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China Champs 1-day: BA 2k Tournament List


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Greetings all. 

So, this weekend I'll be taking part in what is essentially a "champions league" style 1 day tournament here in China.  

It will be attended by all the winners (and a few of the runners up) of the 2019 Tournament seasons here in China - literally the top players here.



Last year saw 3  ITC circuit tournaments hosted here, The North China Open (2nd), the South China Open (5th), and the Fun Atelier HK Open (1st).


This time round, I'll be taking a pure BA force - and one that is a little out of my comfort zone in terms of playstyle.

It's also been a very last minute thing, so I've not prepared anywhere near as much as I should have. 


I believe the draw has already been done, and I will be playing the winner of the NCO - an opponent  who beat me when we faced off in the penultimate game there.  


I'll be taking the following:

Captain - JP, TH, SS - Wings, Artisans, Visions, Hero of the Chapter

Astorath -  Catechism, Exhortation - WL


6x Assault Intercessors

5x Intercessor - Autobolters, Hammer (Veterans)

5x Scouts -  CCW, Power Axe

5x Scouts - Bolters


8x Vanguard Veterans - 8SS, TH, 3PF, JP


2x Attack Bikes - 2MM

2x Attack Bikes - 2MM


Rapier Carrier- Quad Launcher

Rapier Carrier- Quad Launcher

Leviathan - Storm Cannons


Impulsor - Shield

Impulsor - Shield

Land Speeder Storm

Land Speeder Storm





Scariest list Ive seen so far is a stooopid poxmonger 9 blight-hauler list <_< Not impressed. 

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Is the dual storm cannon Leviathan a meta choice? My go to is one storm and one grab atm.


Interested to hear how the smash Captain gets on (last hurrah?), The quad launchers (they don't work for me), and the LSS.


The function of the Rapiers are a bit diverse - some more important than others.


Firstly, they allow me a backfield /back objective camping unit.  They also allow for fair no-los shots, and really help with more midboard control with their shattershell shots.  On top of that I use them to block off deepstrike areas....buuuut


* Here's something about the quad launchers!!  It's gamey as all hell,but I will take whatever advantage I can get at the moment. ..


The crew are not targetable unless theyre the closest - theyre not characters and dont have Look out, Sir!  So- this means theyre really well protected.  THEN....the sweet, sweet icing on this cake is that the crew do not fire the Rapier- the rapier has a fire condition that simply requires a crew member to be within range of it. This means that the crew is free to do Actions- freeing up some real important secondary scoring options for me!!


* As for the Levvy - It's pretty much a meta choice, or rather was what i thought was a meta choice!! Im worried about hardcore anti-horde or just heavy weight of fire with fair damage - he vapes primaris and the like.  The issue though is I think after seeing the lists, the Grav would have been better. 


* With regards to the Storms- i've  only played them once  - heck- I never owned any until last week.  However, what I noticed REALLY quickly is their ability to secure secondaries and primaries like nothing else on account of their mobility - even thought theyre hyper-fragile, once destroyed, the fact that 5 scouts pop out means you have another obj sec unit the enemy has to dedicate fire to.   



That list would be out of my comfort zone as well. But you'll be able to pull it off, Mort


How do you see the pieces of the above coming together? 



There are definitely some different choices in there, but basically the idea is to always go for Engage on All Fronts and almost always go with Scramblers.  This is likely to get me a fair amount of points.  Then, depending on opponent and board, either the mission specific or something else like Bring it down. The main point is that those two secondaries are quite easy to score.and tie in really well with the primaries! So, I will try play a lot more cagey, using smashy to snipe out specific threats and just buzz around the board trying to stay alive! 


Edited by Morticon
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Hey Mort, liking that list! Quite different but enough boots on the ground for sure. The leviathan might go down quickly against some opponents, but the quad launchers sure seem fun!


One question, deploy scramblers is from the GT mission pack - did they change how actions work? Or would the Lss for example have to survive in a hidden position while not moving to complete the secondary?

Thanks. :)


Looking forward to the batreps as always!

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Hey buddy. I stand to an corrected here, but only infantry (and in some cases non-character infantry) can perform Actions.

But, those units that can perform them can move, they just can't Advance (or FallBack)

Yeah no worries! I just thought it might be hard keeping the LSS alive for a turn and then have the scouts disembark in the next when both the troops and the transport fold over to a stiff breeze. With how terrain works now, it might be a valid tactic after all, deploying out of sight close to a far-end objective hoping for the best.


Alas, after the codex drops, we won’t be able to use Scouts as troops anymore most likely. :(


Anyway, you enjoy that golden week and the tournament!

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