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9th Ed Chapter Tactic Change


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It's an interesting change. 


It makes it more risky to use plasma, as we won't be able to re-roll 1's, and plasma causes mortal wounds on an unmodified 1. However, it would make Dark Angels melee units quite brutal at defending objectives, as we'd get +1 to hit in the fight phase. Throw a Judiciar in there, and you've got an interesting anti-charge deterrent. 

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Defensively, this is great for melee units.


Offensively, is hard to use, but comes with the effect that you can now combine this with Master's auras. Something you couldn't do before.

Company Masters were always kind of redundant, in that sense. It had the upside of allowing our units to reroll hits without the need for a babysitter next to them, but made the presence of the master a bit less useful overall. Now, you could bring a chaplain and a master, combine Stoic Prosecution for the +1 to hit, and the Aura for the rerroll 1s, and have quite the effect on a gunline.

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A unit of Heavy intercessor sitting on an objective will be realy hard to shift with this rules.


Hitting on 2+ both shooting and melee with T5 and 3W. You can't ignore them but they will take some dedicate unit to get rid of them leaving your other dedicate melee unit free to do his work.


TH on sergent will also be a realy good tool on unit sitting on objective with the ablative wound.


TH Deathwing terminator hiting on 2+ with Fury of the ancient will probably be another popular choice with the new codex.

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this is actually amazing with tank destroyers and td like vehicles, firestrike servo turrets as an example


and dont even get me started on the amazing nonsense that is land raiders, land raiders and repulsors dont really move all that much. so adding +1 to their bs is actually quite amazing for them

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this is actually amazing with tank destroyers and td like vehicles, firestrike servo turrets as an example


and dont even get me started on the amazing nonsense that is land raiders, land raiders and repulsors dont really move all that much. so adding +1 to their bs is actually quite amazing for them

The firestrike servo Turrets already have a BS of 2+ so it will be almost useless for them.


But... having the option of 4 Lastalon shot or 6 accelerator autocanon shot at flyer or vehicule with smoke hitting on 2+ is something not alot of armies can do.

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...Anyone else think we are being set up for lots of Chaplains in the DA army?


Why use a Chaplains when you can use Primaris BIKE Chaplain...


Just hope he's getting the Ravenwing keyword. Jinx is useless for him anyway because he already have a 4++ with the rosarius. I don't think Chaplain will be CORE so no buff from Samael/Talonmaster (when FAQ) but acces to the ravenwing stratagem will be nice.

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I actually don't like this all that much. With plasma going to overheating on natural 1s and a lot of units losing the ability to get rerolls I feel like its going to make plasma more risky and won't benefit a lot of units that are going to loose reroll 1s to hit or already have BS 2+, like characters or relic contemptors 

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this is actually amazing with tank destroyers and td like vehicles, firestrike servo turrets as an example


and dont even get me started on the amazing nonsense that is land raiders, land raiders and repulsors dont really move all that much. so adding +1 to their bs is actually quite amazing for them

The firestrike servo Turrets already have a BS of 2+ so it will be almost useless for them.


But... having the option of 4 Lastalon shot or 6 accelerator autocanon shot at flyer or vehicule with smoke hitting on 2+ is something not alot of armies can do.


or tank destroyer mode for stalker


deimos laser destroyers now shoot on a 2+ with the laser destroyer buffs.


eliminators now shoot on a 2+


whirlwinds on a 2+


the new bunker now self shoots on a 4+ regardless of being habitated


whirlwinds now shoot on a 2+ indirectly


and the land speeder vengeance can sit behind a building witing for someone to come around the corner and blow them out for a 2+

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Primaris Chaplin on bike master of Sanctity with +2 to charge and Stoic Prosecution.  Drop in Some Deathwing for a 4 inch charge and +1 to hit. no extra Cmd points needed.


Stoic prosecution only allows to "shoot with ranged weapons as if their unid had remained stationary". There is no bonus for melee at least at the moment.


Not entirely sure if it is enough to trigger the chapter tactic anyway as it only effects shooting, not other rules. The CT says "if they didn't move", not "if they are considered as stationary for shooting".

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Primaris Chaplin on bike master of Sanctity with +2 to charge and Stoic Prosecution. Drop in Some Deathwing for a 4 inch charge and +1 to hit. no extra Cmd points needed.

Stoic prosecution only allows to "shoot with ranged weapons as if their unid had remained stationary". There is no bonus for melee at least at the moment.


Not entirely sure if it is enough to trigger the chapter tactic anyway as it only effects shooting, not other rules. The CT says "if they didn't move", not "if they are considered as stationary for shooting".

I don't see your point.

If I am considered being stationary I am also considered not having moved.

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LOL, Space wolves guy here! Anyone else think it's funny that Dark Angels are getting a +1 to hit for -being- charged, while SW get the same for charging? Some intended fluff/rules comparisons perhaps?


I love it. I actually made a comment about this one time to some--<looks around furtively> errr....nevermind. 


It definitely brings up epic imagery of DA vs SW honor duels. It also is an interesting comparison considering that HH Book 9: Crusade

makes it pretty clear that DA and SW have a lot more in common in terms of missions than might first appear. The only difference is the SW are meant to be seen doing what they do, while the DA were supposed to be doing it at the edges of the empire, out in the dark.


Recent HH fluff also goes pretty heavy into say that the DA were the unflappable, steady, unblinking Legion. Aka they might not have an edge at anything particular, but they are resistant to most debuffs and/or are hard to knock off their game. 


As others have pointed out, its ability to stack with auras is also huge. 




I bet a $1 that Deathwing and Ravenwing will get special rules that say "For the purposes of Grim Resolve, Deathwing are considered to have not moved on a turn in which they use a Teleportarium" or some such. 

Edited by Indefragable
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It's an interesting change. 


It makes it more risky to use plasma, as we won't be able to re-roll 1's, and plasma causes mortal wounds on an unmodified 1. However, it would make Dark Angels melee units quite brutal at defending objectives, as we'd get +1 to hit in the fight phase. Throw a Judiciar in there, and you've got an interesting anti-charge deterrent. 

Plasma are safer now compared to old editions cause the overheat is not always present but only if you supercharge the weapon

We have the stratagem that boosts our plasma weapons damage so we don't really need to supercharge them unless we are facing a really though unit


Are you always supercharging the plasma weapons riskying to lose models? I like better the more realiable standard profile tbh


The new Chapter tactic is really tasty cause it's useful in melee too and maked DA a overall better army 

Edited by Master Sheol
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It's an interesting change. 


It makes it more risky to use plasma, as we won't be able to re-roll 1's, and plasma causes mortal wounds on an unmodified 1. However, it would make Dark Angels melee units quite brutal at defending objectives, as we'd get +1 to hit in the fight phase. Throw a Judiciar in there, and you've got an interesting anti-charge deterrent. 

Plasma are safer now compared to old editions cause the overheat is not always present but only if you supercharge the weapon

We have the stratagem that boosts our plasma weapons damage so we don't really need to supercharge them unless we are facing a really though unit


Are you always supercharging the plasma weapons riskying to lose models? I like better the more realiable standard profile tbh


The new Chapter tactic is really tasty cause it's useful in melee too and maked DA a overall better army 


I am almost always overcharging my plasma.

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