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Hammerfall Bunker for DA


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Even if it doesn't get tactics, I think these get better the more you use.


The threat of any unit walking in range and suddenly getting showered with HB shots isn't a joke.


Especially when it can happen to mulitple units!


Super-kraks are icing on the cake!

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Even if it doesn't get tactics, I think these get better the more you use.


The threat of any unit walking in range and suddenly getting showered with HB shots isn't a joke.


Especially when it can happen to mulitple units!


Super-kraks are icing on the cake!


I agree.

I was just a little shocked when I found that out today about the chapter tactics.

And given that most comments are talking about it having chapter tactics, I'm wagering that a lot of other people are going to be surprised when they found out it doesn't.


I still like the unit and think that it could be a cool unit to build a list around.

Maybe it won't win Adepticon, but given the pathetic amount of terrain they put on the board at Adepticon, it might actually be incredibly strong in that format.

It really just depends upon if I'm right about if the Tactical Deployment book was a TO recommended change as I suspect it is.

If I'm right then this won't be as useful at Adepticon, if everyone else is right, that TOs won't require players bringing terrain for their Deployment Zone, then 3 of this unit will be brutal.

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In the SM codex p. 93


Detachement abilities:


An Adeptus astartes Detachement is one that includes models with the adeptus astartes keyword (excluding models with the agent of the imperium or Unaligned)


Adeptus astartes unit in a Adeptus Astarte detachement gain the Chapter tactics ability.


Chapter Tactics:

All Adeptus Astartes units (other that Servitor and Beast unit) with this ability, and all the models in them, gain a Chapter tacticsso long as every unit in their detachement is from the same Chapter. The tactics gain depends upon which Chapter they are from...


For me it's clear a Fortification detachement including ONLY Hammerfall bunker gain the chapter tactic. The hammerfall got the Adeptus Astartes keyword and in the codex SM it's the rules/keyword to get the chapter tactic ability.

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For me it's clear a Fortification detachement including ONLY Hammerfall bunker gain the chapter tactic. The hammerfall got the Adeptus Astartes keyword and in the codex SM it's the rules/keyword to get the chapter tactic ability.


Sadly, on page 246 of the BRB it says the following:


Auxiliary Support, Super-heavy Auxiliary and Fortification Detachments never gain Detachment abilities, even if every unit in that Detachment is from the Faction specified.


So no chapter tactics for the Hammerfall.

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