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Leman Russ Tanks - Ignore penalty for Heavy wpns and move?


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All vehicles do now. In 8th we could ignore the penalty but only on our turret weapons.



and for reference purposes.   On page 218 of the Rule Book under the 'HEAVY' weapon type and movement only impacts INFANTRY models.



See kids... this is what happens when you go thru 9 versions of rule books and can't remember crap anymore.  (Of course being 65 probably doesn't help either my kids tell me...)    And I curse them for getting me started in this game (Version 3)....

Edited by Glute
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Yes it is good news for all IG vehicles :D


Dont worry you're not alone, I find the nuances between 8th and 9th so subtle it's easy to gloss over them when reading the rules, yet they have significant impacts on game play

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