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  • 1 month later...

Been a hot minute, hasn't it?... 


Safe to say, life kept me pretty occupied for the last few months, but we're back on the ol' grind. This time, we're on an entirely different subject. This is still a bit of a Work in Progress, at the moment. He's largely complete, but I'm having difficulty deciding on what to use for the head. The feet and jump pack were from the old metal Raptors from 4th edition. And, while I'd love to see about the helmet too, my models are all entirely metal and nothing short of buying a dremel is going to get those helmets off the body.


Regardless, I'd really love to know what you guys think!







Well, while a dremel is currently out of the question, I looked around for a couple possible alternative helmets that could work as a decent enough substitute for the raptors. I've ultimately come down to two options.


1. Havoc helmets. Between the two, I feel like these helmets are the most faithful to the original concept of the raptors. While it's still not quite on the mark, there's a sloped look to the top of the helmet and the back ends in a mess of cables, much like the original raptors. Not all of the Chaos Havoc helmets will work properly, but most of them look pretty decent.




1. Forgeworld Khorne Berzerker helmets (sans crest). Okay, these ones are definitely not in line with the original design of the old-school raptors. I will entirely admit that. That being said, I've always been a huge fan of these helmets and I friggin love that the vox grill is just an actual maw full of teeth. Certainly brings to mind the idea of cannibalism as the raptors gorge themselves on the still steaming gore and flesh of their prey.




I'd really like to hear you guy's thoughts. Which do y'all think looks better? Got a recommendation for another helmet that I should look into?

Both are amazing.


A mix in the squad? Raptors lorewise should be some of the most "individual" and fancy/preening Marines.


Consider also that old berserker helmets with bunny ears shaved off have a less warped but still sleek raptor vibe.

While both options look impressive, I’d veer towards the second (FW Khorne) helmet. The Havoc heads are a little more bulky and so maybe feel a bit too large in proportion to the rest of the model?


Also your fluff explanation for the latter heads sounds like it will be better :tu:

Thanks so much for the input so far, gents. As for mixing the helmet types, I feel weirdly inclined to disagree. It's not that I don't disagree with your perspective, but I suppose I've always just sort of looked at raptors having this very specific, sleek design to them that's meant to be different from other Space Marines.


A breed apart, as it were. 


With that in mind, I would personally prefer to keep the helmets, as with the feet and backpacks, within the same general aesthetic to continue along that line of showing the raptors are at least loosely unified, but different from their 'brothers'. 


Like Lycoryphus mused on his order of loyalties...


Raptors First.


Cult Second.


Legion Third.

This project is what I love most about this forum. It’s not just an army build blog, it’s an artistic endeavor that encompasses narrative as well as painting and modeling. Stunning work and the writing in particular is top notch!

You've already used the FW helmets for your old raptors, right? I loved those guys, but the havoc helms look even better. I haven't got that kit, but I imagine the cables needs some gs at the back. Are most of those heads locked into looking to the left?


Edit: seems like I haven't written in this thread before, my bad. I'm very glad that you're doing word bearers again, your old army is amongst my favorite projects on BnC, everything looks great this far,:)

Edited by ElDuderino



Yes, the havoc heads are mostly looking left due to their posing carrying heavy weapons.


Having said that, there are a couple looking straight ahead as well as those ones carry a missile launcher or shoulder mounted lascannon.

  • 3 weeks later...

So, after borrowing a dremel from a friend and several grueling hours later.... 


Time to try my hand at some greenstuff casting. 


Edited by Noctus Cornix

My apologies for the bit of a delay, gents. The past week's been quite hectic, but I've managed to get some time in to sit down and work the Raptors proof of concept. So, I managed to order in some Oyumaru instant-molds, which I was able to use on the Raptor heads. After several trials, the results are relatively inconsistent. It's unfortunate, but the results of those helmets that have been a success are well worth the effort. With only a few small fix ups and a bit of extra greenstuff to make the piping look more natural, this is a completed Raptor. Now to apply some paint.




I honestly cannot express just how thrilled I am with the results. I will be immediately getting to work on painting this guy and building up the others.


Honestly, I would really appreciate some input on a few aspects of the painting. 


So, I'm obviously going to be painting these guys up in Word Bearers colors, but there's a couple things that I'd like a few opinions on.


1. Raptor Cults. I'm a huge fan of the old Raptor Cults lore and I'm really appreciative of the fact that AD-B brought that concept back into the lore. I've got a few ideas mulling around in the back of my skull, but I'd like to have some kind of visual differentiation between the Raptors and the regular Word Bearers, even something as simple as the Bleeding Eyes and their crimson tears. If there's one thing I'm absolutely certain on with their lore, the Raptors will absolutely be taking a page from the old lore and will be known for enslaving Daemonic Furies to their will. That was always a favorite bit of mine, and I intend to make good use of it. I'd certainly be open to opinions, gents!


2. The flames or smoke, whatever it is that's anchoring the airborne raptor to the base... How do you guys think I should paint it? Would you recommend fire? Some kind of warp-flame? Maybe a greyish-black smoke? 



Bless you for your madman’s dedication.

