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Hey Guys


So coming back to hobby I'm trying to jump around a lot more, not worried about collecting armies can play around with a character or kill squad from various armies.


So finished with my Red Corsairs for time being and onto something new.... thought may as well make a consolidated thread rather than a new on each time.


So beginning work on some Mortifactors, don't know a great deal about them (except SKULLS), but enjoyed their cameo in that one Ultramarine book.  Going slightly off piste with my take, but you'll have to wait a bit longer, while I have my first box of primaris (and loads of skulls) still waiting on greenstuff and couple other bitz in post...


But I painted up this guy last night to practice the scheme... Let me know what you think.





Edited by the_balloon_dog
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Suitably gritty :thumbsup:



Great weathering look on the greaves!



Damn he looks like he just walked out of a sewer... He's perfect!



immense work there - well done 


really added texture and grit to the bone white 



Cheers Guys....  Well if anything he's even dirtier now, had bit more of a play round with colours, felt the armour and feathers both being black highlighting towards purple mushed them together a bit, so took the armour towards blue instead.


What you think? 




Got my first character finished also, Captain Shango.  For the next post ;-)



Edit - wow image moved from google photos to imgbb, and we have some major artifacts...hey ho.. 

Edited by the_balloon_dog

The Thunderstone will drop Shango and his brothers at the heart of the enemy formation where he will send many to the Crossroads.

Formally of another name, but now claimed fully by Shango Bade. He was the one to lift the axe following the ending of Shangos previous during the 3rd war for Armageddon.

Within the Mortifactor inner circle he is considered to be one of the most powerful Captains the Loa has ever produced, and is noted for his anger as are all of his name.

- For Bondye on Earth, him Damballa our Sky Father, and the Imperium Below -




First of my minis, for my Mortifactors Command, the inner circle or 'The Loa' hold closely to the beliefs of their homeworld, with it folding into their standing as part of the Imperium of Man and as Space Marines.  Based somewhat loosely on a mix of Vodou and the earlier African Religions such as Yoruba
The idea is that much like in voodoo ceremonies where people allow themselves to be 'visited' by spirits of Loa, the Command of the Mortifactors give themselves over to the 'spirits' or the character traits at least of the Pantheon.
this guy is Shango, or Bade as per Wikipedia 
Shango (Yoruba languageṢàngó, also known as Changó or Xangô in Latin America; and as Jakuta or Badé) is an Orisha, a type of spirit in Yoruba religion. Genealogically speaking, Shango is a royal ancestor of the Yoruba as he was the third Alaafin of the Oyo Kingdom prior to his posthumous deification. Shango has numerous manifestations, including Airá, Agodo, Afonja, Lubé, and Obomin.[1][2] He is known for his powerful axe. He is considered to be one of the most powerful rulers that Yorubaland has ever produced, and is noted for his anger.
So yeah got a whole pantheon to play with including a couple better know deities' to come, but as noted they straying a bit from what we know about the mortifactors but , whatever they my minis :-P
Pretty happy how the Kitbash turned out and painting while rough conveys what I wanted.

What you think?

what I would say is that as applies the first Marine , I actually preferred the former to the latter ; although that's probably my subjective preferences around the bronze vs verdigris , a bit of a cleaner look, and as you say, the image-artefacts messing with detail. Although I do definitely see - and agree with - what you had said around the feathers on the shoulder pad being quite close to the black of the pad, to the point htat probably due to the lighting in that first image, it looked almost as if an inky, oily extension of darkness was tendrilling its way thereof. Which is not bad - but i can see why you went with the different colouration as a consequent result. The slight metallic highlight on the helm is a good touch . 

Now in terms of the character ... first, great conversion-work there , and good use of bitz. Second, good conceptualization, characterization, etc. in your fluff reasoning [always good to see historic elements integrated in sch a manner] ; and third, I now see more clearly what you were going for with the repaint of that first Marine, as applies the weathering, metallic patinas, etc. .

Well done in both cases , either way - looking forward to seeing more. 

what I would say is that as applies the first Marine , I actually preferred the former to the latter ; although that's probably my subjective preferences around the bronze vs verdigris , a bit of a cleaner look, and as you say, the image-artefacts messing with detail. Although I do definitely see - and agree with - what you had said around the feathers on the shoulder pad being quite close to the black of the pad, to the point htat probably due to the lighting in that first image, it looked almost as if an inky, oily extension of darkness was tendrilling its way thereof. Which is not bad - but i can see why you went with the different colouration as a consequent result. The slight metallic highlight on the helm is a good touch . 


Now in terms of the character ... first, great conversion-work there , and good use of bitz. Second, good conceptualization, characterization, etc. in your fluff reasoning [always good to see historic elements integrated in sch a manner] ; and third, I now see more clearly what you were going for with the repaint of that first Marine, as applies the weathering, metallic patinas, etc. .


