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Overwatch: I don't quite understand it yet. Can you help me?

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It seems to me that most units can't fire overwatch anymore, unless their rules explicitly say they can, or unless they use the Strategem Defensive Gunners. In particular, how do I get my Shadowsword to fire Overwatch? Is it just a matter of paying the one cp to use the Stratagem? Or is it not allowed to fire overwatch at all? I've heard some folks disagree about this out here in my gaming circles, and frankly I'm confused, as I love my shadowsword, and hate the idea of leaving home without it!

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If your Shadowsword is selected as a charging target you can spend the 1 cp for it to fire overwatch.

Usual overwatch rules apply.

Given the wording of Defensive Gunners it does not allow you to overwatch, it merely improves your over watch roll. So you'd have to spend another cp for that strat after first using the overwatch strat.


Does that make sense? There is nothing excluding the Shadowsword using either stratagem.

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