The support is most certainly appreciated. The effort I had to go through just to get those helmets was an absolute nightmare... :wacko.:



Daaaamn that looks so good

Thanks, man! And I'm really glad to see you again! Your kind words from your first post really meant  a lot to me. All the love and support from you guys really is a powerful motivator that keeps me chugging along when I'm sometimes just not feeling the motivation. You guys really are the best thing about this hobby for me. :happy.:

I hear you, getting feedback is essential to keep going! And I'm not gone, just a bit busy with kids and new job and pandemics, minor time thieves:)


About differenting the raptors, I really like the old brass color scheme for raptors. The idea that specialist units have a totally different look appeals to me for some reason. 


And you should totally go ith the fury slave idea! Maybe add glowy magical shackles to the furies, and matching shackles to the raptors? 


Oops, forgot to say something about the actual model. The mold turned out great, i'm super jealous of those! I kinda prefer the angle of the helm from the previous pic though:)

Edited by ElDuderino

I missed the earlier update but tuned in just at the right time for this excellent Raptor!


The helmet sculpt / mold came out really well. I‘d like to order a dozen ;)


I feel you can never really go wrong with a bit of tarnished Brass on Chaos Marines.


Having a bit more diversity by having the different cults a bit deviating in the cult first/ legion second (third?) way is both good from the narrative side IMO and looks ace if you can still tie them in paint job wise to your warband.


Might try a tie in with the original Ashen Circle ... a mix if deep to light grey with a few splashes of red, sigils to tie them to the Dawn? That could rise from a cloud of black smoke? Like a rising dawn thing?


Of course not every Raptor is / was Ashen Circle....

Your established scheme works quite well , maybe with a bit of tweaking to show the raptor cult elements?


I feel the really wierd colours might be held back for Warp Talons to give those a bit of unique effect ..

( I tried basing Warp Talons on and around a flow of transparent resin / water effects resin.To show the sort of Warp Rupture. It looked a bit messy ... as was my Desk afterwards. A more skilled modeller might pull it off, though...)

It communicates in no language of the human tongue,


Nor any cipher that has seen light in this galaxy.


It speaks only in a language of fear,


In the corpse-stench of cadavers that lie still in the dust.


You must taste each word on your tongue,


As decomposing flesh grinds between your teeth.


And you may only know the rapturous gift of It's eternal gaze,


In the eyes of the carrion crow...




An Abortive Godling


In that migraine sea of sentient malice, the Aethyr has birthed each of the divine in mirror to the waking world beyond the dream. To the ignorant of this blinded galaxy, there is only the Four, the Dark Monarchs, princeling divinities the hold dominion over all the sea. 


This is a lie.


The Four are but the highest, the most known aspects of Phaos that still whisper into lucid memory through the thread of reality. They are not the only, nor the oldest. Beyond the Four, those divine princelings who take name from the forgotten Pilgrim-Prophets of Colchis, there is a pantheon of lesser sentience, though no less divine. Like the Four, they were birthed in the dream of Aethyr, wholly formed of the mirror that looks out into the waking world it created. Of the blessed pantheon, none could say how many exist, but their presence is known if one knows where to look.


Seek the whispers of the fire and the caress of its black smoke. For there lies Hashut, the paradoxical father of fire and darkness, the Bull of Brass.


Listen to the cry a man's last breath as he takes his own life. For there lies the nameless malice that knows all hate and self-loathing as it rages against its own kind.


Look to the pinprick of a thorn's touch or the writhing desperation of a man impaled upon a spear. There you will find Ans'l, Mo'rcck, and Phraz-Etar, the three-headed godlings that share one serpent form.


Amidst such divinity, age is meaningless. For they are all of them birthed into eternity itself, ancient even before their birth-cry. 


Yet, there is but one of the divine that has truly never been birthed into the dream, and will there remain eternal in its solitude, singing into the song of eternity like the wail of a child that was never born.


It is without name, for It  has not been born, nor will It ever be. 


It is the fetal echo of an aborted godling, a black sun within the Warp, collapsing in on itself and devouring all  into an eternal shadow. 


It is, in every sense a truly dead god, a child among princes that was, by design, never meant to be born. It is weaved into the thread of reality through the corpse-stink of the dead, the decomposing bodies that lie still in the dust of ten-thousand worlds. It is truest death, and the loss of whatever possible future that may have come in Its stead.


It's only presence is in the flock of carrion crows, a murder of black eyes and a chorus of cawing cries. They feast on the dead, glutting on the decayed meat so likened to Its own eternal presence. They gather and swarm, crying out into the waste of abandoned battlefields and slaughters upon a waking world It will never truly know.


Through their black eyes can It see, one eye in many that stares out into the end of existence.


Across seething time and the expanse of  dreaming sea, there are so few that even believe in this abortive godling's existence. 


And there is but on cult that so fervently wet nurse their fetal divine in the torn flesh and snapped bones of the charnels house dead.


The Carrion Host.







Zha'ilathal Grifaar of the Raptor Cult 'The Carrion Host'

The Murder that follows in the wake of the Grievous Will

Hunting Pack of Zha'enovas Tol'Vaar


Pict-feed taken at the Desecration of Lamiad IV



Hear the cawing of the carrion crows.











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