Well done in both cases , either way - looking forward to seeing more.

something true there ;-) I had just bought the Oxide paint that day, and was certainly bit over eager on that first model... and choosing to use it much more selectivly on the guys going forward, a really useful tool, but something need to be careful with.






Both of these guys look awesome. Really great job!



Man those are some really unique and cool looking Morties! Can’t wait to see the rest and a real inspiration!



Shango looks great! I commend your efforts in modeling, customizing, painting, detailing, and weathering.

Cheers guys... unfortunately couple days break before can get stuck into more characters, need some more assault weapon arms for character models, and the assault intessesor sprues of ebay not here till Thursday :-S


Might make up another couple troopers in the meantime...

Well after a long wait for assault sprue and green stuff delivery am powering through some more characters, and have couple more troopers on go as well...


Here's WIP of Chief Librarian, and Chapter Master.... Still some smoothing of GS to do... but will be rough as still learning...


but yeah


what you think?






Very cool stuff!




Excellent! I really dig the librarian and chapter master. Looking forward to see what you come up with next.


Got a few more bubbling about, should have about 10 models altogether, some troopers and the command section...and not long tpo wait till next one, see below :-)


Great use of bits and love the dark grisly almost horror vibe going on.

Cheers, yeah like I mentioned its expensive at moment, just starting back up have so have NO bits box... So having to source and buy everything to order, got some bitz seperatly which aint cheap, and also ravaged almost whole box of corvus cabal warcry... :-S but theres bits left and the box is looking more healthy for the next project :-)

** Kalfou prised the the cap off the Bolter shell and poured the chemical accelerant into his flask of dark almost treacle like Posul Rhum.

While he had a great responsibility to the current crusade and a great power in gleaning the thoughts of the dead from their flesh, the next part was never pleasant and the drink would help remove the taste. Removing his skull Visaged helmet inscribed with the names of those to be worn by Kalfou before him he mentally prepared himself for this new battle reciting a Prayer to Bondye the Emperor on Earth to Protect him when he opened his mind to that beyond.


Ceremonial dagger in one hand and drink in the other he left his makeshift chamber and walked across the courtyard of the Arbite Precinct that was their latest Base of Operations to the Blackened and unmarked container by the back wall. Entering through the airlock he heard a low chanting overpowered by an unnerving sound at the same time quiet and loud, a low hum and a nerve shredding shriek. When the Inner lock door cycled open an otherworldly but now all too familiar sight greeted his eyes, Four of his brother Librarians stood at the cardinal points, their psychically attuned weapons pinned another being to the dark slab in the centre of the space. This creature the source of the unnatural sound made Kalfou's eyes water just to look at, constantly changing in shape and colour, first a startling pink, now a sickly blue. Kalfou grimaced and made the sign of the Aquilla. Placing his drink within easy reach he circled the creature till he was standing at what could charitably be called its head.


Raising the Ceremonial knife he channelled his will into its blade and began to cut. **







Chief Librarian for my Mortifactors, while the mortifactors commonly practice the eating of foes after battle, take a special person to consume and understand the barrange or vision and emotions from consuming parts of Daemons. Lucky Guy :-)


Inspiration for this guy again from Haitian Vodou, Kalfu who among his patronages includes Destruction and sorcery:

As per Wikipedia :


Kalfu, Kalfou, Kafou, or Carrefour (literally crossroads - see crossroads in mythology)

is one of the petro aspects of the spirit Papa Legba in Haitian Vodou.

He is often envisioned as a young man or as a demon; his color is red

and he favors rum infused with gunpowder. He is often syncretized with



Let me know your thoughts...



  • 1 month later...

Different but cool choice for red on your chief Libby. Great back story too! Eating a Demon gonna be some bad mojo dreams for sure!!


Yeah different, but fitted with the inspiration... 


I like the dirty look.


Yeah, going all Blanchitzu a god send for me, spent my younger years trying and failing to emulate Eavy Metal... and I'm just not neat enough... turn my slap dash approach into a strength ;-)


Excellent work on Chief Librarian Kalfou.


Cheers Bjorn....



Wow, its been a month since last posted an update.... well got few bits done... but life just been super busy, so only 4 models in 4 weeks.... not brilliant :-) 



Firstly got another three of my Veteran bodyguard, each of the characters I'm building gonna have a couple minions with them, just to round out the display board I'll make at the end to finish off....






and then onto the new Leader of the Chapter, lucky for me (though haven't read it) there was a story recently where Magyar the named chapter master was killed I believe? well either way, that's not whose leading my Chapter.... 


This is Ogun, and his little friend.  (haven't done any colour txt for this guy yet... will have to do something before I get this project finished) 









as usual C& C most welcome....

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