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Fire and Faith + Grey Knights +

Angry Banana

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Hi all,


A few years ago I read the Uriel Ventris novels and was blown away by the description of the awesomeness that was the grey knights that was painted therin.


When i saw the models I though.. nah.


With the stormcast eternals released I embarked on a stupidly (then) costly mission to kitbash some grey knight terminators as I imagined them.


I purposely didn't buy the codex for the reason that I didn't want the enthusiasm or the creativity blunted by rules and wysiwyg.


I need to paint these up if nothing else, and revisit this little squad. Although I can see me redoing all the greenstuff.

I never want to revisit the cost of these again!



Brother Tul' Dup











Brother Angabout






Thou shalt not pass






Brother Wantsom Doyer




Edited by Angry Banana
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