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will erase those pesky Custodes and Harlequins armies in one round


++ Battalion Detachment 0CP (Chaos - Death Guard) [97 PL, 4CP, 1,999pts] ++

+ Configuration +

Battle Size [12CP]: 3. Strike Force (101-200 Total PL / 1001-2000 Points)

Detachment CP

Plague Company: The Poxmongers


+ HQ +

Chaos Lord with Jump Pack [Legends] [6 PL, 103pts]: 1. Revoltingly Resilient, Ironclot Furnace, 2x Lightning Claw, Warlord

Necrosius the Undying [7 PL, -1CP, 135pts]: 1. Miasma of Pestilence, 3. Tainted Regeneration, 5. Putrescent Vitality, Plaguechosen


+ Troops +

Poxwalkers [6 PL, 105pts]
. 15x Poxwalker: 15x Improvised weapon

Poxwalkers [6 PL, 98pts]
. 14x Poxwalker: 14x Improvised weapon

Poxwalkers [6 PL, 98pts]
. 14x Poxwalker: 14x Improvised weapon


+ Elites +

Chaos Decimator [10 PL, -1CP, 220pts]: Contaminated Monstrosity, 2x Soulburner petard

Chaos Decimator [10 PL, -1CP, 220pts]: Contaminated Monstrosity, 2x Soulburner petard

Chaos Decimator [10 PL, -1CP, 220pts]: Contaminated Monstrosity, 2x Soulburner petard


+ Heavy Support +

Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought [18 PL, -2CP, 400pts]: Contaminated Monstrosity, 2x Hellflamer, 2x Soulburner ribaudkin

Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought [18 PL, -2CP, 400pts]: Contaminated Monstrosity, 2x Hellflamer, 2x Soulburner ribaudkin

++ Total: [97 PL, 4CP, 1,999pts] ++


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