant that doesn't affect the company they are assigned to.  I think that it would make the most sense to give Talonmaster a different version of Tactical Precision that specifically affects some RW units.

Edited by ValourousHeart
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I quote all words of ValorousHeart


IMHO various characters in various armies will affect different kind of units according to different keywords


For example I will not be surprised if the Techmarine will give some bonus to [veichle] units and Master of Possession to [demon] units regardless if they are [core] or not


In the same way Sammael and Belial will be Company Masters for all DA [core] units while they will give their special bonuses to RW and DW units regardless if they are [core] or not and the same will be for the Talonmaster (and i hope we will see a DW lt equivalent too)

Edited by Master Sheol
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