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So my go to color has always been grey. I find it a very flexible primer color. However I have found more and more videos of people priming in different colors, pink primer for yellow models, purple primer for blue models, etc.


So I was thinking maybe a tan primer or something else might be better for a green army. Especially those using DGG. Maybe a different color might work better like a red or purple? I am not a color expert.

Edited by Jarl Caldersson
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The point with some of those, like pink under yellow, is to use the properties of various colours and how they interact with each other (in this case looking like brown, providing instant shading to the yellow). A bit of colour theory helps a lot. Just taking a colour wheel and checking what colours are complementary or opposing allows you to plan ahead without having to try all options out first.


I wouldn't go for red primer, it's often quite vibrant and clashes with the green you're trying to put over it (which then has to be a thicker layer, unlike the light pink under translucent yellow etc.). Grey, bone, brown etc. are all fine depending on the direction you're going.

I have always tried to use whatever color is the most visible color as my base. I find this helps to cut down on painting time. And painting is my least favorite part. (I love making conversions!)


So for example, on my Ultramarines I use the Macragge Blue spray. On my Space Wolves I use Army Painter Wolf Grey. On my Blood Warriors it’s Army Painter Dragon Red. Black Legion - Chaos Black. On a lot of my Warcry war bands I used either Wraithbone or Grey Seer depending on the war band. Still working on my nid color scheme... leaning towards Leadbelcher (for a Geiger theme)


So for my Death Guard the obvious choice (at least for me) is the Death Guard Green spray. But I guess that depends on if you want to run the standard box art color scheme. I’ve seen awesome off white color schemes with the Death Guard.


I’m also on that paints in sub assemblies. So if the cape is a brown or tan or something like that, I’ll spray it with whatever base I want to use as the most prominent. For Lord Felthius, his cape was sprayed with Wraithbone and then given some Gor-Grunta Fur and Seraphim Sepia. While the rest of him I did DGG spray.


Hope that helps... and I am by no means a good painter. Just have a ton to paint so I try and save time.

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