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Primaris Master w/ plasma pistol & sword in 9th?


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Has anyone heard anything to lead you to believe that in our codex supplement our primaris masters will finally be able to wield plasma pistol and sword? Or will it remain plasma pistol and powerfist only?


The former is THE iconic  Dark Angel Master load out, I felt its a shame that it's denied to our primaris masters :(







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It’s clear from reading C:SM is that a weapons combination is only an option if a GW model exists with it. To have the plasma pistol / power sword load out available to the Dark Angels would require a new model to be released, and this is unlikely to happen - we basically have the Master Lazarus kit to serve as our Primaris Master model.


You could always kitbash one, and if you wanted to play one on the table then I’m sure you could come to a gentleman’s agreement about doing so.

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You can do Fist and Plasma or Fist/Sword with Bolt Carbine, or Sword with Bolt Rifle.


But no Sword with Plasma...


That's dumb


But i am loving my converted vanilla captain with DA sword and trinklets and rifle from Lazarus kit (the PF will be on a assault intercessor sergeant)

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Thanks for the advice brothers!


On a secondary topic, how good or bad do you feel a powerfist is for a Dark Angels Primaris Master? I'm contemplating on keeping it legal and going fist + pistol? Also its sorta different for DA, and oddly enough sometimes being a little different than the norm is something that motivates me lol.

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A sword weilding master is definitely iconic. However, the Primaris Master kit that we have comes with a power fist option as well, so you can do one with that.


The Lazarus kit is a dual kit that also works as a generic Master.


The kits arms are separate, so you could quite easily slice the nub off and use a plasma pistol arm. You may have to slice the bolt pistol off of the intercessor right arm, and glue an assault squad plasma pistol or something to get the loadout, but that shouldn't be very difficult.


I still am disappointed that they did not put a winged helmet that could be worn. That is such an obvious oversight, and it required quite a bit of work for me to sort that out and have the winged primaris helmet on mine.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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A sword weilding master is definitely iconic. However, the Primaris Master kit that we have comes with a power fist option as well, so you can do one with that.


The Lazarus kit is a dual kit that also works as a generic Master.


The kits arms are separate, so you could quite easily slice the nub off and use a plasma pistol arm. You may have to slice the bolt pistol off of the intercessor right arm, and glue an assault squad plasma pistol or something to get the loadout, but that shouldn't be very difficult.


I still am disappointed that they did not put a winged helmet that could be worn. That is such an obvious oversight, and it required quite a bit of work for me to sort that out and have the winged primaris helmet on mine.


Agreed about the winged helm. I picked up two company vet boxes for multiple reasons but one of them was for the helmet wings included on the sprue. I had around 1500 likes on my IG account pic of the Indomitus Bladeguard Master with the helm that comes in the Lazarus box with the company vet wings on it.

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