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Another one I got to use like once in all of 8th though I played an absurd amount. It hurts to say but If we were only going to get a handful of strats I’m ok with lone wolf moving to crusade.

ya, but still. *sad puppy face*.


VBG with lone wolf strat popped .

Yeah especially if you only started with a couple of characters so they didn't pick the assassinate secondary.


It does belong in crusade though, and it makes so much more sense than the last survivor immediately hulking up, or in 5th when lots of armies ran 3 in terminator armor.



Another one I got to use like once in all of 8th though I played an absurd amount. It hurts to say but If we were only going to get a handful of strats I’m ok with lone wolf moving to crusade.

ya, but still. *sad puppy face*.


VBG with lone wolf strat popped .

I once Lone Wolfed a Wolf Guard Pack Leader after Magnus wiped out his pack






















He did nothing but it was fun

I used touch of the wild exactly once. Thanks a lot COVID.

In a Crusade game, Intercessor Pack Leader with Thunder Hammer was lone survivor of his pack. Popped Lone Wolf. Next turn charged in. Popped Touch of the Wild. Wiped out Nightlord Sorcerer in Terminator Armor and a unit of Warptalons. My friend was shocked, haha.

So if I have a Wolf Guard pack leader with 2 Lightning Claws, and I upgrade 1 to a Frost Weapon, do all the attacks get the bonus S & D? All but one of the attacks? Half of them?


It literally says what to do in the preview...BOTH weapons get the frost benefit



Is ‘sergeant relic’ only for wolfguard or any sergeant? Because Morkai’s Teeth Bolts on a Heavy Intercessor with a 42” range executor bolt rifle is quite nice.


Master crafted Plasma Exterminators not too shabby either.

Is ‘sergeant relic’ only for wolfguard or any sergeant? Because Morkai’s Teeth Bolts on a Heavy Intercessor with a 42” range executor bolt rifle is quite nice.


Master crafted Plasma Exterminators not too shabby either.

As far as I can tell thane of the retinue would allow exactly that. Which is awesome because I love morkais teeth But it always seemed like a waste on a master crafter stalker lt.

Wolf Tail Talisman is another Relic that would go nicely on any Pack Leader expecting to drop into the thick of the action. Nerf you enemy's psykers and leave your Characters free to tool up with more hitty items. More situational though I will agree.

Armor of Russ actually got better because it gives a 2+ save in addition to the 4++. I also like that we have three ways to give fights last to opposing units.

For sure. I was actually genuinely concerned it was going to flat out go away.

  • 4 weeks later...

Random question with Thane of the Retinue - is using that strat considered to be an "extra" Relic or do you have to buy the relic on top?


My assumption is the former but Battlescribe is currently telling me I have too many relics!

Random question with Thane of the Retinue - is using that strat considered to be an "extra" Relic or do you have to buy the relic on top?


My assumption is the former but Battlescribe is currently telling me I have too many relics!

BattleScribe gets things wrong quite often


I play it as 1 CP total...just like other marines have in the past


My TO agreed


Run it by whoever you play to confirm

Does the sergeant strat give the relic to the normal pack leader or the wolf guard pack leader?

Anyone with Sgt or pack leader in their profile


Wolf guard pack leaders are eligible.


This means the LF wolf guard terminator pack leader with an assault cannon can be buffed to have 12 BS2 shots with S6 AP1 D2 (signum + Armorium cherub + master crafted)

Veteran intercessors are no longer troops so I think other units are better


What made them good before was obsec + filling the battalion troop tax + combat ability


Rather have bladeguard for similar points with current codex and stratagems

I quite like the idea of dropping in 10 grey hunters in the Pod with WGBL. SS on WGBL and morkai's teeth on the GHPL. re-roll 1's to wound on an important unit could be really clutch IMO and the 9 other bodies could be enough to keep the relic alive for another turn and if not the a moderate amount fire power will be needed to wipe them out 

I think Morkai's teeth is better off on a primaris unit, simply because of transhuman strategem. The heavy intercessor squad might make for a good choice, since they will have a pretty long range, and can possibly be within sight of both midfield objectives.

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