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Viability of Pure Deathwing


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Alright folks, you knew it was coming. It was inevitable.


Lets talk pure Deathwing.


Or close to it at least, Obsec is going to be a huge problem. We have the durability to drop DWK onto objectives with apothecary/ancient support and just refuse to move. A 10man DWK unit with a 5+++ from the banner and a model back each turn from the apothecary runs a lot of points, but hits like a truck and takes nothing back. We could be the new GK Paladin blobs, but do we have the support elsewhere if we limit ourselves to just Deathwing?


We can run



DW Apoth

DW Ancient w/ relic banner


3 DW Command

10 DWK

10 DWK




Mortis Contemptor w/ twin las and CML

Mortis Contemptor w/ twin las and CML


For about 2k (Literally back of the napkin math on my way home from work, may not be accurate).

Now if only we had the teleport homer like the generic terminators we'd have a pretty mobile force.

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I am curious.... If we take a Master in Terminator Armor, he gains the Deathwing keyword, but does NOT gain Inner Circle, right? Yet he still MUST take a Deathwing Warlord Trait, right?


Because, if not, you could take a Captain in TDA, which makes him Deathwing, yet you could give him the warlord trait that gives him a 6" aura of Objective Secured.

Edited by Berzul
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Correct, the Deathwing Master will not have Inner Circle.


I am not certain pure Deathwing is at its most viable. I think it will be much more viable next year when the book is released.


We will have access to the base Codex terminators squads, and they will be Deathwing as well. So we should access to the teleport homers, if you're willing to trade flexibility of loadout for mobility.

The things that should be pure deathwing/gain inner circle when the book comes out:

  • Deathwing Master
  • Deathwing Ancient
  • Terminator Squad (Codex)
  • Assault terminator squad
  • Bladeguard Ancient
  • Bladeguard veterans

We may see as well some mechanic to promote things like Venerable Dreadnoughts. I also think we will see some new officers for it. The Lieutenant from the indomitus box has a Deathwing transfer allocated to him, so I think we will see Deathwing Lieutenants become an option, hopefully both the new Primaris one (inevitable) and a terminator Lieutenant.

Edited by WrathOfTheLion
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I am curious.... If we take a Master in Terminator Armor, he gains the Deathwing keyword, but does NOT gain Inner Circle, right? Yet he still MUST take a Deathwing Warlord Trait, right?


Because, if not, you could take a Captain in TDA, which makes him Deathwing, yet you could give him the warlord trait that gives him a 6" aura of Objective Secured.

It says "you can", so you can choose where you take your trait from, like all other factions.

That is definately something we'll be doing then, its a huge boost for us to give our terminators obsec.

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With the models I have available, for myself at least, I’m contemplating the following at 2000 points:


Terminator IC: Crozius / storm bolter; Warlord; Master of Maneuver; Adamantine Mantle; Litany of Faith


3 x 10 Deathwing Terminator squads: Sergeants with hammers and shields; two assault cannons each


3 x 5 Deathwing Terminator squads: Sergeants with swords and storm bolters; one CML with fist and storm bolter each


The three 5-man squads footslog with the Chaplain and start on the board. The three 10-man squads deep strike onto objectives and stay put. No idea if this will work but it should be at least fun to use 46 Terminator models on the board.

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We can have 2 sources of ObSec auras via warlord traits, and I think one or both of those in your list is a good idea.

2? Just the one warlord trait that gives obsec, we cant double up on it with the strat, it has to be unique traits.

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