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9th Ed Chapter Tactic Change


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About particular characters and they prmotion to masters of their orders i guess we will find in the supplements

for example DA dont upgrade from chplain to master of sanctity but there is the interrogator-chaplain rank before master of Sanctity so i guess in the supplement DA we will see that that we don't get Master of Sanctity upgrading a chaplain but doing the same on a Interrogator-chaplain

the same will go for SW Wolf Priests cause they are a mix of chaplain and apothecary or BA that don't have straight apothecary -> Chief Apothecary but they have Sanguinary Novice -> Sanguinary Priest -> Chief Apothecary (or how it will be called by BA)


So before we see if DA can upgrade DA/RW champions to the rank of Chapter champion we must consider that we can do it with regular Company Champions that BTW are better than a normal Codex SM champion cause the blade of Caliban is superior to a master crafted PS (MCPS is now S+1 AP-3 D2 while the BoC is S+3 AP-3 Dd3)

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They could add another mixed unit squad on top of that in the supplement. Could be they just elected not to restrict them.


I figure there will be a way to create the squads we have now though. Would be odd to not allow you to build a kit they sell.


Looks like they nerfed the Aggressor double tap as well. Probably was going to be too much with a chaplain giving them double shots and hitting on a 2+ with our litany.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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If the fire Aggressors twice in the shooting phase comes back as a strat (been suggested I the datasheet thread) I think that's ok... It only limits it slightly compared to not moving, if not... Given Eradicators get it... It will be just weird...



As for the DW/terminator sheets, as long as it's sorted I. The post Xmas supplement ok but I hope we are being 'Robute CoDEx'd'

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Not necessarily.


So we will have access to assault termie squad at least, perhaps the other squad. But they could in the supplement allow additional options to one of those, or add a new datasheet. They could have just decided it isn't worth restricting.


This would make sense, because making it so you can't have any Deathwing Terminators besides relic ones in the main codex would kind of suck. At least in this case there's some MVP way of fielding it without having to buy the supplement, even if its suboptimal.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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i think its weird that now we have to be full shields n hammers or just sgt with them, that doesnt feel right. it feels really codex compliant and we definetely arent codex compliant, maybe we have a seperate datasheet for our deathwing terminators in our supplement and just, we have these guys as well

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That would be my guess. The way I see it is they want you to be able to field some lite version of DA using the codex.


There's now the list of what cannot be taken:

DA: Sternguard Veterans and Vanguard Veterans

SW: Sternguard Veterans, Vanguard Veterans, Tactical Squad, Assault Squad, Devastator Squad and Apothecary


If they're going to the effort to reprint Long Fangs and all, I'm certain we'll see our terminator squads show back up in some form.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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I think the entry is just a placeholder for new player who don't have codex DA or the future DA supplement. It's a simple option that let you play DA with the Adepptus Astarte Codex including the Ravenwing and Deathwing. 


It's easy to FAQ the DA codex to add Core and 3W to Deathwing Terminator entry and the DA supplement will probably have the Entry that will be use later for combine Deathwing squad, with option for the watcher, combined armement and fearless.

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welp time to put that boy on the preorder list so i can run him alongside the excelsior


gonna 4" deepstrike some cataphracts on people



all we need now is the deathwing champion with some chapter champion buffs for some absolute carnage drops. hes gonna fist of the north star someone if he gets those buffs with the key of archbabel

Edited by aura_enchanted
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My take home is that we get thunderfire cannons and centurions for sure now. Gonna have me a fun time with those!

I am ready to convert some centurions to make them look less ugly :)


About thunderfire i guess i will get the Kromlech one that is 1000 times better (i assembled a old one in metal by GW for my CD and it is a nightmare to build)

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Mmm...5 man Bladeguard rolling up in a Impulsar. I want 2 of those. Sucks that Outriders are still 3 man at least for now. Maybe they will change the unit size in the next Chapter Approved. What would be the best support for Bladeguards? Judicar and Chappy?

Edited by Malakithe
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So, Goonhammer review is up.


There's something much, much more pertinent to us:

"Brilliant Strategist is completely changed, and is Double S-Tier Platinum Ultra good now. Rather than being a 5+ CP regen, it now allows any unit (not just Core!) within 6” of your Warlord to roll back one doctrine step, either from Tactical to Devastator or from Assault to Tactical. That means three full turns of blasting away with heavy weapons with the extra AP and range from their Chapter Doctrine, helping offset the fact that Dark Angels lost their coolest trick to an FAQ change right after they got it."


HEYOOOOO! Lazarus and Azrael just got some nice buff there.


Especially since Azrael will also likely get the Chapter Master bonuses baked into his datasheet.

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Guest MistaGav

Wow so now we can take Centurions, Thunderfire Cannons, Captain on bikes, Storm Talons and Stormhawks if I read that right? Right??

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Unless there’s further restrictions in the supplements themselves (which would be odd as what’s legal in a DA army from the main SM dex becoming illegal when you add in supplements rules would harm new players the most) Then yes, we get all those things
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Guys, just wanted to pop and say "congrats"!  DA are looking DAMN hot at the moment. Ive got a local opponent who plays them, and we've had three games with the new dex so far.  After 2 years of playing, he's finally managed to beat me - and it was a GREAT game. 


DA are looking exceptional at the moment, and ts about time!!!! Hope to see lots of old gamers return to their tables with a renewed sense of excitement, pride and lust for vengeance!!!! 

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