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The use of DW Command Squad

Brother Bahram

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Even non-deathwing?


Could I take a Command Squad, and a Company Master in Jump Pack, and have them act as bodyguards to him, for instance?


'cause that would be a SERIOUSLY good thing. I'd never take my regular DWT squad if not as a Command Squad, again.

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I think you are mixing up the two rule.  They can bodyguard any "Dark Angels Character".  The DW Command Squad does not take up a slot if you have a DW Terminator Captain.


You can take this squad as an Elite choice get the bodyguard Ability and still get the Deathwing Apothecary, Ancient and Champion to take up no slots.

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If I read it correctly you could have
A DW command Squad
a DW apothicary
A DW champion

A DW ancient


all this for the only slot of Belial, so possible up to 9 guys, wounding only on 4+, with all the different boost.
I understand why the whole deathwing range on GW's website is out of stock.

Edited by Raychu
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Not really sure about it... It's a huge point sink. But also frees up elite slots in battalion. So if you're taking DWT squad, why not make it Command squad if you're planning on taking Ancient for example, also, sometimes it's nice to shed some of the points down, taking less than 5 termies. 


But my biggest concern is that you have to pay a lot of CP if you're planning to put termies in tactical reserves. And it's 2-3 turn only. Currently I've used DWT against Tyranids, shredding with them storm bolters. And DWK with Int-chappie (+1S from relic) and Ancient, giving them +2 to charge, re-roll of charge, +1A, and 5+ "FNP" from a relic + additional "Lay low the mighty". Worked well. You can go toe to toe to almost anything and win, also LLTM gave a great boost against Tyranid monsters. 


Sadly, we lost this combo, but I think you can still do pretty nice combo Apoth+Ancient with Relic and Champ for extra punch, with TH+SS dude and TH+SS Sarge for extra durability. Playing Outnumbered but never Outmatched gives +1A and with CP not so scarce in 9th, it's pretty useful. Combined with Full to-hit reroll from Belial.


And you can take Int-Chappie and get SECOND command squad and second trinity of Elite DW :)

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I'd mostly use it as a way to guard my Master once he reaches the front lines. Or to guard the Ancient.


All in all, the cost difference is such that I just see no real reason not to try and upgrade any one squad in your list into a command squad.

Edited by Berzul
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Not really sure about it... It's a huge point sink. But also frees up elite slots in battalion. So if you're taking DWT squad, why not make it Command squad if you're planning on taking Ancient for example, also, sometimes it's nice to shed some of the points down, taking less than 5 termies.


But my biggest concern is that you have to pay a lot of CP if you're planning to put termies in tactical reserves. And it's 2-3 turn only. Currently I've used DWT against Tyranids, shredding with them storm bolters. And DWK with Int-chappie (+1S from relic) and Ancient, giving them +2 to charge, re-roll of charge, +1A, and 5+ "FNP" from a relic + additional "Lay low the mighty". Worked well. You can go toe to toe to almost anything and win, also LLTM gave a great boost against Tyranid monsters.


Sadly, we lost this combo, but I think you can still do pretty nice combo Apoth+Ancient with Relic and Champ for extra punch, with TH+SS dude and TH+SS Sarge for extra durability. Playing Outnumbered but never Outmatched gives +1A and with CP not so scarce in 9th, it's pretty useful. Combined with Full to-hit reroll from Belial.


And you can take Int-Chappie and get SECOND command squad and second trinity of Elite DW :)

Why do you use CP for tactical reserves when they can DS?

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Why do you use CP for tactical reserves when they can DS?


Hey, Maybe my understanding is wrong. I haven't played a lot of games yet. But if you Deep Strike smth, you put it in reinforcements, which you have to pay? 


Hmm. Gonna check the book now :)

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Why do you use CP for tactical reserves when they can DS?


Hey, Maybe my understanding is wrong. I haven't played a lot of games yet. But if you Deep Strike smth, you put it in reinforcements, which you have to pay? 


Hmm. Gonna check the book now :smile.:



The CP for reserves is only for units that don't have a built in ability to deep strike.

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Yeah. For the cost that it takes in comparison with a regular DWT squad, you should definitely be trying to take a Command Squad over a regular Squad, for your first squad.

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imo the first squad of terminators u even consider bringing should be a single command squad, feel free to go from there but the command squad should be first in line beyond dwk's


anyway you will never buy a squad that is more than 5 models to avoid blast weapons so a command squad of 2-5 men is enough as first elite choice

you max up to 5 men if you want the heavy weapon or you keep cheap putting less models into it

so you keep elite slots free for those cheap sniper scout squads that are elite now

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